The Tyranny of the Minority
By Coach Dave Daubenmire
January 16, 2025
“The wicked walks on every side when the vilest of men are exalted.” Psalm 12.
Vile—“Morally base or impure; sinful; depraved by sin; wicked; hateful in the sight of God and of good men.
Has there ever been a time in America where vile men had seized the reins of power more than they have today? There have always been vile men in America but they were considered outlaws, crooks, and criminals.
Evil men are nothing new, the history books are filled with the names of wicked men who pillaged their way through society. But never, until recently, have these wicked, vile men and women been exalted.
Like many of you in the Baby Boom generation we were raised in an era when evil was easily identified. The good guys wore white and the bad guys wore black. The movie makers dressed them that way so that it would be obvious for the observers to understand who they should be rooting for. At least until the bad guys took over Hellywood.
The Lone Ranger sat on a white horse named Silver…just in case the young eyes watching weren’t sure whom to emulate. Roy Rogers, John Wayne, Clark Kent, and Matt Dillon were the role models sold to us under the banner of “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.”
That was the American Way, you know? A nation where American boys and girls were raised to be honest, moral, and virtuous. Virtue is out of style…old-fashioned today, while the wicked parade down the streets of main street America.
If you want to figure out how we got in this mess simply look at who and what it is that is exalted in America today.
No wonder evil walks on every side.
I grieve for America today. The Shining City set on a Hill ain’t so shiny any more. The vilest of men have left skid marks.
As we sit here in January of 2025 watching cataclysmic destruction of America by floods and fires could it be that God’s heavy hand of judgment is falling on this land? If so, are we complicit in the circumstances which brought the judgment about?
We are told in the Scriptures that the “rain falls on the just and the unjust.” Sin has collateral damage and it is always the innocent who seem to pay the greatest price. Collateral damage is the wave that spills out the sides as the motor boat flies down the lake.
Look no farther than the people driving the boat.
If America is to survive…and we clearly are on life support…good men are going to have to do something. America must regain her moral moorings. Right is right and wrong is wrong and we must begin to push-back against the fog of moral relativism.
Believers are exhorted in Psalm 11:3 that “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” The foundations are crumbling boys and girls. What are we gonna do?
Donald Trump cannot save America. It is foolish to think that America will change simply by changing the resident of the Whitehouse. But it does appear that he is not anti-Christian in the way his predecessor was. He has opened the doors for the rebuilding of America’s foundation. It is time for Christians to get some hammers and nails.
According to Pew Research , a super majority of Americans claim to be followers of Christ. As recent as 2023 nearly 70% of Americans claimed to be Christian. Yet Christian values are no longer taught in our Government schools.
Do you realize that the most famous person in the history of humanity…the man by whom the passage of time is recorded…the man upon which ALL of Western Civilization was founded, is not permitted to be mentioned in the American Government Schools? Purely from an historical perspective how could any American student graduate from high school without an understanding of the impact of Jesus Christ on the world?
The State of Louisiana recently passed a law requiring the posting of the 10 Commandments in Public Schools. Several other States are following their lead. This is the rebuilding of the Foundation in which Christians must engage. It is time we opposed the Tyranny of the Minority.
Freedom of religion is a Christian ideal. It is ONLY because the American foundation is CHRISTIAN that the sanctity of conscience is protected. The Scriptures tell us that “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.” Christianity is Liberty’s greatest friend. In no other country can a non-believer have such religious liberty. But in America the majority, not the minority, makes the rules.
The opposite of liberty is tyranny. The minority are hell-bent on restricting YOUR liberty as they claim it hinders the exercising of theirs. Tyranny is defined as “despotic exercise of power.” Putting restrictions on my liberty does not increase yours…FREE exercise means…well…free exercise. The Tyranny of the Minority is destroying this nation.
If the Spirit of the Lord brings LIBERTY what does the absence of the Lord bring?
It is time to end the Tyranny of the Minority.
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