Two Shooters, One Location

By Cherie Zaslawsky

July 26, 2024

After hours of research and much speculation, I’ve come up with a theory may answer a number of important questions:

  • Why was Crooks allowed to remain perched on the roof of the AGR building though spotted by Secret Service, police and many bystanders long before Trump began speaking?
  • Why is there a marked audio difference between the first three shots and the volley that followed them?
  • Why was there a significant pause between the first three shots and the volley that followed them?
  • Why were US Secret Service agents stationed inside the AGR building rather than on that rooftop themselves?
  • Why were we given the lame excuse by Director Cheatle that the one-story AGR’s sloping roof was too dangerous for her agents to manage?
  • Why we were told the USSS agents were on the second floor inside the building where Crooks perched, when that building has only one story, and they were actually inside the adjacent 2-story building?
  • If, as many believe and as seems most likely, the attempt on Trump’s life coming just days before he received the RNC nomination, was a Deep State planned assassination, why would the plotters leave its success up to Crooks, a kid barely out of his teens who’d been kicked out of his high school’s rifle team as a poor shot?

Front: The AGR one-story building from which Crooks fired; Back: the two-story building where the Secret Service were stationed.

Many of us, myself included, want to know the truth about the logistics of the shooting, as that will also yield the information as to whether the attempted killing of Trump was enabled by mere incompetence on the part of the Secret Service and local police, plus the presence of a “lone wolf” shooter—or if it was a carefully planned inside job, as we now know was true of the JFK assassination.

Like many others, I’ve considered a number of possibilities of a second shooter, primarily because Crooks seems the unlikeliest of assassins, and because the Dems and Deep State allies long to be rid of Trump.

There seemed to be a possibility of a sniper on the nearby water tower. Someone parked an SUV by that tower, and some videos captured what definitely appears to be a man who emerges from behind the center marker on the top of the tower at exactly the moments of the opening shots, then disappears from view.

And as I wandered down these rabbit holes, I discovered many citizen researchers, including a man who goes by the username of ArnGrimR. He had studied the possibility of a sniper on the water tower and subsequently ruled it out, providing a detailed explanation. Though I now suspect someone—FBI perhaps?—was sent there as a deliberate red herring to get people excited about a second shooter on the water tower, only to be proven wrong.

Then, after I heard an eyewitness state that shots were fired from the left side of Trump, near where she and her children were, I sent the video to ArnGrimR, who studied it carefully and was able to rule out shots from the left.

So…no shooter on the left, no shooter on the water tower, only the amateur “sniper” GenZ Crooks on the roof. The lone wolf shooter. No grassy knoll. No conspiracy. Just coincidences and anomalies and incompetence?

I just can’t buy it.

So donning my Hercule Poirot chapeau, I began to try to connect the dots.

I asked myself, whether someone could have fired from a window in that second story building. Though not literally the same building, it is so close that I figured the sight-lines and bullet trajectories would line up very closely.

Below: Another view of the adjacent buildings in question

And suddenly everything started to make sense.

Here goes:

We were told the USSS were in the same building as Crooks, but on the inside, in the second story. However, recently, a researcher who goes by the name In2ThinAir posted a video showing there is no second story on that building, rather there is a second story on the adjacent building. Why mislead us that way–carelessness?

If the first three shots could have come from a second story window in that building, it would explain a number of things.

It would explain why the USSS were stationed inside in that particular building. It would place skilled snipers–whether the USSS or another trained expert marksman perhaps in another room in the same second story–where they’d have close to the same shooting trajectory as Crooks. It would explain why the plotters wanted Crooks on that roof–as a decoy as well as a patsy. And it would explain why the acoustics are so different between the first three expert shots, and the ensuing volley. It would also still fit with the excellent animated reconstruction of the trajectory of all the shots fired during the rally done by a woman named Amber of Azget Industries who’s done such reconstructions before.

If this scenario seems possible, Crooks might have been recruited to supposedly help the “good guys” take out “bad guy Trump” and told to wait till three shots were fired, and then to fire a volley himself.

Two shooters, one location!

And now we’ve learned from Senator Ron Johnson: “That sniper team that was in the AGR building, they were the first ones in that went up on the roof, they were the first to encounter the dead assassin at that point in time.“

Interesting that, if my theory holds water, the possible culprits were the first to investigate that part of the crime scene, perhaps to make sure no telltale evidence would be left, such as, say, only four or five shell casings instead of seven or eight.

Perhaps Senator Johnson will lead Congress in an investigation into the snipers in that second-story building, among other things. It’s surely past time for Congress to start demanding forensics, preferably from an outside agency.

If the theory I’m suggesting turns out to be correct, then instead if mere incompetence, happenstance and the proverbial lone wolf assassin, we’re looking at a devilishly clever plan —with an emphasis on devilish.

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