Twelve Ways Biden’s Handlers Are Hellbent On Destroying America, Part 2

By Frosty Wooldridge

April 11, 2024

In Part 2: When he imports another 10 million illegal aliens including hundreds of thousands of Muslims, Chinese and Africans with chain-migration along with “asylum seekers”, we won’t know who we are or what the hell to do to save ourselves. Biden’s handlers are effectively destroying our culture, our language, our identity and our way of life.

In the news last night, Joe Biden invited biographers to his private digs to tell them how his legacy should be written. One of them stated that Biden should placed right alongside of Lincoln. I about fell off my sofa listening to that Mt. Everest-sized pile of balderdash.

He ran for president four times. He lied to his draft board to avoid military service. Scholars pointed out that he plagiarized papers, he cheated on exams, he stole speeches, he didn’t want his children to be educated with blacks in the “urban jungle.” He voted against black integration. He befriended the biggest racist Klu Klux Klan member former U.S. Senator Robert Bird. He used his V.P. status to swindle countries into giving his son millions of dollars for doing nothing. His son Hunter spread millions to members of the family. He stole classified documents upon leaving the vice-presidency.

We’re talking about a man so corrupt, Al Capone, Sam Bankman-Fried, and Bernie Madoff must have taken lessons from Joe Biden.

As to his legacy, historians will write about Joe Biden as the most corrupt criminal genius in modern history. Except now, with Alzheimer’s, his “genius” stems from his handlers—-and they ain’t doing too well to cover up his vacant mind.

Here’s what they are doing. You hear it on the liberal media programs that Trump would be a dictator, but in fact, as we saw in Russia, Putin just killed one of his opponents while in jail. Biden is trying to imprison Trump because Biden imitates Putin.

Last six points of Biden’s legacy:

  1. Reinvent the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, jail and eliminate political opponents. That sums up what Biden is ordering our DOJ to do to Trump. “Use ballot removal, impeachment, civil suits, and state and federal indictments rather than elections to defeat an opponent. Mob the homes of non-compliant Supreme Court justices, and attack them personally by name,” said Victor Davis Hanson.
  2. Encourage the fusion of the bureaucratic state with electronic media to form a powerful force for political audit, surveillance, censorship and coercion. Just look at the liberal media feed the American public more junk news, fake news and biased news. How could John Fetterman (D-PA), a man with nothing to show for his life, become a U.S. Senator, even when he couldn’t speak a full distinct sentence?
  3. Make war on gasoline and natural gas. Biden destroyed our ability to drill for our own oil, and pretends he knows anything about climate change. It’s doubtful he possesses the common sense of a fourth grader.
  4. Pretend he knows how to stop climate change when China and India continue building and multiplying beyond all comprehension of sheer numbers.
  5. Turn our kids against their own country in our universities and high schools. Teach them CRT to hate other races. Blame white people for everything. Engage mediocrity, illiteracy and stupidity as the new standards of American choices.
  6. Keep adding people millions of people to grow our population Beyond our ability to water, feed, house, work, educate or Maintain any kind of a cohesive civilization.
  7. Finally, this is a “Baker’s Dozen”. Biden supports DNA men competing and beating the pants of DNA women, as if it is fair. In fact, it’s the biggest farce of the 21st century.

Biden’s legacy? It might read like this: “U.S. President Joe Biden became the first president to lie his way into the White House. He told his lies so often, somehow, half the American public bought his bullshit. While in the White House, his wife fooled the American public into thinking he could pass a 30-question cognitive test for mental competency. He could not and did not. He was the first president in U.S. history to be controlled by his inner circle. He lacked judgment, understanding, comprehension of world events, and common sense. He spoke with total dependence of his speech writers and a teleprompter. He will remain history’s question mark as to how he was elected to the highest office in the world. He never worked a day in his life. He lived off the public dole for his entire existence. His legacy can be summed up in one word: incompetence.”

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