This Week In The UK – Truth Is Still Being Crucified
Shirley Edwards
(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)
The local organization that I work for is constantly telling me that I have the freedom to speak up in the workplace. An advocate for freedom of speech has also been appointed for staff to contact either openly, or anonymously, should they feel that there are issues which might need addressing which may compromise their position should they openly voice their complaint!
For some reason, despite this re-assurance, and my not even knowing this particular advocate, I unfortunately still don’t trust the process which may possibly be giving me the illusion that anyone may be interested in my own particular concerns which span the course of 50 plus years.
You see, during that time I have observed a massive cultural shift where the populace have been, in simple terms, ‘worked upon’, and from which I was once one of its victims in my outlook.
A collective rhetoric has been implemented which gives the impression that it cares for everyone. In my opinion, if you don’t follow their particular script you are really an enemy and are viewed as someone to silence. For this reason, in the UK you may have freedom of speech behind closed doors, but it certainly does not exist in the open without a level of persecution for constantly offending someone.
Just 20 years ago when I worked within the Church of England and I faced my own particular injustice and spoke up, I realized that the truth was even being crucified there, from within its very walls.
Standing alone and having your outlook and your world turned upside down is not a good place to be in. For a mere mortal it is suffocating and can also be frightening. The revelation of how this new and more loving humanity which continually preaches kindness, minus some facts, can damage those you love and care for, can also be very confusing.
Friends and family can also shun you and label you extreme, despite your common-sense view.
The temptation to resent such situations and to be told you just aren’t loving enough to go along with the collective rhetoric, now labelled British Values, does however have a very ‘good side’ if you allow it………..
Climate Anxiety!
Driving home from the local supermarket the other evening, I decided to tune in to a radio station and listen to the local news from the Shires. It was from here that I found myself listening to a conversation between two radio presenters and a psychologist discussing the anxiety that children are facing today in relation to the climate and how we could help them?
It was one of those moments when you decidedly wished there was a more balanced voice in the mix, outside the confines of your car, to say the least; but as you listened with a certain recognition of what made you anxious yourself as a child, the female radio presenter in the duo, then suddenly decided to take advantage of the situation and voice her disapproval of the image of Christ on the cross (the crucifixion) which she felt frightens many children in schools. Really!
Fortunately for the presenter she was indeed free to make a weak attempt at strength for openly voicing her displeasure at Christianity, which in its purest form is a faith which has constantly been mocked.
However, in view of her comments I wondered how many media outlets would daily report on the persecution and the death of Christian’s world wide (in very horrific ways) and if she really knew of the very real ‘anxiety’ that adults and children face daily across the world for their faith. For a detailed account of numbers world wide please click the link which reports the facts. The persecution of Christian’s world wide has sometimes been called a silent epidemic.
Those Vicious Politicians
This week it has also been reported that the UK’s Human Rights watchdog is under pressure to investigate our Conservative party with accusations of Islamophobia.
In an initial document submitted in May 2019 in which 150 people connected to the party were accused of anti-Islam remarks, a new document now accusing 300 individuals, including Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been presented to the Equality and Human Rights Commission by the Muslim Council of Britain.
From the 300 allegations, just three of them are as follows:
- Dominic Cummings, Chief Advisor, for orchestrating the Vote Leave campaign and playing on fears of immigration.
- Karl McCartney, re-tweeting posts by the alleged anti-Islam activist, Tommy Robinson
- Andrew Sabisky, who was forced to stand down as an advisor after using a discredited statistic forecasting the UK to be a majority Islamic nation by 2050. [Link], [Link]
The allegations made against Boris Johnson were that he used dehumanizing and offensive remarks against Muslim women who wear a veil likening them to ‘bank robbers’ and ‘letterboxes’.
I imagine he might thinks nuns look like penguins as well.
Were any of the above people exercising their right to freedom of speech or were they inciting hatred?
- Dominic Cummings suggested weirdoes and misfits with odd skills were needed in government.
- Karl McCartney stated that boys were disadvantaged because of over-feminized schools. Something I agree with.
- Mr Andrew Sabisky also allegedly made remarks in favour of eugenics and compulsory contraception. Something I find sickening.
In all of the above commentaries, offence can be taken by many different people in society and whether we like someone’s comments or not silencing someone is evil, but today much of the truth is being silenced and pushed underground by various groups.
In the UK, there is now a massive divide between groups of people who most certainly have freedom to speak up, and between people who are being ostracized for minor comments, or for even voicing their concerns, most especially in terms of immigration, abortion or gender issues.
This polarization of society has not come about by chance. At its core this spirit hates humanity. It is not kind or loving or considerate. Persuasion, coercion and brainwashing has been taking place over a period of time to kill truth. We know it. This is a problem we should all be shouting about and be advocates for.
Silencing the truth may see many innocent people die from injustice.
What do you believe about freedom of speech, and have you followed the most popular rhetoric of the day in order to go along with the crowds? This part you play is important.
But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?”
They said, “Barabbas!”
22 Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”
They all said to him, “Let Him be crucified!”
23 Then the governor said, “Why, what evil has He done?”
But they cried out all the more, saying, “Let Him be crucified!”
—Matthew 27:20 -23
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