The Systematic Killing of America, Part 2

By Pastor Glynn Adams

October 20, 2024

By authorizing a central bank to control the country’s money supply and the value of the dollar, Congress enabled government spending to skyrocket beyond all expectation.  Politicians now could commit to projects that cost millions of dollars more than the existing revenue.  The Federal Reserve in turn, could purchase the “excess” debt by printing more paper money, thereby inflating the economy.  States, seduced by the federal deep pockets but lacking any mechanism to manufacture debt, would become dependent on Washington DC for revenue, thereby reversing the traditional Constitutional relationship that existed between state and federal government.  And the taxpayers would bear the brunt of bloated governments, thanks to the enactment of a graduated income tax.

Prior to 1913, there was no income tax in America except for a period during the Civil War and the early years of Reconstruction.  Our government existed on tariffs and excise taxes.  Not being able to spend or borrow heavily, the federal government remained limited in its scope of operations.  When the Republican politicians tell you today they want smaller government – that is a straight out from the pits of hell ball face lie – under our current system it can’t be made smaller and they know it.  The Supreme Court ruled in 1895 that federal income tax can only be imposed by Constitutional amendments.

The man who proposed this amendment in Congress was the same senator who advanced the plan for the Federal Reserve was none other than who the deep state owned Senator Nelson Aldrich.  The average John Doe who voted for the approval of the Amendment fancied that the progressive tax would “soak the rich.”  He was unaware that the rich could channel their wealth into their tax-exempt foundations or they could manufacture losses and expenses to lessen their reported earnings.  Twenty years after the passage of the Revenue Act of 1933, a congressional panel discovered that J. P. Morgan, Jr., one of the richest men in America, was not paying any income tax at all.  The people had been duped.

About this time in history, the House of Carnegie, the House of Morgan, House of Rothschild, and the House of Rockefeller begin to think that war was the most effective way to alter the life of an entire people.  The trustees concluded that only war could serve to set the stage for world government.  With Wilson in the White House, America’s money trust gained control of the Oval Office having arranged for His election.

Carnegie and the House of Morgan begin loaning large sums of money to fund the war against Germany.  With a lot of money loans at stake, it was essential to tip the scales in favor of the Allies.  An incident had to be manufactured that would provoke the American People to abandon their stance of isolationism and to enter the fracas.    It came with the sinking of the Lusitania by a German submarine on May 7, 1915.  One thousand, one hundred, and ninety-eight civilians, including 128 Americans died.  This un-seemingly unprovoked act of aggression against a passenger ocean liner served to arouse anti-German sentiments throughout the country.

Few Americans realized that the sinking and delayed rescue had been planned by Winston Churchill, the Wilson Administration, and J. P. Morgan, who had provided massive loans to Great Britain and the Allied forces.  The American Public was not informed that the Lusitania was transporting six million rounds of ammunition and other military munitions to Britain.  Upon the order of President Wilson, the ship’s original manifest was hidden away in the archives of the Treasure Department.  Nor were they made aware that Churchill and other members of the Admiralty had directed the Lusitania to proceed at considerably reduced speed and without escort to the precise location within the Irish Sea where the German U-Boat was lying in wait.  And the public for the most part, remained oblivious that the Germans had placed large ads in the New York newspapers to dissuade Americans from boarding the ocean liner.

Most of the news came from Milner’s Round Table and was circulated by J. P. Morgan, who had gained control of America’s newspapers.  Congressman Oscar Callaway inserted this statement within the Congressional Record about Morgan’s ability to control and manipulate the national news.  With the media in the control of Morgan and in turn, Rothschild, the American people never really knew the reason the doughboys were being dispatched to the trenches of France.  They had been informed by leading journalists that the cause of the war was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand on Jan 28, 1914.  The citizens of America were shielded from the fact – like all wars – had been sparked by economic interests and that the conflict has been in the works for decades.

This has not changed today.  These wealthy cabals of bankers and businessmen have used our military to protect their financial interest overseas and have sacrificed our boys in war after war to protect their financial interest in oil, foreign investments, and property to remove any opposition to their financial interest in any area, all for love of money.

Carefully observe what Gary Allen wrote in “The Rockefeller File.”  “Having a big state in an international foreign policy, the Rockefellers always made sure that the Secretary of State and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency are “their boys.”  Marshall, Acheson, Dulles, Herter, Rusk, and Kissinger have all labored to turn the backward Soviet Union into a credible power to force the Great Merger, while at the same time fighting wars to make the world safe for Standard Oil.  The CIA has served as the State Department and Standard Oil’s enforcement arm, destroying genuine anti-communists movements around the world.”

More on the Killing of Uncle Sam Part III in my next article.  God Bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (This article was written with the help of a new book, the “Killing of Uncle Sam” by Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne and Paul L. Williams, Next Week Part III The Systematic Killing of America)

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