Their Secret is Out

Rob Pue

It seems the natives are getting restless.  Over the past week or so, we’ve seen citizen patriots rally for their freedom in multiple states here in the US.  It began in Columbus, Ohio at the Statehouse there on April 13th — one month, to the day, after President Trump declared a national state of emergency regarding the coronavirus.  Ohio has continued pushing with multiple rallies and protests since then.  They’re relentless there; in fact, they’re holding a rally right now, as I compile this message.

Thousands of citizens in Lansing, Michigan did the same two days later, demanding and end to their state’s “stay-at-home” orders.  Since then, we’ve seen rallies, protests and demonstrations all over the USA — in Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Maine, New York, Colorado, Texas, Nevada and California, just to name a few.  I expect there to be more the longer this national “lockdown” continues.  And we’re not alone… as the Washington Post reported on April 20th, “Even as some countries tentatively lift coronavirus restrictions, more than half the world’s population is still subject to some form of mandatory confinement, and governments are facing pressure to ease lockdowns. Protests have erupted from Paris and Mumbai to Beirut and Baghdad, and rallies demanding the end of stay-at-home orders are spreading across the United States.”

The people of America, I believe, have come to understand this was all a big hoax, as real, TRUE news and information has come out through alternative — rather than the mainstream — media sources.  We’ve learned the deep, dark connections between Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and others who’ve purposely orchestrated our country’s response to this “Planned-Demic” and we’ve learned how this was all PLANNED FOR and hypothesized about for more than ten years.  Even Fauci himself “PREDICTED” — all the way back in 2017 — that Donald Trump would have to deal with a “surprise” epidemic of some kind during his first term in the White House.  The final planning meeting was held in October of last year, and then the virus was released.

With even a small amount of investigative work online, you can find plenty of credible evidence from actual REAL, reliable and truthful sources, showing without a shadow of a doubt, that we’re in the midst of a Deep State plan by socialistic Globalists to bring about a New World Order.  THEIR SECRET IS OUT.  But if their plan is going to work, America cannot remain free.  It MUST be swallowed up by the Globalist movement.  We are at a PIVOTAL point right now!

And you’d better believe they’re going to fight as long and hard as they can to keep us  all locked down — and controlled…to “get our minds right.”  They need everyone as docile as sheep, frightened and fearful and looking to Big Government to make them safe — and keep them safe.  In fact, we may be seeing even tighter restrictions imposed upon us as they amp up their attack on America with false news and fear.  Perhaps even to the point of deliberately infecting people with an even deadlier disease, to keep people in fear.  I hate to even suggest that might be possible, but these people are evil.

And make no mistake, the devil’s team plays to win, and they’ve thought this through very well…  they’ve run computer models and simulations and held symposiums and think tanks to consider our every response to this so-called “quarantine.”  They even had a pretty good guess just how long it would take before people started pushing back, which is where we’re at today.

Some of you may think I’m a crazy conspiracy nut and that for some reason, THIS TIME our government and the mainstream media is actually telling us the truth — after all, there’s got to be a first time for everything, right?  But no.  As I’ve stated before, this was a “PLANNED-Demic.”  The only thing that may have gone wrong for them is that the virus was perhaps not as deadly as they’d hoped for.

Two weeks ago was supposed to be the worst week in American history according to the White House Coronavirus Task Force.  We were told to expect between 100,000 and 240,000 DEATHS — not “positive tests,” but actual deaths.  Of course that never materialized.  But it did sound pretty scary at the time and kept many cowering at home.

But now we’ve had enough of the nonsense.  We enjoy our freedom as Americans, and our freedom was given to us by GOD, not by the government.  So regarding how long all this will last, I guess it all depends on what Americans DO.  If we acquiesce to their unconstitutional demands and obey the edicts of the tyrants and conspirators, then I can easily see this NEVER ending, just morphing into a hideous new reality, and many eagerly lining up for their ID 2020 “vaccine” — along with their welfare check.  But if American citizens continue to rise up and assert our First Amendment Constitutional rights, we just MAY have a chance.

You see, what’s happening now in our country is illegal.  The government has clearly overstepped it’s authority.  Let’s read our First Amendment rights together:  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

We have MANY grievances in America today, and it’s our right to petition our government for a redress of those grievances.  Starting with the fact that since all this began, we’ve had power-crazy governors in multiple states try to tear up our constitutional rights — like Nancy Pelosi tearing up a State of the Union address — and do their own things, clearly violating the laws.  They only get away with it because the people are ignorant of their rights and ignorant of the law.

Americans are also fed up with the hypocrisy within all of these restrictions.  While most businesses are forced to remain closed — even small businesses that rarely have more than a half-dozen people in their buildings or offices at a time, others are allowed to freely operate.  Walmart is allowed to freely operate, but we’ve been told it’s now illegal to get a haircut.  Liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries are considered “essential businesses,” but churches must remain closed.  I’m quite disheartened to see so many churches simply obeying tyrannical edicts from “on high” and closing their doors, even after we’ve seen clear evidence that this “pandemic” is nowhere NEAR as deadly or serious as we were led to believe.  The common flu bug is worse every year.

