The next women’s march is co-organized by an islamic terrorist

Peaceful dissent and protest is a hallmark of American freedom.  Rioting, destroying business, and attacking people who disagree with you are hallmarks of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Communist China, North Korea…  If you are either too stupid to understand that or you actually embrace this approach, then you are not American.  Not even close.  J. D. Pendry

J.D. Pendry is absolutely spot on, and the filthy tirades by the so-called Hollywood elite in the first women’s march, demanding more dead babies, was enough to show grassroots Americans that those women are demonically possessed.  And yes, the initial women’s march was co-organized by a pro-Palestinian Islamic woman named Linda Sarsour.  The photo of her picture on a van, is from the first march.

The foolish women attending these marches cannot see that it behooves Islamics to promote American women to kill their unborn babies.  Why?  Because the typical Islamic family produces 6.2 children and this is how they take over nation states, by sheer numbers. American women have two children per family, sometimes less, sometimes none, and barely replace themselves.  The American women involved in this are being played by Islamists for the takeover of the western world, and they’re too stupid to even see it.

The Truth from Oriana Fallaci

Italian journalist, Oriana Fallaci, had the chutzpah to tell the truth about Islam. She did it quite well in her little book, The Rage and the Pride. To read it is to understand the destruction of Europe.  Oriana warned America that the same would happen to us. She had death threats from Islamists, over and over again, but she stood for the truth.

To paraphrase this wonderful brave woman, she said of Islam,

First, they immigrate, then they breed like rats, then they use the laws of the country they’re infiltrating to gain special accommodations for their religious views. Then, when there are enough of them, they disrupt the normal lives of the country’s people, and then the so-called ‘moderates’ join in. And pretty soon, the country is lost.

No, not all Islamists are like this, but a large majority are, and they want to dominate the world. Islam is not a religion, nor is it peaceful, and they do not worship the same God as Judeo-Christians. Islam is found in the Koran, Sira, and Hadith, and it is involved in these Women’s Marches, both the first one, and now the second one.

Convicted Terrorist Organizes March

Notice the garbage left by the first march, unlike when pro-lifers march on D.C., and there is nothing to empty except garbage cans.  These women are destructive, and this is shown explicitly by those who are organizing these militant marches.  Like J.D. Pendry said, “they are not Americans.”   A manifesto published in The Guardian on 6 February 17, states this very fact…a “new wave of militant feminist struggle.”  Struggle to kill their unborn babies, the very children who have different DNA and who are growing inside the mother’s body? Is that their struggle?  That baby is not part of her body, it is a totally different human being, but they would rather kill the child than allow it life, because their lives center around their own self-identity and nothing else.

“Militant” feminist struggle somehow seems appropriate, considering one of these so-called feminists is Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a former “Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine” (PFLP) terrorist who was sentenced to life in prison in Israel in 1970 for her involvement in two terrorist bombings in Jerusalem in 1969.  One of the bombings killed two students while they were shopping for groceries (both males) – but Odeh only spent 10 years in prison before being released in a prisoner exchange with the PFLP in 1980.

How Odeh managed to become a US citizen in 2004 without proper vetting is beyond most Americans, and this is what our President wants to stop.  Apparently, the INS never bothered to check even google, or they’d have found she was a convicted terrorist.

In 2014, she was convicted of immigration fraud for the lies she told to enter this country, mainly for concealing her arrest, conviction, and imprisonment for the 1969 bombings. However, she won the right to a new trial this coming spring, by claiming she had been suffering from PTSD at the time she lied on her application. Oh, and in her time as a citizen, she worked for a while as an Obamacare navigator.  She also served as associate director at the Arab American Action Network in Chicago, Illinois.  Odeh’s history is a perfect reason she never should have been allowed in our country.

Americans need to understand that our own government has worked against the citizens to implement the new world order and globalism.  This is why the hatred of Donald Trump is so vitriolic.  He is not a globalist.  He has promised to keep these barbaric savages from infiltrating and destroying our beloved country.

