The Simplicity and Purity of Devotion to Christ

By Reverend Glenn Adams

March 31, 2024

“But I am afraid lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3)

In America today, most of the people who attend our denominational and mega church religious systems are being led astray from the ways of Jesus Christ by deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.  In addition, our religious systems are still being defined by Constantine in the Third Century.  He corrupted Christianity with his changes and we are still practicing many of his traditions today. We are in big spiritual trouble in this nation and if we ever hope to have a move of God in our nation, we have to make significant change back to the ways of Christ!!!

When Satan deceived Adam and Eve in the garden so much changed in this world.  This whole world system we are born into is now controlled by Satan and the powers of darkness.  When we are born into this world we have the nature of Satan.  This whole unredeemed world acts, walks, and talks like Satan and his world system of darkness.  Unredeemed man lives for the pleasures of this world system to satisfy his flesh nature by what he sees, hears, taste, smell, and feel.  “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air or the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.  Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature children of wrath.” (Ephesians 2:1-3)

But God because He loves us, made us alive in Christ!!!  So now if you have been redeemed, we are to be conformed to His image and now we walk, talk, and act like Jesus in our lives.  “For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises that you might become partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.” (2 Peter 1:4)   When we live in God’s divine nature, this gives us power over Satan to escape the corruption of this world and we don’t walk in the ways of this world system anymore.  Now that is good news if we obey God!!!!!

The Bible says there is one God, one church, one LORD, one gospel, one Spirit, one Jesus, one Bible, and one Way.  So why is Christianity in America so diced up and different from the Word of God and the church Jesus built in the First Century?  We now have so many different versions of Christianity with the latest – Progressive Christianity.  This version is you pick and choose what you want to believe in the Bible that doesn’t offend your flesh and ignore the rest of the Bible.  Can I tell you that if you make Jesus your LORD and you obey Him only, the Word of God will not offend you if you are willing to repent when you see anything in your life that is contrary to the Word of God.

Why has our nation moved from a Christian World View to a Marxists World View?  How did we get to the point that we elected a Marxist/Communists President for two terms in this once righteous nation and he is still influencing the White House to this day including his top advisor, Susan Rice.   Not to mention our current Presidente.  We need to have a serious conversation as to why all this is happening in our nation.   All this is pure evil and we should have been resisting it for years now!!   But we are asleep!!

Is the reason why we have so much falling-away from God and so much corruption and chaos in the Body of Christ and nation is because too many of our pastors have not been preaching the whole council of God?   When you only preach part of the Bible and ignore the culture and what Satan and the powers of darkness are doing in our nation, that is unbelief.   Satan and his powers of darkness are part of the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached.  How can you ignore an enemy who can kill and destroy you, deceive you, take advantage of you, make you believe a lie, come as an angel of light, steal the Word from your heart, and we ignore this part of the Bible?  We completely ignore what Jesus says about unity in the Body of Christ.  We ignore that part of the Bible that tells us to die to our old flesh nature, how to renew our mind, and how Satan can affect the life of a Christian.

Some pastors actually teach that Satan and his demons can’t bother the Christian.  This is unbelief and it is not what Jesus taught in the Kingdom of God gospel.  Jesus said we are to live by EVERY word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.  The Bible is the Word of God but some Christians are deceived into believing we can also live the Christian life and ignore studying and reading the Word of God.  It is said today that less than 14% of Christians read the Word on a daily basis.

You can’t know God, you can’t learn how you make Jesus LORD in your life, how to walk and live in the Kingdom of God, how to renew your mind and be conformed to Jesus, who you are in Christ and how to avoid the pitfalls of this world system,  you can’t know your enemies, how the enemy gains ground in your life, how to deal with the powers of darkness and resist Satan,  how to take thoughts captive,  you can’t understand the judgment of God or the law of God, you can’t learn how to fight this spiritual war we are in every day of our Christian life, in short, you can’t live the Christian life unless you are in a personal relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ and in His Word, reading, studying, mediating, and obeying His Word!!!  You can’t walk in peace and safety of Jesus if you don’t learn how to die to your flesh, renew your mind, take thoughts captive, resist Satan and his powers of darkness, using the mighty weapons of God as listed in Ephesians 6 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

Many pastors are teaching a form of godliness which is not God’s Godliness.  They teach us a form of godliness which does not include repentance or dying to your old flesh nature. They have their own righteousness -what is right in their own eyes and is opposite of God’s righteousness – what is right in God’s eyes.  There is no such thing as a Baptist, Pentecostal, or Catholic righteousness.  If a pastor is not equipping you for ministry, he is not doing his job. (Ephesians 4:11-15)

A person who has a form of godliness is not saved by the blood, they don’t make Jesus LORD, and they don’t need the Word of God or the Holy Spirit because they have their religion all worked out on their own.   They live to satisfy their fleshly desires and they walk, talk, and act like the world.  They never change but attend church for years staying the same person year after year. They don’t believe there are consequences in disobeying God, not resisting Satan, and ignoring part of the Word of God!!!  They ignore the judgment of God.

