Unverifiable Elections are Uncertifiable

By Lex Greene

November 22, 2024

Indeed, over the past four years since the stolen 2020 Presidential election, determined investigators have uncovered literally hundreds of methods used by the Democrat Party to steal elections. Some of the methods are glaringly obvious, such as dead votes, non-citizen voting, ballots cast by voters no longer living in the state, mail-in, drop box and ballot harvesting operations.

Other methods involve high-tech electronic vote manipulations via software programming and outside intrusions through internet connectivity, even involving foreign agents abroad who “hacked” into the electronic voting machines. These methods require a more advanced technology engineering investigation to identify and expose, often with election officials working to block public oversight and audit access necessary to uncover the truth.

But no matter how many different mechanisms cheaters use to steal elections, it can all be stopped by one simple action based upon one indisputable reality.

Unverifiable Elections are Uncertifiable Elections!

Junk in = junk out! Simply stated, you can never get a “legal” outcome from an “illegal” process. If the election procedures are “unverifiable,” then the election results are “uncertifiable.”

Article I – Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.”

While it’s true that the States are responsible for the “time, place and manner” of elections within each State, it’s also true that Congress has constitutional authority to establish laws that apply to all states, as it pertains to nationwide standards for all federal elections.

In this case, USC 18 611 makes it illegal for any non-citizen to vote in U.S. elections under Federal Code. As a result, every “sanctuary” city and state in the country is a huge problem when it comes to election time. They harbor literally millions of “illegal aliens” that they then allow to vote in their elections, and in some cases, even allow “illegal aliens” to serve in law enforcement and court positions, over legal U.S. citizens.

To be very clear, regardless of any formal declarations or lack thereof, if a state has just one sanctuary city, it is a sanctuary state. Both the city and the state are harboring illegal aliens in direct violation of Federal Immigration and Naturalization laws.

Article I – Section 8 – Item 4 of the U.S. Constitution states – Congress alone has the power “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization — throughout the United States;” and Congress has established uniform codes for legal immigration and naturalization. While the States do have the power to set “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections,” they do not have the legal right to violate Federal Immigration Codes or Election laws.

Once a state has established itself as a sanctuary for illegal activities, harboring those in our country illegally, aiding and abetting illegal activities and undermining efforts by federal law enforcement to protect the nation from foreign invasion, the state has established itself as an enemy of the constitutional republic.

As it pertains to elections, such actions within the states create a circumstance wherein it is impossible to “verify” or “certify” election results due to the inability of state officials to demonstrate to legal electors, election officials, congress or the courts, that only legal electors (voters) participated in their elections.

Source: A list of Sanctuary States, Cities and Counties as of 2024

States Allegedly Won by Harris-Walz 2024 (226 EC Votes)

  1. California
  2. Colorado
  3. Connecticut
  4. District Of Columbia
  5. Delaware
  6. Hawaii
  7. Illinois
  8. Massachusetts
  9. Maryland
  10. Maine – At Large
  11. Minnesota
  12. New Jersey
  13. New Mexico
  14. New York
  15. Oregon
  16. Rhode Island
  17. Virginia
  18. Vermont
  19. Washington

All 19 States are “sanctuary” states with millions of illegal aliens harbored, aided and abetted by the State and local governments. As a result, all 226 Electoral College votes for Harris-Walz could and should be disqualified as without any absolute voter ID or any audit trail of who voted, or how many “illegal” ballots were cast in these states, the “unverifiable” elections are legally “uncertifiable.”

As of this morning, there are still over 7-million “illegal” ballots missing in the 2024 presidential election, that were allegedly cast for Biden in 2020. They are all missing from these same blue states.

This isn’t about winning the 2024 election now, as that has already been settled, with Trump receiving 312 Electoral College votes, winning the popular vote and 31 of 50 states, taking control of the U.S. Senate and maintaining a majority in the U.S. House.

These same states are now openly threatening to thwart efforts by ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to remedy the deadly mass invasion of illegal aliens that has taken place over the past four years, and for many years before that. Each state is controlled by the Democrat party. In other words, they are openly declaring war against the United States, Federal Law Enforcement, U.S. Codes and the U.S. Constitution in their overt attempts to protect ongoing illegal activities that undermine the Rule of Law.

It’s entirely impossible for Americans to not see and understand the problem at this point. Sanctuaries for illegal activities are unlawful and unconstitutional, plain and simple. They directly impact the ability of legal American Electors to determine the future of their own country via legitimate democratic processes and as a result, these actions in these states must not be allowed to stand any longer.

So long as illegal sanctuaries exist, illegal activities will persist in those areas, negatively impacting the entire country, most importantly, in our elections.

Until now, nobody in the federal government has been willing to solve this threat to American sovereignty and security. Hopefully, with the mandate just given Trump for a second term, that will change, because it has to, or this will no longer be a country of, by and for legal American citizens.

Until our elections are “verifiable” in every state, the states that refuse to comply with the Rule of Law must be treated as such. Until they are willing to participate in our country lawfully, they must be treated as a threat to the nation, because that is exactly what they are!

The people won the 2024 battle for sanity, sovereignty and security on November 5, 2024. But the war for the future of the USA is far from over. The people must remain engaged every day from now on, or even Trump will not be able to do what must be done to secure the Rule of Law and future of freedom.

The 2024 election victory isn’t the finish line, it’s the starting line of a New American Revolution to reinstate Constitutional government in D.C. and in every state and city across the country. No political leader has the power to accomplish this alone. But over 76-million Americans do, if they only will!

Before we can clean up the country, we have to clean up our own cities and states. Only by this means, can Americans save their country. Those who lack the power or will to clean up their cities, have no power or will to save their country!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: LexGreene24@gmail.com