Our extensive new Report: The Costly Fraud of Marijuana Normalization reveals the dark truths and frightful economic costs of the Democrat agenda. Progressives fooled everyone by claiming that “medical” marijuana (a subterranean synonym for “recreational” pot) must be legalized as a painkiller for victims of disease, old age, and ultimately minor pain and stress. In this report you will see that the sea of red ink caused by state-sponsored drug addiction is horrendous and unsustainable.
Marijuana normalization is a progressive social justice smokescreen allegedly ending discrimination against black and Hispanic drug gangbangers who end up dead or in prison. This “West Side Story” is cover for the tobacco lobby — the big money pushing pot legalization – devoted to switching people from cigarettes to marijuana.
Why are Progressives from Joe Biden to Claire McCaskill throwing their political futures behind pot legalization? The answer is not the Oleanna you might imagine.
When the State establishes a monopoly drug cartel fronted by doctors acting as protected drug dealers, the state becomes a criminal enterprise running a plantation of drug addicts.
Progressives rewound the clock back to the 1960’s – with doctors “recommending” pot just like they once recommended Lucky Strike cigarettes. Second-hand pot smoke stoning unborn babies, kids, and the 93% of Washington D.C. that does not smoke pot is considered a sign of an advanced civilization.
We are witnessing the Sixth Phase of the Democrat Plantation. The Sixth Phase consists of state-owned monopoly marijuana cartels drugging their citizens into permanent failure, indolence, and guaranteed blue-state votes. A drugged populace is a Plantation Populace, unable to think, work, or succeed, living in prison or the welfare state. This is the criminal Fascist gangsterization of state government.
The Sixth Phase has recently taken control of major urban cores (in marijuana-cartel states) marked by invasions of homelessness and record levels of drug-related violence. Cities impacted include San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Seattle, Portland, Washington D.C., Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, New York, -++and even St. Louis (the gateway for drug distribution to the East).
Democrats had to change strategy in the post-Obama era because President Trump’s policies are capping the 5 Phases of the Democrat Plantation identified by Dinesh D’Souza.
Phyllis Schlafly’s surprise endorsement of Donald Trump effectively put an end to Democrats stuffing the ballot box with illegal immigrants. Marijuana is stuffing the ballot box with drug addicts and a corrupt state vote.
States that “normalized” pot are demanding and often implementing some combination of free housing, universal basic income, free health care, free food, and heavy corporate and private taxes to pay for the homelessness and other crises that drug addiction causes. We do not see this happening in non-marijuana-cartel states.
I use the word “normalized” instead of “legalized” because non-state-sponsored marijuana is still illegal. When marijuana is “normalized” there are more arrests. There is more crime and violence when foreign cartels and upstart local gangs battle the state and each other for a piece of a much larger drug market. When the entire state reeks of pot, it becomes as endemic as soda pop.
Is marijuana really a problem? When lots of people use serotonin-impacting drugs such as opiates or meth, all hell breaks loose. Marijuana similarly impacts serotonin receptors and causes the same life-failures as other Class II drugs. Trading opiates for pot is far more dangerous because the tobacco-lobby (funding pot “legalization”) has everyone brainwashed into thinking that pot is good for people.
Drug use is the primary predictor of gun and domestic violence. Crime, violence, homelessness, divorce, unemployment, welfare, school failure, lost children, and poverty are some the wreckage we always see – but we rarely understand where these problems begin.
State-sponsored drug addiction is a fraud on many levels. States take the marijuana taxes and run. Local jurisdictions, Chambers of Commerce, police, prosecutors, schools, businesses, and taxpayers get stuck with nearly all the economic, social, and criminal consequences. The tobacco lobby, Willie Nelson, and a few politicos get rich. Local jurisdictions in states that legalized pot drown in red ink. They are spending at least 10-20 times more on unfunded socioeconomic wreckage than the state makes from tax receipts. Local taxes jump in vain attempts to save your city.
We must litigate to end state-run drug monopolies. Most state constitutions require the state to serve the general welfare of the citizens. Drugging them back to the dark ages is without question unconstitutional.
At the federal level, enforcement of all applicable federal laws must be vigorous. America cannot afford “Sanctuary Drug States” sopping the nation’s gravy. The criminal, social, and welfare data are a disaster driving record federal spending on everything from crime to means-tested welfare.
Beyond this, President Trump can empower the little people to un-drug states with our “Family Substance Abuse” order. It is a simple but effective legal power tool families can easily use to drive substance abuse and violence out of their families and neighborhoods. The deaths of Fred Trump and Michael Brown need not be wasted. Our policy will save millions of lives if President Trump is willing to order state-level pilot programs.
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E-Mail David Usher: drusher@swbell.net