What Happened To America’s Will To Be Free?

“Your individual, natural, God-given rights are only as good as the depth of your willingness and courage to defend them.”  —Ron Ewart

We wonder why Americans have lost their will to fight a battle, or right a wrong, or defend their freedom and liberty?  We allow hordes of illegal aliens to invade our country every day and say we can’t do anything about it because we must be compassionate, without acknowledging the dire consequences that that misplaced compassion will inflict upon us.

We allow our government to slap chains on our wrists and ankles with a million regulations, without so much as a whimper.  We allow socialism and radical environmentalism to tear down the very foundation of our freedom while we look the other way.

We allow our children to be indoctrinated and brainwashed with the new social order and environmental extremism and say we don’t have the time to get involved.

We have allowed special-interest groups to replace the consent of the governed, even though our in-action leads to our enslavement.

We have allowed a fourth branch of government to grow and prosper that answers to no one, in the rising stench and corruption of out-of-control bureaucracies.

We have allowed the media to take sides (Democrats) and abdicate their duty to be professional, objective and unbiased.

We allow waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, negligence and incompetence to thrive in our government institutions and don’t demand that the perpetrators be summarily fired, fined, or jailed.  We stand back and do nothing while they get promoted and ask for more money to do their job “right”.

We allow government contracts for mega projects and military hardware to escalate into cost overruns that exceed original estimates by several factors.  Millions grow to billions and then trillions and not even a ho-hum is uttered.

We have allowed entitlements to grow and grow to the point where one day, the piper will have to be paid and government will take our very souls to retire the debt, or some foreign country that holds the debt will confiscate our major assets because we can’t pay.  Some say our unfunded liability now stands in excess of $50 Trillion dollars (others say over 100 Trillion) and yet our candidates for president are offering more of the same that will only make matters worse and increase our debt beyond any capability of paying it.  We will, for all intent and purposes, go broke, if we stay on the same path, that is if we aren’t broke already.

We shrink in fear and horror when we must send our brave men and women into harms way to protect our nation’s interests.  We place a greater value on capitulation and appeasement rather than on strength and victory, in spite of the lessons that history has taught us.  We have allowed our government to cut deals with other countries that violate our very sovereignty and we do nothing.   At least Trump is trying to change that.

We allow presidents to codify UN social and environmental policies into law by executive order, without ratification by the U. S. Congress, in violation of our constitution.

We allow our courts to subvert the meaning of the words in our constitution and fabricate out of thin air, government rights and powers that don’t exist, like Obama Care, climate change and radical environmentalism.

We have become so soft that we have allowed the government to convince us that our security is more important than our liberty.

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety?”  Ben Franklin

But even worse, we have allowed the entertainment industry to redefine our standards of decency.  It has become acceptable to call women, bitches and ho’s.   We spit on the rule of law in rap and hip-hop, as well as film.  Swear words, once banned, are now common on TV, radio, newsprint and in film.

It is now Ok to demean personal achievement as being, trying to be better than anyone else, in the name of the mirage of equality.   We have allowed common courtesy to go out the window.  Our children are exposed daily to the worst within us, instead of the best.  While, with science, we have eradicated many diseases that were fatal to us, we have allowed honesty, integrity and honor to be almost erased from our culture.

We have allowed depravity and bad behavior to define our values, instead of demanding good behavior from our selves, our relatives and our friends.  In other words, almost anything goes today and we find it acceptable, or look the other way!  In the end, lowering the bar of decency could very well be our undoing as a free society.  It has happened before.

We cannot say the words to help you understand a clear and present danger, if you will not listen.  We cannot reach into your heart and instill courage if you are determined to cloak yourself in cowardice.   We cannot convince you that your enemy draws near, if you choose to ignore reality.  We cannot tap you on the shoulder and say join with us to confront that enemy, if material comfort and instant gratification are your only reasons for living.  We cannot ask you to take up arms in the defense of freedom, if you continue to consort with that very same enemy, when it has been proven beyond any doubt that the enemy’s goal is to rob you of that freedom by any means.  We cannot incite your anger, if you see no reason for alarm and believe that all is well.  But we can assure you that all is not well.

