We Must Change Our Ways!!!

By Reverend Glynn Adams

March 3, 2024

“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1)

There is a war going on against the Body of Christ and God whose absolute goal is to destroy our faith in Jesus Christ and America.   These demonic globalists elites started out using the Frankfurt School to systemically change America but in these last days, it is being carried out by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and various demonic New World Order Occult Elites.

They knew if a nation followed God, it would be impossible to overtake that nation so they devised a systematic plan to change America by first attacking the morality of this nation, the family structure, Christianity, and our Constitution.  By their own words, they boasted if we can get America to sin, America will forget God.  If we weaken the family structure, it will destroy America.   In secret, they went into the interior of our nation into our institutions of influence such as text book publishing, all forms of media such as radio, television, movies, video games, and into our schools and universities, into our government, corporations, and our seminaries and churches.

Then they brought forth a flood of anti- God, anti-family, anti- Christianity, and anti- Constitution – the God is Dead Movement to attack Christianity, the Women’s Liberation movement to get mothers out of the home, on TV the father was portrayed as weak, non-caring, and out of touch, the homosexual movement, free sex movement, and pornography to attack further our moral compass.  Hollywood did their share with vile movies and sex as well as TV.   They used such people as Dr. Spock, a well- known child psychologists to attack God’s laws for raising children and discipline, easy divorce, and a constant campaign of lies against Christianity, pastors, churches, and our Constitution.

Many of us in the 80s and 90s warned the nation and churches of this systematic revolution against the family, morality, Christianity, and our Constitution but we were ignored.  The churches and pastors refused to face the reality of our day and we were considered troublemakers, outcasts, and out of the mainstream of Christianity.   In the church I pastored, a deceived Southern Baptist Deacon said, “No Marxists or demons here in America Brother Adams will never ever overtake our nation!!!!”

Nothing has changed since then as the pastors and church still refuse to take a stand against the enemies destroying this nation.  Christians then and now are just like the ten spies in Numbers 13 and 14, that could only see themselves as grasshoppers and the giants were too big for them and God.  It is not the Democrats, Marxists New World elites, George Soros, or any other that is destroying America.  It is the pastors and the Body of Christ in this nation that refuse to be obedient to God and to take a stand and fight against these defeated demonic enemies.

Because we will not take a stand and resist, this has allowed our enemies of the cross to overtake our nation unopposed.  All the while, God is waiting for us to be obedient and go to the battlefield so He can defeat our enemies.  This is what Joshua and Caleb did and they successfully possessed the land and the promises of God.

God gave a law to His children for possessing the land to keep our enemies from overtaking our land, ”If you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live.  And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them so I will do to you.” (Numbers 33:55-56) – HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  Yes. He said it and the Body of Christ in America can clearly see what God said has come true.   Is there anyone in America that are pricks in our eyes, thorns in our flesh, and troubling us in the land in which we live?

Plus, our enemies are not done in America.  Evil never sleeps and never quits.  They are progressive and have been in this nation since the early 1900s as well as in 1964 when the Frankfurt School first launched their attacks on this nation.   Christians, just stay in your safe zones, continue to disregard what God says in His Word, stay away from the battlefield like the ten spies, and we will lose this nation to our enemies.

God is not coming down from heaven and fix America.  He gave His Body dominion, His Name, His authority and power and if anything goes wrong in our nation, we are to fix it using these weapons of God, His power, His authority, His Name, and His weapons to fix America.   God sent Israel, the apple of His eye, into bondage because they would not obey God.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless.  Not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s warning words spoken to the German People who refused to stand against evil Hitler in their day).   May God bless us with some wisdom of God and eyes that see and ears that hear and some courage and a backbone.   “And they overcame him (Satan) because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony, they did not love their life even to death.” (Revelations 12:11)

In the real Greek World in Jesus’ day on this earth, a group of Greek citizens called the ekkelsia, would gather, as a legal entity, at the gates of their city to discuss the governmental, legislative, and judicial ways they would lead their nation.  They determined what their nation would be like, what their culture would be like, what traditions they would live by, the laws of the land, and the responsibility of the Greek citizens to their nation.   This group of Greek citizens which is called the ekkelsia literally determined what type of culture, city, or nation they would have as they set the standards before the Greek people!!!

