We Have to Repent for Supporting and Tolerating Evil

By Pastor Glynn Adams

September 22, 2024

“Then God said, Let us make man in Our image according to Our likeness and let them rule over……..” (Genesis 1:26) And God blessed them and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the……(Genesis 1:28)

“Most people understand that God created man with the ability to bear offspring and multiply, thereby fulfilling the commission to be fruitful and replenish the Earth. But do we realize that this should be applied in the spiritual as well in the natural?

In the natural, we bear children and populate the Earth (which man has no problem doing). In the spiritual, however, we lead others to Christ, bearing spiritual offspring and thereby replenishing a fallen Earth with the redeemed of the Lord.

Repopulating is the easy part; even making disciples of Christ is progressing across the globe, albeit with some strong religious overtones at times. But do we understand why God wants us to (spiritually) repopulate the Earth? Is it just that He likes people? Or disciples? Well, yes and no. In truth, there is more to the plan than one big happy Earth family.

As we saw a few paragraphs before, God created us to subdue the Earth and rule over it. These words were in God’s original commission to man in Genesis 1. The word “subdue” means to bring under control by force, to conquer, bring into bondage or subjection. That’s pretty strong. And the word “rule” means to have dominion, to dominate. (Folks, I’m not talking about man’s corrupt religious words “Dominion Theology” but God’s Hebrew word “dominion” in Genesis.) God created man to rule the Earth with Him.

Yes, we are having babies – natural and spiritual – but are we fulfilling our whole commission? Are we subduing the Earth? As we look at the world today, can we honestly say that it is under God’s dominion? Does the world look more like Heaven or the domain of darkness? Obviously, there is darkness in the world and some people might conclude that Satan is winning – that the world is firmly in his control as it hurls towards the abyss. But they forget that God retains ultimate authority and that He has commissioned us for a specific purpose.

Sure, most Christians believe that Jesus defeated Satan. But they view that victory as a technicality rather than an all-pervasive authority that can permeate our lives and flow out to a lost and oppressed world. Tragically, many Christians have left Jesus’ victory on an old rugged cross, giving in to the lie that God plans for the world to keep getting worse until Jesus returns and straightens the whole mess out. Instead, God’s plan is clearly laid out in Scripture, and while it does not prophesy defeat either does it prescribe our passive position in the process.

“But He (Jesus) having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time onward until His enemies be made a footstool for His feet.” (Hebrews 10:12-13)

Do you see it? Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God the Father, waiting until His enemies are made a footstool! And what does “waiting” mean? Literally: to wait with expectation, to take or receive from. So, if Jesus is sitting and waiting, who is God using to make Jesus’ enemies a footstool? Who? US!

That’s right us, His people!! As we partner with God, He uses US to restore the Earth just as He intended with Adam and Eve. Man, redeemed through Christ, fulfilling His original commission to subdue the Earth and rule over it, just as God intended all along.”

I have had a feeling for years now that we in the Body of Christ are missing a lot of commands from the Word of God because we gloss over so much of the Word of God. An example is many people in the Body of Christ cannot see the Kingdom of God in Scriptures yet that was the main ministry of Jesus while He was on this earth. So many miss the Scriptures telling us to resist evil and the powers of darkness and you can show them in the Word of God and they won’t believe you. Have you ever thought how much is in the Scriptures that we are not doing but are expected by our Lord Jesus to do? Just meditate on that for a minute!!!

I have been saying it for years, since Constantine, people in these false denominational religious systems are still following the false religious system Constantine implemented and they have also developed their own false religious systems that has put them in darkness. They have made disciples that follow their religious system and not the ways of Jesus Christ. The religious system they are under today does not include be fruitful and replenish the earth by having children, bringing people to Christ and making disciples. It does not include influencing our nation with the gospel of the kingdom and the ways of God. It does not include resisting the evil overtaking this nation to make Jesus’ enemy a footstool!!!

