What 2024 Polls Really Tell Us

By Lex Greene

May 13, 2024

My favorite line about polls and statistics is, 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot to suit someone’s agenda, and man is that true when it comes to modern political polling data. Today, most Americans don’t even care how accurate the information is, they will share the polls of their choice, so long as it suits their agenda.

It’s called “selective push-polling.” Political operatives need their loyal followers to remain loyal, believing that their candidate is some messiah with a good chance of winning. It’s a critical component to the general “divide and conquer” mission of the elites in control of all governments. It’s also very important when it comes to campaign donations. Most people won’t donate to someone perceived to have no chance.

In modern times, push-polls are also being used to prepare voters for manipulated stolen elections. No matter how blatantly obvious and visible mass election fraud is, the people will still believe the “steal” so long as it appears consistent with pre-election polling data.

Push-polling is when they frame a question in such manner as to elicit a prescribed response to suit the agenda.

EXAMPLE: Do you support women’s Rights?

Of course, most Americans support “women’s Rights” every time they are asked this question. The agenda isn’t “women’s Rights” though, it’s “abortion” rights. The poll asked if people support women’s Rights, and of course most people do. But then the reporting on those poll results reads “majority of Americans support abortion.” That’s not what the poll asked, and that is how push-polling works.

Selective polling is when those being polled have a known ideological leaning on a subject. Of course, if the Biden Team polls only democrat voters, Biden will likely perform well in that poll, allowing Team Biden to claim he is ahead in the polls. Likely, Trump polls aimed at republican voters will deliver the same desired outcome for Trump, allowing team Trump to declare that he’s ahead in the polls.

As a result, Team Biden will likely poll people who watch MSNBC, while Team Trump might poll Fox News viewers…and that’s why you can’t rely on any polling data, for the most part. Most polls are “selective push polls” with a predetermined goal.

But what are the 2024 polls really telling us about the 2024 election cycle?

#1 – Almost half of the country, a reported 41%, anticipate a second Civil War as a result of this election cycle, no matter who wins, while 49% have doubts. “Thirty-seven percent of voters think a civil war is more likely If President Joe Biden wins reelection; 25% think civil war is more likely if former President Donald Trump wins.”

#2 – Nobody trusts Congress“The poll of 1,813 U.S. adult citizens May 5-7 found that only 12% approved of Congress’ performance, while 61% disapproved and 18% had no opinion.”

#3 – Most don’t trust the Supreme Court or the current justice system either. “The Supreme Court fared slightly better, with 32% approval and 54% disapproval.”

#4 – People no longer trust any political figure at any level. “The poll also found that all public and elected officials, regardless of political affiliation, are generally viewed more unfavorably than favorably.”

#5 – Few trust the current economic experts. “When asked whether the economy is improving or worsening, only 18% said it was getting better, while 54% said it was worsening.” – “just 24% described the current state of the economy as excellent or good, while 43% described it as poor, and 39% believe the country is already in a recession.”

In other words, the vast majority of Americans no longer trust the Federal Government at all, any branch, any agency, no matter who’s in charge.

The people no longer trust the U.S. news media either, seen as nothing more than global Marxist propaganda machines now, hiding truths from the people, while continually spewing well-known outright lies 24/7 to support a “global” agenda, and undermining everything the USA has ever been.

And this is why a growing number of Americans see a civil war somewhere in our near future. They have lost any faith in the system designed to prevent a second civil war, because that system has become so corrupt and anti-American that the people believe, with increasing regularity, that sooner or later, they will have to take matters into their own hands to restore and preserve our Constitutional Republic.

Many years ago, I was doing a radio interview at about the time the “Tea Party” started rising to rebuke the corrupt nature of our runaway federal government. At the same time, an opposition group was rising under the label “99-percenters,” favoring socialism and totalitarianism for the American future, based upon 99% “poor” against the 1% “uber-wealthy.”

I was asked about these two competing groups in that interview, and my response was… The 99-percenters almost have it right, almost…

Sooner or later, it will be 99% against the 1%, but not based upon the poor versus the wealthy, or socialists versus conservatives, nor will it be in support of socialism or totalitarianism. Instead, it will be the 99% governed against the 1% who have turned our government against every American citizen.

2024 marks that time in history when a uniting of citizens from all past political affiliations will come together to defeat the runaway criminal enterprise called “the Federal Government,” the real 99% governed, against the corrupt 1% governing elites. How the hell has a thousand governing elites gained total maniacal control over 330-million legal Americans?

Here’s what most American voters have learned in the past four years…

  • Politicians are not trustworthy, none of them.
  • Our Federal Government is of, by, and for, itself.
  • Our Federal Government has been weaponized against ALL Americans, including the frontrunning opponent to the DC cabal, the people’s candidate, Trump.
  • Almost no one in power today is actually “on our side.”
  • The Constitutional System of self-governance is all but gone.
  • Politicians have divided the electorate in order to conquer all citizens.
  • Our tax dollars are being used to defeat the taxpayers.
  • Every penny in taxes is “taxation without representation” now.
  • The global left (WEF Partners) will stop at nothing to destroy our country.
  • No one against reformer candidate Trump, is actually a Republican, much less a conservative.

Most of all, Americans are finally waking up to the reality that Barack Hussein Obama, the greatest “community organizer” of all time, via ACT BLUE international funding, BLM, ANTIFA, and numerous Soros .orgs, has indeed kept his 2008 promise to “fundamentally transform America” into a toilet, where at least two young generations have been raised on socialist indoctrination, no longer capable of self-reliance or self-governance.

Instead, we now see the generations raised by Hillary Clinton’s village idiots, taking over our cities in support of well-known terrorists like Hamas, chanting “death to America.” They now represent the biggest racist group in America calling for the “ethnic cleansing of Jews,” the killing of “whites” and total control over every citizen by using more than 15-million new “illegal aliens” to redistrict the nation and vote out legal American citizens!

2024 marks the election cycle in which the American people, no matter past partisan views, must and likely will, come together to defeat the D.C. cabal of criminal miscreants, and preserve our Constitutional Republic, freedom, and liberty for all, by refusing to fall for the massive efforts to demonize every American who wants to see our country become free and great again.

It is 99% against 1% now… us against them. The only people who don’t know it yet are the deeply indoctrinated who were raised to prefer total government dependence over individual freedom and liberty.

But they too, will soon learn. I pray they will learn the easy way, peacefully through legitimate nationwide election integrity, instead of a civil war. But either way, they must be taught the true value of freedom and liberty, and that their utopian Marxist dreams have failed everywhere on earth they have ever been tried.

It’s up to the awake, to fix the woke… no matter what it takes! Or freedom and liberty will very soon exist nowhere on earth!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: LexGreene24@gmail.com