So, we have some serious decisions to make in our religious systems.  Throughout history, God has always wanted a people He could call His own that would represent Him on this earth.  He gave the first five Books of the Bible to set forth laws, precepts, commandments, and principals on how His people were to live in the wilderness.  He set up types and shadows in the building of the Temple and in the Feasts to reflect His Son- the Coming Messiah.  But over time, man begin to run things in the Name of God and a religious system evolved.  By the time of the birth of Jesus, the Temple religious system had become so corrupt by the Scribes, Sadducees, and Pharisees, it could not recognize the time of their visitation of the Messiah – Jesus Christ!!!!!  The New Wine had arrived but the religious leaders would not recognize Him.

While Jesus was on this earth, He ministered to all the people even those religious leaders of the corrupt Temple System.  But Jesus made it perfectly clear that you cannot take His New Wine and put it in old wineskin religious systems.  “Nor do men put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wineskins burst and the wine pours out, and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.” (Matthew 9:17)

Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 4:17)   The Kingdom of God Message and the Kingdom of God Conduct that Jesus exhibited and lived out for His disciples would be the fulfillment of the Old and is the new wine of God.  If you wanted to live and function in the New System – the Kingdom of God – that has its roots that begin in Genesis, you must empty yourself of the old religious systems of man.   Jesus went to the Cross, ascended to heaven, and sent back the Holy Spirit to guide men.  This system worked perfectly by Christ’s disciples up until the middle of the Third Century when Constantine instituted His traditions of men.

After that, man was in control and the Word of God was made of no effect.  “But in vain do you worship Me teaching as doctrines the precepts of men, neglecting the commandments of God, you hold to the traditions of men.” (Mark 7:7-8)  “And thus you invalidate the Word of God for the sake of your traditions.” (Matthew 15:6)   This is the religious system that modern man has and it is not willing to recognize the new wine of Jesus.

I in no way represent that old religious system.  I was saved in it, educated in the best Southern Baptist schools up through seminary in it, pastored for many years, learned many valuable lessons, and words cannot express just how grateful I am for the experience.  The old helped me understand the new so I abandoned the old religious system and embraced the new in 2001.  I repented and was delivered from denominationalism and the traditions of men.   It is a whole new life – the abundant life – and it is a life of freedom.  I no longer have to be faithful to a religious system but to Jesus plus nothing else.  I can be authentic and be the person God is creating spiritually.  I now have the freedom to preach and teach the whole council of God, even the Book of Revelation

If you want God to do a work in you, you must do something differently.  If we want a Great Awakening in America, we must do something different.  The old system of man is what got us in our spiritual mess today and only God’s New Wine System will get us out.  God says I want to pour a fresh new wine on you but only you can give God a brand-new container – a new wineskin.  Earth does not respond to heaven but heaven responds to earth.  Nothing will come out of heaven until you build a container to hold it.  What are the things you are building in your life to hold your next season?  What are the changes you are making for the next blessing and move of God?

Are you sitting around frustrated with the same habits, failures, same disciplines, and same container waiting on God to do a new thing?   When are you going to build God something to do it in?  God is saying if you want to keep what He is doing fresh, you must continually update your wineskin.  Those who are rigid, stubborn in your stance, and you do not like change are going to miss a many of blessings and revelations from God.  God is like the wind and water – He goes wherever He can.  Your rigid and stubborn mentality and mindset is robbing you of the next place God wants to take you.  Your denomination is not moving – it protects what it has developed.  Denominations refuse to receive anything new if it is not in their statement of doctrines.  They think they have all truth and see no need to change.   If you are settled in it, you will miss what God wants to pour out.  Tear down the old and build a new wineskin to hold the next move of God and your next blessing and revelation.

You say but God, I’ll build it if you will bring the next move but heaven is waiting on earth.  New wine is waiting on a new wineskin.  Oh, I don’t believe that heaven is waiting on earth.  The Word in the Kingdom of God says, “If two or three agree on earth, then it shall be done by My Father in heaven.”  “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.”  “Whatever you loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.”  Those of you who are frustrated in your old-time religious denominations with rigid and stubborn religious ways – resisting and hating change are wasting your time waiting on heaven – heaven is waiting on YOU!!!  Every Sunday you do the same thing but you want God to do something new.  If you want something new from God, do something new with your wineskin.

God is always moving and wants us to continually update our wineskins. The new wine is Jesus and the Kingdom of God and the conduct and ministry He exhibited.  The old is the traditions of men in these old denominations who resist change.  You can easily recognize this new wine in a person.  They have come into agreement with God and lineup with the Word of God and the Kingdom of God.

True new wine disciples of Christ abide in Christ Jesus and are being led by the Holy Spirit, divorced from this world, and are doing the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven.  They obey the Word of God and live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.  They die to the flesh and are being conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. They resist Satan and his powers of darkness, cast out demons, lay hands on and anoint with oil the sick, and share the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

They freely receive and they freely give.  They are constantly renewing their mind and building a new container to receive the next move and revelation of God from whomever it comes.  True new wine disciples are teachable, obedient, submissive, committed, and show absolute allegiance to the Loird Jesus Christ.  As Jesus said, “You will know them (this new wine) by their fruit.  This is how you become the wine skin that receives the new wine of Jesus.  Heaven is waiting on the Body of Christ in America here on earth to build God a new container to do a new work in us and to restore to us what has been lost!!!!!  Oh, what a God we serve with all our heart, with all our soul and all our being!!!!!  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to the late Milt Green and his book, “The Great Falling Away Today”, Commentaries by William Barclay, Jeffrey W. Mardis, “The Prince of the Power of the Air”, Dr. Michael Lake, “The Kingdom Warrior” and many others too numerous to name)

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