The Persecution of Innocent American Christians
By Coach Dave Daubenmire
February 6, 2025
When I was a teenager, I vividly remember stories of Christians being persecuted in foreign countries. At the time I wasn’t a Christian but just knew that it wasn’t right the way that Christians were being treated in other nations.
I never thought it would happen in America.
Well…it is here. Merrick Garland and the Biden Injustice system put a target on the chests of Christians and set their sights on filling up the jails with God-fearing men and women.
That’s the Truth. You don’t have to believe me. Stick your head under your church pew, draw the shades on the windows, and be careful not to say anything that might challenge the Luciferian/Socialists in Washington, DC.
Some of you may want to quit reading right here. The Bible tells us that “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” In other words, if you do not have the Holy Spirit you CANNOT understand Spiritual things. It’s not your fault. The Holy Spirit is the software of the things of God. Without It, Spiritual things seem foolish to you.
Do you remember the old days of computers when you had to have a floppy disk for data downloading? Well, the Holy Spirit is the software that makes the world make sense. That’s why so many “conservatives” are easy to fool. They operate in this world with natural eyes. It is the eyes of the Spirit that makes the data make sense. Conservatism is pretend salt. It is a cheap imitation of REAL Christianity.
We are in a SPRITUAL war that manifests in the NATURAL realm. Without Spiritual eyes, none of what is going on in the material world will make sense.
(Some of you understand those last two paragraphs. Some of you think it is foolishness.)
On his first 48 hours in office President Trump pardoned two groups of Christians who have been held in jail by the Satanic Biden administration. One group was known as the J6ers and the other group was known as the Tennessee 10. The first group was incarcerated unjustly for trying to save America from the Luciferians in Washington while the other group was locked up for trying to rescue pre-born children.
Many were PERSONAL friends of mine…meaning I KNEW and spent time with most of them. The Chief Luciferian Merrick Garland set his sights on locking up every Christian that he could by weaponizing the American INJUSTICE system against them. In fact, for the past three years many of us who attended J6 wondered if we were going to be the next ones handcuffed and drug off by a pre-dawn FB-LIE raid.
(Do you have the Spiritual eyes to see the battle that has been going on.) BLM and ANTIFA could burn and pillage American cities with no consequence, but Mom and Pop Christian were thrown into the Gulag…
President Donald Trump commuted their sentences. Merrick Garland and his hounds of hell in the Injustice System were finally shown the door.
But the saddest part of the whole story is that church-going Christians believed the lying propaganda spewed out of DC that these peaceful Christians were “terrorists,” insurrectionists,” and “cop killers.” The same government that told you to wear a mask, take a jab, and work from home is the same government that told you lies about the J6ers and Baby-rescuers. Most churches believe the lies. They couldn’t understand the war for America was Spiritual and that the FATHER OF LIES and his minions were running the show.
Thank God they are all home. America loving patriots locked up for years…most without a trial. How do they go about rebuilding their lives?
I would like to leave you with two stories. The link below will give you the story of 89-year-old holocaust survivor Eva Edl who was one of the Tennessee 10 charged with peacefully attempting to rescue pre-born babies. Watch her story here. She was prepared TO DIE IN PRISON.
My wife and I attended the J6 rally in DC. Millions of us did. Several of my friends were hunted down and locked up. One of those was my Pastor/friend Bill Dunfee who served 4 months in prison for his part in the “insurrection.” He was sentenced to 36 months. He was not given a fair trial. He never violated any law. He never threatened nor harmed anyone. One of the Luciferians’ chief witnesses lied about Pastor Bill to save his own hide. Hundreds of men were locked up WITHOUT A TRIAL…while most pulpits in America rang silent content to believe the lies of the Luciferian Injustice system and their demons in the MSM.
Here is a recent interview that I did with Pastor Dunfee. You should take the time to watch it. Please share it with your friends. He never went into the Capitol. They made up evidence through selective editing of videos. Watch the LIES the media said about him. They hid exculpatory evidence. He spent over $120,000 on a fake defense.
He was treated worse than those Christians I watched on TV as a teenager. He is finally home with his wife Connie…. trying to restart his mid-western life as a well-respected home builder.
Shame on the rest of us. Those of you who believed the Luciferian propagandized media and today still think it was an “armed insurrection” when not one patriot was charged with a gun violation. Their weapons were American flags, MAGA flags, and Bibles.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
We have a short window of opportunity to restore TRUTH in our government. These are the times that try mens’ souls. Are you up for the battle? First they came for the Christians…
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