U.S. Politicians In Congress: Undermining Our Laws

For the past four decades, 535 men and women elected to serve our U.S. Constitution failed to not only uphold our laws, but undermined our laws in deference to lawbreakers. Upon being elected, each one of them swore on a Bible to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Additionally, we see governors, mayors and city council members breaking our laws. We see U.S. Senators and Congress members defying our laws. We see U.S. Attorney Generals ignoring our laws, i.e., former Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

For the past 40 years, U.S. presidents and concurrent Congresses failed to enforce and secure our borders. Thus, in excess of 20 million illegal aliens jumped our borders to enjoy the fruits of their criminal activities in jobs, anchor babies, housing and welfare.  All funded by our tax dollars!  Additionally, millions of U.S. employers break our laws with impunity from enforcement.

For example, an average of 350,000 pregnant women violate our borders, birth their children on our dollar, and ‘anchor’ themselves in our country with their new U.S. baby.  A total violation of the 14th Amendment!  U.S. citizens pay K through 12 schools, food stamps, housing, breakfasts and lunches for millions of their children.  We pay with our tax dollars, year after year, decade after decade.  Yet, not one single member of Congress passed a bill to stop it. (Source: Anchor Babies, www.cis.org)

Additionally, we see billions upon billions of U.S. dollars sent back to their countries.  We see 1.7 million legal and illegal immigrants, annually, pouring into our country without skills, language or education.  They immediately enjoy welfare for life—but not one member of Congress introduces a bill to stop it.   We see diversity visa holders mowing down our citizens on bike paths in New York City and chain-migration recipients stabbing people in our cities—but you guessed it, Congress avoids its sworn duty: not one member introduces a bill stop it.

We see our tax dollars pay for undeclared wars for 10 to 17 years with no end in sight.  We witnessed our national debt expand to its current $20 trillion with no attempt to live within our financial boundaries.

We see individual U.S. Senators like John McCain (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Michael Benet (D-CO) and more do absolutely nothing to enforce our illegal alien employment laws, transport of illegal aliens and housing laws written to stop landlords from renting to illegal aliens.

We see such House members like majority speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), make speeches in the House that make no sense whatsoever stemming from onset dementia, works FOR illegal aliens by stating that, “These [illegal] immigrants are the future of America.”  She’s followed closely by Maxine Waters (D-CA) who supports Islamic Sharia Law in America.  Further lawlessness from Sheila Jackson (D-CA) who shows little initiative to write bills to enhance African-Americans’ ability to work, but she, like Waters, condemns Americans and the president with name-calling.

While few Congressional members secured our borders for the past 40 years, and many of them served in Congress for the past 40 years, they now support 800,000 to as many as 1.8 million illegal alien DACA recipients.  Former President Barack Obama in contravention of our Constitution violated our laws in attempting to give those illegals a free pass into our country of our laws.  Initial cost to U.S. taxpayers: estimated at $26 billion for starters.

Our lawmakers become criminals representing us

While such House members as John Lewis (D-GA) scream the loudest in name calling, along with Hank Johnson (D-GA) idle their days in their offices doing pretty much nothing for their constituents.

As to wars and killing our young soldiers, the majority of Congressional members rubber-stamp every military expense to further two current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: that continue for 17 years—accomplishing nothing. Except $7 trillion spent of our money!   All the while, they authorize our tax dollars for 700 military bases and 450,000 military personnel in 80 countries around the world.  All for what?  For absolutely nothing in our defense! Have you heard of “Empire”?

U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), 84, witnessing her Golden State turn into the poorest and most immigrant-overpopulated state in America—lacks a single clue as to what’s she fostered or allowed to happen to her constituents.  Los Angeles features 55,000 homeless living in tarp tents while San Francisco faces 20,000 homeless, flourishing drug gangs and rampant welfare by illegal aliens.  Yet, Californians vote her back into office decade after decade.

Speaking of California, its own Governor Brown defied the laws of America by creating a “Sanctuary State” that harbors criminal illegal aliens despite the fact that Kate Steinle suffered death at the hands of a man deported five separate times, but returned to murder that young girl.  Mayors of Los Angeles and San Francisco defend their sanctuary cities to the detriment of taxpayers into the billions for anchor babies, health care for illegals, underground economies created by illegals and schools totally destroyed as to education for American kids.

Even the mayor of Oakland, Libby Schaaf, warned illegal aliens of ICE raids a day before the raids took place.  In lawful terms: aiding and abetting criminals.

Shady antics also hold true in Denver, Colorado where sanctuary city proponents Governor John Hickenlooper and Mayor Michael Hancock harbor criminal alien immigrants against the wishes of law-abiding Americans.

The same holds true in New York City and New York State with Governor Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio defending and harboring criminal aliens against the laws of America.   Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner defend and harbor criminal alien immigrants.

Over 200 other mayors and city councils, e.g. Minneapolis, Detroit, Boston and Boulder, CO, break our laws—and you now face a country degrading into a third world caldron.  Corruption becomes a mechanism by which third world countries operate.

As America accelerates toward that third world destiny, what will you choose to do about leaders in your city and state?

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