Using Education to Gain Acceptance of Anti-American Values

By Susan Mehiel

September 21, 2024

They burned an American flag outside the convention…

at the DNC the other night.  I’m wondering how many would be upset if it was a part of the program.  I also wonder if others are as bothered as I am by the high school and college students flocking to join the Pro-Palestinian/Hamas protests across the country.  I’m sad to say, we should not be surprised as we look back over the last 10-15 years and see the steady unraveling of our shared values aimed at our kids.

I know it started long before I began following the Common Core epidemic, but it was there in spades in Obama’s first term.  It was the bookmark I found in the children’s section of the gift shop that was “The Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth” replacing our national pride in one country under God with Mother Earth.

Common Core was the federal decree to change curriculum to focus on the ‘common good’ and not the advancement of the individual.  We saw our own tax dollars used to unravel and remake our education system in this country.  It’s the recycling of taxes at all levels into Education Inc, as we’ve called it, from the fed and state Depts. of Ed, through the fed and state nonprofits, NGO’s, universities, unions, corporations, and book publishers.

In 2021, I was shocked to see the Common Core tenets taken a step further in the English Curriculum the district was planning to purchase (and many around the state did.)  Along with group think came whatever the student and their friends believed or felt was okay.  Social Emotional Learning preached ‘know your place in the world’ not your family.  The fourth-grade stories positioned ‘the white man bad – the oppressor’ in every plot from the border patrol to the “Rent Man” and Culturally Responsive Teaching was the charge.

And the key was the conditioning started in kindergarten…where the teachers were instructed to include LBGTQ+ materials/books in their classrooms (those books again), first graders were supposed to discuss community-police relations, environmental concerns and race relations.  Classrooms were set up so small group activities were encouraged while concentration and individual study were not.

And so, the conditioning began…and the desired confusion.  If you don’t feel like a girl today and like Johnny’s pants better than your skirt, you must be a boy…you can change and be a boy.  Maybe Johnny likes holding hands with Bobby…that means he’s gay, and we can show you how you be that in our books.  Your parents haven’t told you about these possibilities?  That’s because they’re stupid…but your teachers and friends know best.

How many of the adults in this county knew there were books in our elementary and middle school libraries that promoted and encouraged LBGTQ+ lifestyles and how to live one with graphic detail?  You didn’t because “they” knew you wouldn’t like it, so the books, ordered in bulk from Education Inc publishers (Follow the money) were quietly placed there over the years.  Just being there meant the schools/adults thought they should be and as awareness grew of the lifestyles, the books would be sought out.

Little by little, through books and lessons and classroom activities the seeds of acceptance would be sown.  Whether or not parents were on board, whether or not everyone in administration knew about it…it was done, and it would increase.  More and more, children over the next ten years would be encouraged to explore the lifestyles and accept one or more as their own…to the benefit of whom?

Who prospers from children conditioned to believe they can change their gender as easily as their shirt?  Who benefits from a society that has no belief in a higher power, no belief that we are all God’s children, blessed by God and raised in a world where the Ten Commandments are basic moral principles?  Who benefits from no obligations of marriage, more castrations and abortions and more people who have no allegiance to our country and no skills…fewer strong, individuals and more sheep?  (When we define fascism let’s look at Big Pharma.)

Back to those Pro-Palestinian protests…when we were discovering the curriculum takeover, I found a book D is for Democracy that was ordered for our school libraries from a state education department list of books approved for purchase with Covid Dollars…never waste a good pandemic.
The main messages of this wonderful children’s book included:

  •     We live in a Democracy, never mind about that other word – Republic.
  •     The people are as important as the branches of government, co-equal like a 4th branch.
  •      Democrats believe the government should take care of those less fortunate.
  •      Republicans believe big business and the public should take care of the poor if they like.
  •      You can change the country if you come together in the streets and carry signs.

In fact, a third-grade girl saved the lives of many by organizing a protest against a big corporation accused of pollution that contaminated the property…it’s your public duty to protect the earth and protest…the children know best!

So, being told the poor Palestinians have been held captive in poverty for years and not allowed back on their land, fits the mold of unfair oppression.  The evil Israelis and Americans are the great oppressors and must be stopped.  On Oct. 7, the Palestinians and their Hamas friends tried to take back their land.  It’s our duty to take to the streets in support of our comrades, the oppressed!

We can trace the plan and it’s progress throughout the years from curriculum to teaching methods/systems to administrations and books, they’re all a part of the process. The demonization of parents who want to get rid of this propaganda was a necessity if the conditioning and control is to continue.  Did you fall for the community leaders, candidates, media and neighbors working together to take those parents down?  Did you follow the money?

Have your children figured out their kids are being conditioned…your grandkids?  Are they awake?  Are they listening?  Our only hope is a growing religious awakening and return to our shared values and all types of independent, private/non-government schools.

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