A true disciple of Jesus Christ is a learner and obey the ways of Christ. People in our current religious systems are not interested in learning of Christ. If you are not a learner of Jesus Christ, you are not His disciple. You are a disciple of your false religious system. People in their religious systems today are not interested in abiding in Christ and His Word as in John 15. People in their religious systems today are not interested in reading and acting on the Word of God as in Matthew 7. They are building their life not on the rock but on the sand and when the storms of life come their way, great will be their fall!!!

As stated in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, because they did not receive the love of the truth, and for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so they might believe what is false in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth but took pleasure in wickedness. I realize that some people in these denominational false religious systems that might be saved and are still hanging around. May they be informed that it was Jesus who said you will become like your teacher. Get out of that religious system before that happens!!!

I also realize that many of you are discussing with loved ones in these false religious systems but realize all you can do is present the truth but you cannot make them see what you see. Only God can make someone see the truth. Present your case before them in a loving way but do not argue with them. Jesus spent no time with the religious leaders once they started defending their false religious systems and doctrines.

What can you do for yourself and family in these last days? Learn the Word and get involved in ministry outside your little world and engage culture and resist the evil before us. We must get back to influencing our nation with the ways of God.

When Jesus gave us the Great Commission, He restored more than the heart of man. He restored man’s original calling. “And Jesus came up and spoke to them (disciples and apostles and to all his followers in the future), All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Do not mistake the intent of Jesus’ words. They are as potent today as they were 2,000 years ago. “Go therefore…” is a commission powered by delegated authority, God’s authority does not stop with “All authority has been given to Me….” Indeed, it only begins there.

As Jesus breathed His life into twelve men, He formed a structure for those who followed to possess His life that the power and authority of the Kingdom of Heaven could flow to the Earth, restoring what has been lost and establishing what can never be conquered.

Jesus is returning to Earth to receive His kingdom and to complete its full manifestation. He is returning for a victorious Ekkelsia (not a religious system), a mature people, a spotless bride that obey Him. Together we are preparing the Earth for His coming.” (Joe Nicole and his book Ekkelsia)

My friends in the Remnant of God and His Ekkelsia, we have to get back to influencing this nation back to the ways of God. Just look at what we have allowed in America today. America has been captured, America is ruled by Satan and not by God. America has become a sinful nation. Our nation has become a habitation of demons, demonic strongholds, and doctrines of demons. We know Satan has changed this nation from a Christian Worldview to what we have today; but how did he do it? He made the Democrat Party to be disciples of Marxism and those totally dedicated disciples of Marxism went out into our nation and made other disciples of Marxism and together they all influenced this nation to the ways of Marxism and Satan. THEY BEAT US AT OUR OWN GAME!!!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT GOD TOLD HIS DISCIPLES TO DO!!!

Jesus commissioned us to go make disciples. Disciples that act like the ways of Jesus. He commissioned our disciples to influence our nation with the ways of God. We were to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven. We were to bring the ways of heaven down to earth. But the plain truth is the disciples of Marxism influenced out nation more than our Christian disciples because they were more faithful to their god Satan than we the followers of Jesus Christ were to our God!!!

We have to repent for what we have done and immediately, get back to obeying the Ways of God given to us by Jesus Christ. I sternly warn the Ekklesia and Remnant of God in America that if we drag our feet and continue our little podcasts and seminars and do not immediately get organized as a Body as the Marxists are and begin to correct our mistakes and stand firm against this Marxists regime and bring back the rule of God once again in this nation.

I can’t even begin to explain the pain and suffering that will come upon this nation if we don’t get out of our comfort zones and resist this evil overtaking our nation. We have been given so much by God but we have been so disobedient to God and America is close to His limits with us!!!! Right now, our nation looks more like hell and the domain of darkness than heaven. I don’t claim to be a prophet but I can read in the Word what God did with disobedient nations after their grace ran out and it was not pretty!!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Most of the words I spoke in this article the first two and one-quarter pages belong to Joe Nicola and His book Ekklesia)

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E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net