The most dangerous thing Trump said during second debate
Trump came out at the same time as Clinton. In all honesty he looked like warmed over paste. He was pale and judging by his sniffling, Trump might have a cold. How human. Unlike his usual self, Trump did not look relaxed. He looked, justifiably so in my opinion, very angry.
Something else that I believe greatly affected that vile creature. Prior to the actual debate, Trump called a news conference and played the disgraced media. Again.
Donald Trump Appears with Clintons’ Alleged Victims Ahead of Debate
Bob Schieffer: Rape Accusers Had ‘Some Relationship’ with Bill Clinton
Trump launches rape bomb on Hillary at debate
Those women were in the audience which had to have irked Clinton to no end. Clinton had to carry on knowing those four women were in the audience watching her every move. Billy Clinton had to sit there like an elephant on a telephone pole.
Her serial cheating husband and rapist has been dogged across the country at speaking engagements with people holding up signs that say Clinton is a rapist. Of course, being Slick Willy, the former president just brushes it off as if the charges are no more serious than not having enough butter on his toast.
As most everyone has written or remarked on the boob tube or radio, the first 30 minutes were tense. So tense you could slice the air with a butter knife. Trump apologized again for his foul language during that 11-year old conversation with Billy Bush, who by the way has now been indefinitely suspended by NBC. Trump also, at least to me, was doing a lot of thinking while walking around at the beginning while Hillary blathered on and when the moment came he pounced on her lies and incompetence.
As others have pointed out, Clinton didn’t so much as flinch where most people try to bat flies away. Then again, if one is doped up they might not have felt it. The criminal impostor in the White House’s face over the years has been a frequent landing strip for flies.
Trump went after Clinton for, as he put it, bleaching her email servers. Comey and co-conspirators covered up her crimes:
• Immunity deals stopped FBI from investigating BleachBit use in Clinton email case
• Republicans blast FBI for ‘astonishing’ agreement to destroy Clinton aides’ laptops
• FBI files reveal missing email ‘boxes’ in Clinton case, allegations of evidence tampering
• Arms dealer who threatened to reveal Clinton’s Libya dealings rips DOJ for ‘injustice’
full transcript is here.
Trump: I’ll Have Special Prosecutor For Clinton Email, ‘You’d Be In Jail’). That is a very dangerous thing for him to say. While it is the truth, the Clinton’s play to the death, literally. Trump has been wearing a bullet proof vest since July 2015 for a reason. His life is in danger every time he steps out of Trump Towers. Trump humiliated Clinton last night badly in front of the whole world.
Hillary Clinton will take us into WWIII make no mistake about that. She is an incompetent buffoon who is a legend in her own mind. Her comments about Putin and Trump are completely false. One thing that is true: Neither Trump or Putin want their countries sucked into a one world order under global domination. Liar Liar Pants On Fire Hillary Song Buzz Feed poll today as I write this: Who won the debate? Links: WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another Bombshell Taking Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now. Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.] Perfect For Christmas
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5 – If you think Donald Trump’s comments are vulgar, check out Hillary’s potty mouth
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9 – House Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP Chairman Rence Priebus aware that the Billy Bush audio tape was coming weeks ago