The rot inside the Dept. of Homeland Security

We have been invaded and continue to be invaded no different than if it were foreign troops. Illegal aliens from all over the world continue to flood across our southern border while the gutless cowards in Congress have done virtually nothing for decades.

Instead of a legitimate president calling up U.S. troops and putting them all across the four border states, the criminal impostor squatting in the White House has made sure the border stays porous while Americans continue to be murdered, raped or robbed by criminal illegals. 

The murder of fewer than 20 Americans at Columbus caused President Woodrow Wilson to call out the entire U.S. Army and the entire National Guard. To put that in perspective, President Wilson put more National Guardsmen along the US / Mexico border than we have troops of every type in Iraq today. He then backed them up with the entire U.S. Army.”

Mexican man charged with rape in Kansas had 19 deportations, removals from U.S., December 30, 2016

Jeh Johnson, the latest pimp to head DHS is just as rotten and corrupt as his boss, Barry Soetoro aka Obama. Thankfully his anti-America backside will soon be gone. THIS is his legacy along with Obama and the U.S. Congress: 39,456 Americans were murdered by illegal aliens in 2016. Illegal aliens have murdered more than 67,092 people inside the USA since 9/11. 94% of the same incumbents reelected in November will shortly be sworn back into office. The same 94% who have allowed this to continue along with activist judges allowed to remain on the bench.

Despite the best efforts of Dr. Edwin Vieira, yours truly and really a small number of those who get it, efforts to reconstitute the constitutional militia in our states to plug the holes in border enforcement has gone no where. Just like Congress, the same gutless cowards keep getting reelected to the state capitols who do nothing but put more Band Aids on a patient hemorrhaging to death on the operating table.

Mexican pirates vs. constitutional militia, May 24, 2010

The Enemy Within: Bribes Bore a Hole in the U.S. Border

Going back to the article above:

“Corrupt C.B.P. law enforcement personnel pose a national security threat,” a Department of Homeland Security report released in May concluded. The report also revealed numerous problems with efforts to root out corruption among Border Patrol and customs agents. The report said the “true levels of corruption within C.B.P. are not known. ”

Instead of wasting $66 BILLION BORROWED dollars last year on the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education, that money would have gone a long way in fighting the illegals invasion and rooting out corrupt employees in DHS, including sadly, a small number in the U.S. Border Patrol who really do a great job despite being hamstrung by Jeh Johnson and the dirty traitor currently sitting in the White House.

Link: Has DHS Opened Your Mail Yet? They Did Mine -That would be me

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