This was America, the land of the free, before we decided to become too civil, too compassionate, too cowardly, too politically correct and too depraved.  The result of our folly is to have lost our will to confront the enemies of freedom – socialism, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order – while we seek earthly pleasures.

Everyone cries out for solutions but that solution will never come until we act as one, by the millions, in the defense of the document that secures our individual rights and freedom, our Constitution, no matter what the price or the consequences.  We will not be free so long as we allow the worst in us to define who we are.  Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to give birth to this great Nation and our freedom.  How on Earth can we dishonor their sacrifice and the sacrifice of those who died for freedom by standing by and letting what they built and defended, descend into the sewer of abject socialism, blurred sovereignty and world government?

On June 6th, 75 years ago, 156,000 troops landed on the shores of Normandy, France to start the process of freeing Europe from the clutches of the madman, Hitler.  Over 4,000 troops lost their lives in the first day.  When the Normandy battle was over almost 54,000 allied troops and airmen had died and untold wounded.  Today, our madman is government corruption and tyranny.  Will we stand by and watch our freedoms slip away?

If you do not believe in your heart that all creatures cry out for freedom, you do not understand nature.  If you are not aware that your government is doing everything within its power to strip you of your freedom, your eyes are not open, or you choose not to see.  If you do see and do nothing, some may call you a coward.  If you do not know that freedom has a price that you must pay, you are naïve and lack wisdom.  If you stand by and watch while others take up the “sword” of freedom, your soul shall find no peace and your children and grand children shall bear the scars of your inaction.  The government’s only hold on you is that they assume you will be law-abiding citizens.  But what if the laws are wrong and unconstitutional?  What then is your duty to obey the law?  Illegal aliens aren’t abiding by our laws and are being rewarded for breaking the law, making a mockery out of the rule of law.

In spite of the negatives we outline here, we are still a great people and there remains a core of courage and wisdom in us to act.  We are individual Americans and we cannot be defeated, unless we decide that security and mindless compassion, at any price, trumps liberty.  Let the goodness within us replace the evil that has overtaken us and let that goodness direct us to the great heights that American can still attain, but only under the umbrella of freedom.

Be there not man among you who will rise up against government tyranny that is coming at us from all directions?  Let us show the rest of the world that we are still free people and are willing to do whatever it takes to defend that freedom.  Let us show the politicians and the bureaucrats that we have a spine and that we are mad as Hell and we aren’t going to take it any more?   If we do nothing, government will not hear us and do exactly as it pleases.  And it is!

Has America lost her will to be free?  Some of us haven’t, but it would appear that way too many of us have.  The question is, will it take a revolution to restore the greatest experiment with freedom that ever existed on planet Earth?  Or will we restore freedom by peaceful means, before revolution becomes the only solution?

In 1837, Daniel Webster said this: “…There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow.  Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter, from the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger.  I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing.” (Comey, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Capper, Ohr, Clinton, Pelosi, Shumer, et al)

We wrote this article in response to the lack of response we received for our Citizen Grand Jury project to stop illegal immigration.  We spent days and days putting this project together, creating the web page and drafting the documents.  But alas we were forced to scrap it due to insufficient interest.  If enough people had participated, it would have been effective.  Essentially, we were greeted by a deafening silence.  Sadly, this has been a pattern over the last 13 years, whenever we have tried to get people involved in saving what is left of their country.

A well-known conservative author/publisher wrote to us recently and said:  I relate 100% with your sentiments.  It’s worse now than ever in my time.  A very small number of real patriots exist, but they are so fractured by hundreds of ‘patriot’ movements that people are exhausted, tapped out and sitting back down, hoping that someone else will do something.  No one could blame you for throwing in the towel.  But you are one of the last REAL voices left out there.

Which leaves us in a quandary.  Do we throw in the towel, or do we continue writing articles under the definition of insanity:  “… doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results?”  Or worse, do we become a martyr for a hopeless cause?   Perhaps some of you have some compelling reasons why we should continue.  We’d love to hear them.  Your responses will mostly determine where we go from here.

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org