This is why we need our President’s Executive Order stopping potential Islamic terrorists from coming into the United States.  The danger to American citizens has been exposed time and again, and the rotten leftist appointed judiciary is fighting the man who wants to protect us!

Odeh’s Manifesto Document

Rasmea Yousef Odeh, actually co-authored this Manifesto document with Communist Angela Davis, and Maoist Tithi Bhattacharya.  The left believes this Islamist woman is a hero, despite her murdering past and imprisonment.

Angela Davis and Communism

Angela Davis is a Stalinist professor and longtime supporter of the Black Panthers who blocked voting districts in 2008 in order to elect Obama. My cousin lived in Philadelphia at the time and actually emailed me about what was happening.  And Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, actually dropped the case against them.

Davis is best known for being acquitted in a 1972 trial after three guns she bought were used in a courtroom shootout that resulted in the death of a judge. She celebrated by going to Cuba.  In the 70s, when my family and I lived in Moline, Illinois, we attended a church, the denomination of which I was raised in…and they had a meeting after the service on Sunday morning.  After this meeting, I never stepped foot in this church again, because I found that monies we donated to this church, which were going to the Synod, were funding Communist Angela Davis.

Maoisist Tithi Bhattacharya

A third co-author, Tithi Bhattacharya, praised Maoism in an essay for the International Socialist Review, noting that Maoists are “on the terrorist list of the US State Department, Canada, and the European Union.”  Maoism is a political philosophy which builds upon both Marxism and Leninism.  Just lovely, and totally anathema to the founding of our beloved country based on freedom and liberty.

These women think this is an international grass-roots affair, and they are promising more information on how to participate in protests throughout our country, all of which are financed and promoted by George Soros and Barack Hussein Obama’s Indivisible movement.  They are actually urging women to walk off their jobs and join a demonstration near them to promote the murder of unborn babies, and hatred of our new President.

This group of Islamic and communist leftists wants women to spend their day blocking roads, bridges, and squares and abstaining from any domestic care and sexual relations with their spouses, and boycotting any pro-Trump businesses.  They also want everyone to wear red in solidarity.

Violence, Not Peaceful Demonstrations

The hostility and belligerence of the manifesto and its call for a “militant” uprising is yet another indicator that liberals are increasingly willing to justify violence in the name of opposing Trump. After the Berkeley campus erupted in flames and violence to protest the planned appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos, many socialist activists took to Twitter to cheer them on.  Hollywood stars Debra Messing and Sarah Silverman both tweeted their support, with Messing saying, “Resistance works,” and Silverman ranting, “Wake up and join the resistance.  Once the military is with us, fascists get overthrown.  Mad king and his handlers go bye-bye.”

The insanity is that they don’t realize they are the fascists…not our new President.

The organizers of this second march believe that it is okay to punch people in the face if you hate them.  And now, Trump supporters are not the only targets, these protestors are even angry at liberal democrats, allegedly because they too are “linked to the corporate capitalist structure,” according to Angela Davis.


In our President’s first message to the joint session of Congress, he said, “Our obligation is to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. We are also taking strong measures to protect our nation from radical Islamic terrorism.”  Rasmea Yousef Odeh is a radical Islamic terrorist, and she is one of the organizers of this latest women’s march.

The rage at losing their globalist socialist new world order candidate has made them vicious, sadistic and cold blooded, and their fanatical pro-abortion stances are seen as demonic in nature.  The filth they spewed at the last march was repulsive and abhorrent.  They lacked the female refinement of good manners and good taste, and dove headfirst into the sewers of vulgar and offensive obscenities.  Please pray for them.

Trump supporters want to keep our sovereign nation, our faith in God, our freedoms and liberties.  We want borders that protect our citizens, jobs that pay enough to raise our families, free market healthcare, and lower taxes, and those are just a few reasons why we elected Donald J. Trump as our President.

Pray for him, hold his feet to the fire, and tweet to him how you feel.  He is a man chosen by God, and it is our prayers that will give him the wisdom to lead our country.