“They” Will Do Anything to Keep Trump From Another Presidency

By AM Byrd

October 19, 2024

Recently, during an online conversation a close relative sent me some interesting data on the subject of the failed ‘assassination attempts’ and/or suspicious behaviors by now publicly identified persons. She commented to me, “This is very strange.” I am confident she meant it to be a rhetorical understatement, knowing her rather well as a connoisseur of wry presentments, I replied to her, “Strange indeed…but also entirely predictable.” I went on…

Consider:  The Powers That Be (the WEF crowd, the Gates regime, the World Bank member entities, the Marxist system adherents in THIS country, all the financial affiliated NGO’s including all the int’l military operations that have been established with no national boundaries, etc ad naseum) are in a cold war posture against Freedom and individual choice. Social control is not part of their concept of individual freedom and thought (speech); we’ve seen this over and over throughout the millennia of human history. The lust for power is an overwhelming aphrodisiac to human beings who are void of moral foundations.

Those specific factions didn’t think the American public would elect Trump in 2016. We The People taught Them a lesson and “They” vowed right then and there to never EVER let it happen again, no matter the cost or method.

I recall the Las Vegas shooter who took out 58 people and injured 500 more from his luxury perch in a Mandalay Bay hotel/casino high roller suite, high above the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival below. After the slaughter of innocents, the police ascertained his location, withing over an hour to burst into the room and “found him dead by apparent suicide”. Plausible deniability? We have never discovered any motive, except for the nebulous opinion of some individual who remains nameless. Strange indeed.

New details about 2017 Las Vegas mass shooter revealed in hundreds of FBI documents | CNN” ….this a very thin premise: ‘he was angry at the casino’s treatment of gamblers’. Horseshit. COMPLETE HORSESHIT. Dozens of high powered firearms and rifles were in that room, thousands and thousands of rounds of ammunition…and he was just “angry” at the casino because of poor treatment of gamblers? I HIGHLY doubt it.

But to get back to the issue; 1st we have a young kid, Thomas Crooks of PA, who I think was groomed covertly, either by/with the involvement of his psych counselor parents (which is story in itself, who immediately retained a high powered atty) or by some other method of attachment, to do the act. The intel org’s always do their work through cutouts at arms length…sometimes at distant arm’s length. Why did the kid have 4-6 overseas encrypted attachments and/or accounts? This has never been explained (and it never will be either).

The 2nd shooter Ryan Routh, was a loose lipped deranged wanna-be who was also most probably utilized by the black ops entities to participate in visa scam operations, but with the undisclosed goal of getting nefarious individuals into this nation through whatever means necessary to further destabilize our citizen populations or perhaps other more deadly goals; the flooding torrents of human beings from adversarial nations into our country through the COMPLETELY porous and manifestly invisible border BY DESIGN. The media blackout on him speaks volumes. He is undoubtedly being run by intel. Dark Matter intel enjoys using destabilized human beings as they can be extremely easy to positively declare as utter whack jobs. More plausible deniability.

Now we have this 3rd person, “Vem Miller” who claims to be a loyal Trump supporter…but his background is again not only highly suspicious, but it is what they AREN’T saying that is the key. It is my opinion ONLY, after consuming what information there is on the man and watching a brief interview of Mike Benz (someone who KNOWS how detailed nefarious black ops can be) that the 3rd operator is UNDOUBTEDLY part of the surreptitious operations crowd who immediately declared he is a fervent “Trump supporter” (and I don’t believe that for a millisecond). Anyway, I could go on and on with this…

Mike Benz on War Room, Trump’s Would-Be Assassin Was Running Special Visa Scam Recruiting Afghan Special Forces (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

I agree with Benz…the entire operation behind “Everything Trump” since Jan 2017 has been a scorched earth approach by The Powers That Be…and it most definitely didn’t start with Trump. Indeed, it started almost 180 years ago with the anticipatory fervor our gov’t felt toward the new way of governing that Marx and others like Gramsci and the Frankfurt School alumni enticed them with, through the acquisition of POWER. Our gov’t was mesmerized by Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin. Our gov’t even invited Trotsky to come here to teach them the ways of control of the masses. How bloody quaint.

The Global Cabal of Wickedness cannot let the American Public know their true intentions for this nation: the end of freedom as we have known it for 250+ years. They are 1 “election” away from complete annihilation of our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and the exquisite social experiment our founders began when we won the War of Independence.

It started when they “unzipped their pants” on Oct 30, 2008, and the Marxist Socialist, cum Communist groomed Manchurian Candidate told us EXACTLY what They were going to do. Mr. Soetoro, aka Obama, thought we were to stupid and complacent to notice what he meant…some of us aren’t that stupid.

We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

And let’s not forget what his partner told us, prior to his pronouncement, which in my opinion, was even more expository of what The Enemy Hive Mind is unwaveringly, zealously committed to doing:

We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditionsour history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

Notice how many statues of our beloved and revered historical figures have been defaced and destroyed, with nary a whimper by our national leaders? Whose side are they on, anyhow?

The Enemy has all but accomplished his vile, unholy goals through the human workers he controls full on. Through the animating eroticism of wealth, power and control, the Machiavellian Machinery dedicated themselves to the destruction of our country and our Constitutional protections. They used anyone and everyone who would buy into Their scheme of ultimate Control, obviously with the promise of status and riches. Man is a sucker for promotional temptations.

The “Imperial They” installed and used Joe Biden, who lusted after the presidency for decades. His descent into dementia was well known to be taking place when the hideous hoax and hyperbole of Covid was put into the final year of Trump’s presidency. THAT was purposeful. THAT was the beginning of the internal coup.

Biden’s further deterioration was a minor set back for them, but as “insurance” they knew to install their newest Manchurian in the Veep slot, anticipating the demise or otherwise incapacitation of the figurehead (Biden). Biden didn’t pick her, Jill hates her, but Maestro “O’Bama” and his Daddy Warbucks (Soros) and perhaps Schwab himself, demanded she be placed there. She has been groomed by the best Marxists available since her ascent into ‘politics’, via the tutelage and bedroom of Willie Brown. The Communists in this country put her on the path to power long ago, because she is a political/social prostitute and will do whatever is necessary to fill that void of human soul that is gaudily apparent in her. . . and by the way, she is NOT that smart; I gag at the presentation of her word salads. Pass the arsenic, please.

The Imperials.  They will not stop until they destroy Trump, AND OUR COUNTRY, because President Donald J Trump IS the wall between our nation’s foundational premises (freedom) and the unmitigated, unholy tyranny of their global aspirations. We are looking our national demise in the face. “They” will do anything to keep DJT from another presidency. Be prepared people.


© 2024 Alice Byrd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Alice Byrd: alliebyrd77@1791.com

[BIO: A.M. Byrd is the granddaughter of Italian and Dutch immigrants who came to love and revere this nation and its opportunities. She is the daughter of an USAF Lt Col (now deceased) and the mother of an honorably retired Army SSgt, 2 men who served this country with distinction. Coming of age in the 60’s, contributed by living in the nest of the anti-war fervor of the San Francisco Bay Area, Berkeley in particular, she is a first-hand witness to the ravages of the Viet Nam war on her classmates and racial upheavals born in Oakland, Ca. with the Black Panthers.

Having worked in both the professional world and the medical field, she has come to see the vast unbalances between classes of people and the political pressures applied within those fields. A student of history with a particular interest in psychology, the events of the past 6 decades have left an indelible impression on her sense of honor and virtue. The darkness of such events has only strengthened her faith in God, that all things work together for the eventual supremacy of His will for this world. The Good wins.]