The TRUTH About Trump Voters

By Lex Greene

February 23, 2024

Thanks to decades of anti-American false propaganda flooding the airwaves from pretty much every form of mass media in the country, today’s leftist echo chamber has taught millions of American voters a laundry list of gaslighting lies that simply are not true, including their misguided misperception of Trump voters.

The truth is entirely contrary to their misguided and carefully manipulated view of all Trump voters, and they need a strong dose of reality before it’s too late for America.

First, six years before Trump came down the escalator to announce his bid for the Oval Office, millions of Americans had had enough of the ongoing utter destruction of all things American in 2009. They were gathering together in Tea Party and Liberty groups all across the country and rising up against anti-American policies coming from the halls of their own federal government.

When Trump came down the escalator in 2015, these highly patriotic Americans chose Trump to represent them in Washington DC, a city gripped by anti-American socialist policies designed to eventually erode all Natural Rights of the People and meld the USA into some insane global Marxist commune, now openly under the leadership of Klaus Schwab and his thousands of WEF Young Global Leaders carefully planted in positions of power around the world.

Contrary to the false assumptions by Trump-haters, his supporters are not “following Trump,” Trump decided to represent American patriots in place six years before he announced, via his candidacy in 2015.

Fundamentally, the Trump voters believe in the following principles and values, in this order…

  1. God, morality, ethics, decency
  2. Strong upward mobile families
  3. Our Country, national sovereignty, and security
  4. All Natural Rights, individual Freedom, and Liberty
  5. Limited government authority
  6. Real equal justice under constitutional laws
  7. An informed ethical society capable of self-governance
  8. Opposition to all destructive policies aimed at destroying the USA
  9. Free market economics, fiscal health, necessary to any successful nation
  10. Free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections worthy of the People’s faith

The Trump voter isn’t interested in government control over any citizens. They are not at all interested in what government can do for them…but are instead, deeply concerned about what government has been doing to all Americans for decades.

Trump voters know that to be free and prosperous themselves, they must protect the freedom and liberty of all others, no matter political leanings.

Unfortunately, the Marxist policies of today’s democrat party and their vast echo chamber in mass media, k-12 public education and college lecture halls, many church pulpits, censored social media and even search engine manipulations, not to mention their latest “cancel culture” machine, have held millions of young, indoctrinated voters hostage. At least two young generations are currently entirely incapable of accepting truths, no matter how obvious or undeniable. They involuntarily react to truthful information as if someone threw poison on them.

As is demonstrated on social media platforms every day, whole generations are incapable of explaining their beliefs, presenting any truth to support those beliefs, or holding an open honest discussion on any important issue.

Instead, they regurgitate talking points they learned in the 24/7 echo chamber, as if they’ve never had an original thought in their whole life. When confronted with any truth, they resort to the “cancel culture” tactics they were trained in the echo chamber, unable to challenge the truth with any real facts.

While they complain and whine about what they were told is “mistreatment of citizens” around the world, like Terror groups Hamas, Islamic jihad and Hezbollah, or the recent death of a Putin opponent in Russia…they champion the mistreatment of US citizens, over a thousand of whom sit in prison for being political opponents to Biden on January 6th.

They attack Putin for allegedly killing his political opponents, but celebrate how the global Marxist democrats persecute, jail and yes, sometimes murder their political opponents right here in the USA.

The fact is… Trump voters are trying to save these brainwashed people from themselves. But the deep state indoctrination is now so deeply embedded in the psyche of so many young voters, that saving freedom and liberty for all may no longer be possible.

Meanwhile, when Trump voters…

  • Fight for free, fair, lawful, and transparent elections, they do so not for Trump, but for all American citizens.
  • Demand accountability from any politician or governmental body, they do so not for Trump, but for all American citizens.
  • They expose many fatal truths about CV19 protocols and the bioweapons vax program, they do so for all Americans.
  • They seek real national sovereignty and security for the USA, they do so for all Americans.
  • They support a Right to Life, they do so for all Americans, born and unborn.
  • They seek to enforce the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, they do so not for Trump, but for all American citizens.
  • Expose truth about criminal activities within the halls of our government, they do so for all Americans, present and future.
  • Expose ineligible candidates seeking high office, they do so not for Trump, but for all Americans.
  • Defend Trump, it’s intended to defend YOU, your kids, grandkids, and great grandkids!

I could keep going, but if you don’t get the point by now, it’s because you are trapped inside the Marxist echo chamber of anti-American propaganda and even though your belief structure is false, and doesn’t even make any common sense, you will remain trapped.

But everything I told you here is 100% true… maybe not for every Trump supporter, but for more than 98% of them. Some of you can still learn from new information made available. Others will insist upon learning truth the hard way.

It’s your choice, to remain in the echo chamber, or you can pay attention to truth and begin to think for yourself. It’s all up to you!

The rest of us will do what’s best for every American, whether or not you like it. Everyone who isn’t part of the solution is by default a part of the problem.

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