This is what God had in mind for His ekkelsia.  We are to be much more than just a fellowship of people.   The ekkelsia, what we call the church, is to be God’s direct governmental, legislative, and judicial representatives, His legal entity, His ambassadors, on this earth.  We are to have dominion, to expand God’s Kingdom, to make disciples of Christ, to set the standards in which we live by, the morals we live by, we raise up disciples in our culture who would represent us in our Republic Constitutional government, we ensure God is in our schools that will educate and make disciples of our children to be the generations that continue the ways of God in our nation, our form of government, and our family structure.

We are to resist any evil that would enter into our land and not allow any strongholds, doctrines of demons, rulers, powers of darkness in wicked places and anything or anyone contrary to the ways of God to be in power or to influence our people, cities, or nation.  We are to use the laws of heaven and the Name, authority, power of the Holy Spirit, and other resources God has given to us to exercise dominion in our nation, to protect our nation and to lead our nation into the ways of God.   God’s people called the ekkelsia was to determine what type of culture, cities, and nation we would have as we sat God’s standards before our nation and this world system.  But we have not done this.

Why has the opposite happened?  As a corporate people we have not obeyed God.  We do not understand God’s purpose for the church.  We have reduced church to going to a building on Sunday.   We have forsaken the ways of our God and hewed cisterns for ourselves that can hold no water.  We have instituted the religious traditions of man into God’s ekkelsia rather than the ways of God.

We have disregarded the warnings of God and allowed our nation to be captured by a godless Marxists philosophy having allowed them to remove our Bible, Ten Commandments, the morality of our God, allowed God’s definition of marriage to be changed, allowed our children to be taught the ways, not of God, but Marxist ways, allowed our culture to be polluted, our Godly values to be assaulted, and God openly mocked throughout our nation.

Instead of the peace of God, we now have the violence and open manifestation of demons in our nation, our cities, our culture, our churches, and in our children.  Demons and demonic strongholds are getting stronger each day to launch Satan’s ministry of death against our nation because there is no sufficient spiritual opposition.  The Body of Christ in America have sown America to the wind and now we are reaping the whirlwind.

We have been too accommodating to the demonic spirits of this world system in that we have failed to give the manifold wisdom of God through the church so God’s wisdom might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the demonic realm as stated in Ephesians 3:10.   We have all authority over Satan and his demonic hordes but we have sat on it while the gates of hell came against the Body of Christ and our nation.

All I see is churches promoting conferences, books, podcasts, TV programming, and themselves.  These are not bad things but are these things the priority we need at this hour?   We must repent, forsake our false religion and return to the reality of Scripture.   If your pastor and church system are not leading you to repentance and preparing you for this spiritual war, you need to find one who is.  The spiritual war is not coming; it is here in full force and Christians have not shown up for this war.  If we expect to save our nation with God’s help, we must get our act together and engage our enemies.

But first we must develop a real, genuine fear of God in the Body of Christ.  Jesus did not tell us to fear but He did tell who to fear, “And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)    We have lost that fear of God in the Body of Christ in America!!!

Also, we must get the Body of Christ in this nation into unity of purpose and see ourselves not only with the responsibility to share the gospel to the lost but to engage the demons of hell in this nation with the power and authority of God.   Next week I will present some information on Spiritual Warfare.  In case you don’t know what that is – that is disciples of Christ, in obedience to our LORD and His Word, getting on a war footing and becoming engaged in this spiritual war resisting Satan and his powers of darkness that is destroying this nation and other nations around the world!!!   God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams

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E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net