USA Point of NO Return

By Lex Greene

November 21, 2023

Millions of Americans sense that the USA is currently at a most vulnerable, dangerous time in U.S. history, as they try to prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday while struggling to feel thankful for anything going on in the country or the world since November 2020.

Eight years of Obama was anything but peaceful, productive for America or of benefit to any American. Obama’s 3rd term behind the curtain of the so-called Biden administration, run by all of Obama’s former staff, has been even more violent and dangerous to the country and the world than Obama’s reign between 2009-2017.

Since the beginning of Obama’s Manchurian term in January 2021, the USA has been driven into the toilet while wars with numerous foreign countries have been ignited to destabilize all sovereign nations in preparation for their “One World Order” under Nazis at the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), and World Health Organization (WHO).

The only peaceful and prosperous time in recent U.S. history was four years of Trump when our country was not at war with anyone, and we made significant headway towards peaceful diplomatic solutions to global conflicts. Bush was at war for eight years in the Middle East, followed by eight more years of war under Obama, four years of peace under Trump and another warmongering period under Biden, aka Barack Hussein Obama.

Yet despite these “facts,” millions of young Americans still hate Trump while calling for peace in the world? They are in American streets supporting known terrorists Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah, all proxy terrorists for Iran and their global Caliphate.

These ignorant children chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” without any clue at all what they are chanting. Between the river and the sea is Israel. They are chanting for the complete elimination of Israel and the rise of a new Islamic terror State in its place. They are chanting for the death of Israel and all Israelis… They have no clue that it isn’t just Israel in the crosshairs of their global Caliphate…

Today’s deeply indoctrinated American youth is so fatally brainwashed that they may not be salvageable. They weep for terrorists in Gaza who attacked innocent Israeli men, women, children, and infants on October 7, gang-raping, murdering and beheading innocent citizen neighbors, while calling the victims of that attack “terrorists.” It’s impossible to imagine brains more backwards than this…

These young fools think they are “independent thinkers” while demonstrating no ability to think independently of their slave owners, the anti-American global Marxist community organizers who lit the fire in Israel, mobilized the mindless kids into our streets, with pre-printed flags, signs, and t-shirts manufactured well in advance of the October 7th attacks. Still, these kids ask no obvious questions.

No matter what Americans do to turn the tide back towards a better America today, these mindless kids are fast becoming a controlling voting majority in the USA. These foolish kids are determined to vote themselves and all of us into hell, under global totalitarian rule that only respects force, death, and destruction as a proper means to our end.

The question isn’t who should have a right to abortion, but rather, why do millions of Americans want to murder their own children in the womb? It’s not about what weapons can be used to take the life of an innocent, but rather, why do people want to kill innocent people at all? It’s not about how to take care of illegal invaders flooding into our country, but rather, why are we tolerating a massive foreign invasion of our country? Why are they allowed to be here at all, illegally, at insane taxpayer expense?

These kids have been taught that their expensive education replaces basic common sense, experience and the wisdom that only comes with years of experience. They actually believe that they are smarter than the people who had to teach them how to use a spoon, how to walk, and talk. They don’t want a job or career useful to the world. They want to be social media influencers…and video game experts.

Their little minds have been so twisted inside out, that they may never be able to tell daylight from dark.

This, my friends, is the point of no return for any freedom-loving nation.

These kids cry for freedom for all, while they work to cancel every freedom-loving person they encounter. Despite all forms of socialism and communism failing everywhere on earth it has ever been tried, and countries that fell from those experiments running from those concepts now, these kids still think it can work for them, because they don’t want to earn anything on their own.

If we can’t reform these young minds, we will have no choice but to sit them on the sidelines in order to save them from themselves.

Since July 4, 1776 – The USA has always been and will forever be, whatever the American people make it, or allow it to be. When American sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty, justice, peace, and prosperity are no longer the #1 priority of every American, none of these things will exist in the USA anymore.

Be thankful this week, that there remains a few Americans willing to make a united stand for all Americans, no matter the cost. If not for the few, all would be lost already.

We now have only two types of people in the USA… those who love America and Freedom, and those who hate both. Those who stand for the innocent, and those who stand for the evil in this world.

Within these two groups, there are only three types of people, in both…

  • People who make things happen
  • People who watch things happen
  • People who wonder what just happened

Right now, the people who hate the USA and everything it stands for are very organized, unified, very well-funded, and mobilized in group #1. But a vast majority of people who love America and freedom find themselves stuck in groups #2 and #3, either watching it all happen, or wondering what just happened.

If it’s true that “we” still outnumber them, you can’t tell it by their action and “our” inaction.

The only thing that separates “patriot” from “pretender” is ACTION. Without ACTION in “our” group, including the financial resources to move mountains instead of propping up politicians, there are absolutely no solutions to anything.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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