What Does IQ Have To Do With America’s Future?
By Frosty Wooldridge
March 24, 2025
Mass and endless immigration out of the Third World degrades America’s, and all Western Countries’, literacy and educational standings in the world.
As a former math-science teacher in middle schools and in the inner-city, along with being a college lecturer, I discovered that IQ’s, whether high or low, define a student’s ability and/or desire to excel in academics. With an IQ over 110-120+, a student “wants” to learn. In fact, nothing can stop his or her curiosity to learn, achieve and apply knowledge. Such individuals become “critical thinkers” along with becoming engineers, doctors, inventors, teachers, entrepreneurs, nurses, leaders of industry and in the sciences. Just about everything Western Countries enjoy in the 21st century stems from “brilliant minds” working their curiosities into inventions such as clean water, toilets, hygiene, sanitation, abundant foods, conquered polio, tetanus, created transportation, and much more.
Essentially, intelligence brought the human race out of the Dark Ages and into the Age of Enlightenment.
If you look on the world stage, every country’s collective IQ dictates its “modern” standing in the world. If that collective IQ runs in the 70’s, its people suffer a lower standard of living, lower sanitation, lower food sourcing, lower educational achievements, and lack of modern freedoms.
China owns the highest collective IQ in the world at 107. Ghana suffers the lowest IQ at 59. Most African nations suffer 65 to 80 IQ’s. Somalia averages 67 IQ’s among its people. That defines Somalian immigrant Ilhan Omar’s basic intelligence level. (She’s a US House of Representatives member, but was not elected by Americans, only fellow immigrant Somalians.)
Before the Immigration Reform Act in 1965 that imported millions of refugees from all Third World countries, America’s average IQ stood at 100, which is a decent amount of intelligence in order to maintain a First World country. Today, our national IQ level stands at 97.4. That’s a huge drop in only 60 years. (Source for country by country IQ’s:
https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country )
“72% of the world’s illiterates are in Africa. That’s out of 1.4 billion persons. In 2008, nearly 796 million adults (17% of the adult population worldwide) could neither read nor write. Approximately two thirds were women. A large majority of illiterates live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ten countries account for 72% of adult illiterates in the world. According to
the “2011 Monitoring for All Global Education” report from UNESCO, in the last ten years significant advances have been seen in education. However, there is a fear that it is slowing up. In any case, even today 43% of children with no access to schooling live in Sub-Sahara Africa.” (Source:
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2014_2019/documents/acp/dv/8-education_/8-education_en.pdf )
What is the most important factor for a First World country to maintain its freedoms, its excellence and its success? Answer: a solidly educated citizenry that “wants” to learn and grow. It needs youth to excel in schools in the STEM subjects. An intelligent and educated citizenry remains the ONLY way to maintain a First World country.
Last week on network news, you saw that over 60 percent of American 4th graders cannot read at grade level or perform math at grade level. Eighth graders performed even worse. Millions of our youth do not graduate from high school—-rendering them functionally illiterate. “Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. That’s a student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day.” (Source: www.dosomething.org)
We’ve got 45,000,000 (million) Americans and immigrants subsisting on food stamps and other welfare. The National Center for Education states that 43,000,000 Americans are functionally illiterate. They are too illiterate to participate in our society and/or contribute by working a job. We’ve got millions of immigrants living on SSI welfare food, housing and medical care on American taxpayers’ backs. Of which, those immigrants did not contribute a dime. They simply moved here from Third World countries. Minneapolis, Minnesota houses 125,000 Somalians who remain eternally on welfare and food stamps. Same goes for 300,000 Syrians in Detroit, Michigan.
Sadly, if not sickening, millions of our minority kids in places like Chicago, LA, Detroit, NYC, Miami and beyond, cannot and do not become educated citizens. That lack a father. They lack decent housing. They lack nutritious food. They lack afterschool guidance. Little wonder why drugs have killed over 300,000 in the last four years! Little wonder why kids are shooting/killing kids in cities across America by the thousands. When you’re poorly educated or of low intelligence, you revert to the lowest common denominator to solve a confrontation: violence.
All the while, we keep pumping 1.2 million legal immigrant refugees into America from all those countries that have failed because of very low collective IQ’s.
In other words, we have millions of functionally illiterate refugees, along with functionally illiterate Americans unable to perform anything more than driving a taxi, slinging burgers or sweeping floors.
“For example, at current legal immigration levels where the U.S. imports more than 1.2 million legal immigrants a year—at the detriment of American workers’ job prospects and wages—every American loses either a job or taxpayers pay for welfare recipients.”
Note once again, we suffer 774,000 homeless in America. We keep serving and caring for millions of legal and illegal migrant refugees without solving our own problems in the first place. Do you think that’s reasonable or intelligent?
All the while, we keep exploding America’s human population toward that magic number of an added 100 million more people, from 350 million to 450 million, net gain, by 2050. Who on God’s green Earth thinks those numbers are going to keep our country sustainable as to water, energy and resources? Can you imagine our horrific loss of “quality of life” in America when those numbers manifest?
Here’s another beef about mass immigration: all the top scientists cry about “global climate change”, but they do not, will not, and NEVER speak to the fact of what drives it! Answer: human population growth. For every added person to America, that person goes from a Third World minimal energy use—-to driving a car, or riding a bus, or burning energy in an apartment, using up more water, more food, and dozens of other consequences that burn oil—-that ultimately creates more carbon footprint, and accelerates “catastrophic climate destabilization.”
It’s almost like we’re “on purpose” destroying our own future. Or, we’re allowing those “intellectual” giants like AOC, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson or Jasmine Crockett in Congress to continue destroying America for us.
Dear reader, have I made it plain that we’re in DEEP trouble? How can I make it any clearer?What can I do to gain a greater voice on 60 Minutes, Meet the Press, Face the Nation, NPR, PBS, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, Joe Rogan and beyond to get this message out? Can you write Joe Rogan to ask him to interview me? He’s got a website that offers you to write him. Can you write 60 Minutes and ask them to interview me? 60M@cbsnews.com If we don’t create a national discussion/debate on what’s coming, our children are screwed. Would you agree with that fact?
Write these top journalist on TV and radio to invite me on their shows:
Megyn Kelly: megyn@megynkelly.com
Chris Cuomo: programming@newsnation.com
Clay Travis: clay.travis@gmail.com
Diane Sawyer: diane.sawyer@gmail.com
Lester Holt: anchor@nbcnews.com and/or tips@nbcuni.com
David Muir: news.tips@abc.com
Chuck Todd: chuck.todd@gmail.com
Jen Psaki: jenpsaki@gmail.com
Scott Simon scott.simon@gmail.colm
Terry Gross: freshairsociety@whyy.org
Leslie Stahl: info@oconnorinstitute.org
Charles Hurt: charleshurt@gmail.com ; charlesHurt@charleshurtpolitgics.com
Guy Benson: gupolitics@georgetown.edu
Meet the Press: nbcnewsmediarelations@nbcuni.com
Nicolle Wallace: nicole.wallace@gmail.com
60 Minutes: 60M@cbsnews.com
In the end, if we don’t stop mass immigration, we’ll have degraded our national collective IQ level so much so, we’ll be too stupid to save our civilization.
© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com