We Must Not Allow The Dems To Replace Our Judeo/Christian Foundation

Ron Edwards

In the Bible, the word of God plainly states Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his ox or his lamb, etc.  Though all sin is abhorrent to God almighty, He is gets especially torqued up about the abuse of children.  God is adamant about training up a child in the way he should go, so that he does not permanently wander into damnation.  Since the time predating the massive floods during the time of Noah, people of the dark left have always sought to harm children.  They understood, just as the leftists of today fully comprehend, that to bring about society’s destruction, simply ruin, corrupt, pervert and murder the children.  Even the chosen Jewish people of God had their periods of spiritual and moral devolution and sacrificed their children to an imaginary god called Molech.  They would literally force their own children to walk into a roaring fire, just to appease a fictitious god that does not exist.  It is stressful to watch police officers preventing parents from protecting little children from perverted transgender adults at libraries.  The perverts sit the young ones on their laps or lie with them on the floor while indoctrinating their fertile minds with utter filth.

When I was a little boy, I would hear the older folks exclaiming “just when I think it couldn’t get any worse, it does.”  Even though I am not old, I now find myself making the same statement with increasing regularity.  It is heartbreaking to witness how in the greatest nation ever formulated by man there are now, so-called human beings who want to force society into legalizing pedophilia.  Perhaps the number one reason the freaks are now so emboldened is because of a concerted effort to abolish the teaching of and adherence to good moral standards.  In fact, that is one of the noted Cloward/Piven strategies to as Aliobama put it, “To fundamentally transform America.”  Our Heavenly Father stated, “do not harm the children.”  For hundreds of years, the Islamists have systematically raped boys for sport.  During the Obama administration an American soldier got into deep trouble for rescuing an eleven year old boy from being raped in Afghanistan by adults.  The reason given was because it is their religious culture.

Today in the United States pedophiles are calling themselves “Minor Attracted Persons” and desire inclusion in the unnatural LGBTQ community. YIKES!! Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “MAPS”, or minor attracted Persons”, all part of an evil effort to gain acceptance and to try to normalize their horrible desires in the minds of the increasing numbers of ignorant individuals.  According to Urban Dictionary, the blanket term MAP includes infantophiles (infants), pedophiles (pre-pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children).  Some MAPs or Non-offending Minor Attracted Persons”. These pedophiles seek to be a part of the LGBTQ gaggle of unnatural sexual practitioners, even going so far as to make a “Pride” flag for Gay Pride Month.

The Bible warned us that there would come a time when what’s right would be called wrong and what’s wrong would be called right.  At first, very quietly, but in recent years with an increasingly bold in your face attitude the Social “injustice” left has been working and lobbying to change the classification of pedophilia, from a deviant sin and mental illness, to a sexual orientation.  If you naively believe this type of leap is not possible, let’s not forget hat until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association classified homosexuality as a mental illness.  But that was reversed after non stop lobbying and leftist social pressure.  In 2018, the World Health Organization announced that they would no longer consider people who wanted to become transgender as a mental disorder, then changed it to an orientation.  Now ask yourself if you still believe it is impossible for the destructive leftists who run many organizations and boards won’t at least try to reclassify pedophilia as well.

“We The people” cannot stupidly sit on the sidelines, but must stand and push back against the evil darkness that would force society to accept adults raping babies.  It is wicked enough to still allow abortion murders, but to compound the evil being perpetrated against children via pedophile/child rapists would set our nation up for a justified punishment from our heavenly Creator.  It is my sincere prayer and belief that we Americans will soon return to the blessed principles enumerated in Holy Scripture.  For the word of God is the pathway to Life liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  For if we will not step up and protect those among us who cannot protect themselves, then we shall give up the right to even expect the blessings and protection of God who shed HIS grace upon the United States of America.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

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