As I’ve stated before, hospitals across our country are NOT packed with COVID-19 patients, and that is the TRUTH.   Most of them are empty and laying off hospital staff because there ARE NO patients, of any kind.  They were instructed to cancel all elective surgeries and to remain open only for emergencies.  They were told to make space for coronavirus patients that were about to overwhelm the system.  Yet in my area, one of our local hospitals has just closed down 16 of its regional clinics, because again: there ARE NO patients.

During that final “run-through” exercise last October, known as “Event 21,” the response of the church was specifically discussed.  It was decided that “Faith Leaders” must be brought “on board” early in the “pandemic” scenario, because they are trusted community leaders.  And just as they planned, the government told the churches to close and the churches obediently closed.

Because I have dared to question the official narrative of all this, I’ve had countless professing Christians accuse me of being reckless and irresponsible, and inciting rebellion among the people.  That is not the case at all, and if you KNEW me, you’d KNOW that.  Unlike most Americans, I do not get most of my news and information from the mainstream media.  Most of my information comes directly from experts in their specific fields, from “insiders” who were actually THERE when all this was planned.  From doctors who know the REAL numbers.   I see how we, as a nation, are being purposely manipulated and how so many are being hurt so drastically by all this.

Do you understand that most Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck?  Many work more than one job to make ends meet.  And most Americans have been out of work for more than a month now.  No work, no income.  I’ve spoken to many of those who, for the first time in their lives, have had to TRY to file for unemployment.  But THAT system is so overwhelmed, it’s nearly impossible to do so.  If you call, the wait on the phone is hours-long, and the online system for signing up takes hours to complete, and then just crashes.

Can you understand the anguish and turmoil so many small business owners are in today because of being forced by the government to shut their doors?  I know many like that who will never be able to open again.  It’s hard enough operating a business, paying employees, complying with all the regulations and paying all the burdensome taxes —  and trying your best to earn a profit under the best of circumstances.  But now to be forced to close for no good reason…  if this isn’t a serious government overreach, I’m not sure what you’d call it.

And the intrusion into peoples’ lives through all of this has already been horiffic.  In many states, the government is using DRONES to keep people under surveillance.  Hotlines and websites have been launched, for neighbors to turn in their neighbors to law enforcement if they think they’re not “social distancing.”  In our state, our misguided and wicked governor tried to change the rules on our spring election at the last minute — making it a “mail-in ballot” election only.  When that didn’t fly, he tried to postpone the election, but was over-ruled by the Supreme Court.  Our election was held as normal and all was fine.

But NOW, in what I believe is his “payback” for not being able to mess with our election, he’s sent down an executive order EXTENDING our “Safer at Home” quarantine until the end of May.  (Legally, he cannot do that, but he’s trying).  He stated that there’s no way to tell how many people were infected with the virus because they went out and voted on April 7th.  Are you kidding me?  Yet people are welcome to wander Walmart or the local liquor store as long and often as they like, and THEY are not at risk?

Incidentally, he also tried to over-step his authority by banning people from visiting elderly people, even if such visits were only through the windows of their loved ones’ homes… grandchildren couldn’t color a picture to take to Grandma’s house and show it to her through the window, without violating the law!  In another story, some vigilant neighbors called the police because of a 5-year-old’s birthday party in the neighborhood, where more than ten children were present.

Churches that attempt to hold services — even “drive-through” services — are being actively targeted for persecution.  They have police officers handing out citations to people, along with 14-day quarantine orders just for driving into a church parking lot, even if they never get out of their car!  This is insane, people!

But the apparent randomness of what is allowed to remain open and what must be forcibly closed is not random at all.  The goal here is to make sure CHRISTIANS know their “place,” and are trained to obey the government without question.  The goal is to destroy the small businesses and the family farmers, while building up the Big Box Stores and online companies.  The goal is to break the backs — and the wills — of everyday, ordinary Americans, so we’ll eagerly look to the government for our sustenance and survival.

But Americans have had enough and they’re starting to push back.  Most people know by now that this has all been a scam — a ploy by Globalists to control and manipulate the populace into submission.  We saw the propaganda videos coming out of China when this all began.  But now we know — through alternative news outlets and citizen reporters — that we only saw what the “powers that be” wanted us to see.  So when the warning came to our shores, we were willing to cooperate for the safety and well-being of all.  But now that many Americans know and understand the truth, we’re angry and we’re tired of the lies, manipulation and games.

It’s time to open America back up again.  We must do so now.  When there is a health crisis, you don’t quarantine ALL of society.  That makes no sense.  You quarantine the sick.  That’s biblical.  Look at Leviticus 13 and how society dealt with people who had leprosy.  They quarantined the SICK — not the WHOLE WORLD.

God will work all these things together for good.  It’s MY prayer that through all of this, average, hard-working Americans — AND ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANS — will learn they CAN take back their country.  They CAN stand up for their Constitutional and God-given rights.  They CAN speak out against tyranny and big government intrusion into their lives.  It’s OK to call evil “evil” and good “good.”  We do not HAVE TO accept all the perversions that the enemy of our souls has been forcing upon us through “pretended legislation” any longer.  I hope and pray we learn that here.  Because it WILL go only one of two ways:  either we’ll assert ourselves and say “NO” to the evil …or we’ll submit to the evil and let it destroy us.  Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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