What’s This Non-American Demographic Going To Look Like In 30 Years?

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 21, 2022

Next question: what will it do to our culture, ethos, quality of life and standard of living?  What will it do to improve climate change, cultural cohesion and our English language commonality?

Most Americans go about their daily lives by eating breakfast, going to work for eight to 10 hours per day, and driving home to dinner with their families.  Most Americans don’t really know what’s going on in Washington DC, because the mainstream media hides pertinent information that affects us now, and into the future.

Why do we no longer trust ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, PBS, CNN and so many of the mainstream media?  Answer:  they misinform us, or they simply delete any important news they don’t want us to see.

For instance, last year with endless tons of fentanyl being imported across our southern borders, a whopping 107,000 Americans died of opioid overdoses.  That wasn’t reported until year’s end.

Last year, in excess of 2,000,000 illegal migrants crossed our borders.  In 2022, already, we watched 1.5 million cross by June and expect another 1.5 million to cross by December to add up to a mind-numbing 3,000,000 added refugees invited in, against our laws, by Joe Biden.  But you have no idea of the impact of THAT many people because Biden and the MSM don’t want you to know.

Here’s some sobering facts as to what’s really happening to our entire society.

  1. In 2022, there are in excess of 70,000,000 foreign-born people living within the USA.  At least 20,000,000 live here illegally, off the radar, using our educational systems, free school lunches, without paying taxes, using our welfare systems and robbing us blind whether it is shoplifting, anchor babies at 300,000 of them annually that we pay for, rapes, robberies and/or killings.
  2. Today, one in four babies are birthed by foreign-born people living in the USA.  That’s going to add up to an enormous number of people that are not Americans by 2040. They bring incompatible cultures, poverty and decay to our society. One look at the 100,000 homeless in California should give you an idea of our future in every state.
  3. One-third of the people living in Los Angeles,  one-third in San Francisco, one-third in Miami, one-third in Chicago and one-third in NYC…are foreign-born. (Source: US Census Bureau)
  4. By 2042, European-Americans will become the newest minority in their own country.  Latinos, Hispanics, Mexicans will become the new majority. (Source: www.pewresearchcenter.org)
  5. Around 2040, English will not be the dominate language in America.  There will be hundreds of languages spoken in enclaves around the country, especially in big cities. Any understanding of people working on the same page will be a thing of the past.  We face racial, cultural, religious and linguistic conflict on a scale unheard of in all of history.
  6. By 2050, we will see an added 100,000,000 more people added to this country by immigrants and their birth rates.  We will have jumped from 335 million to over 440 million.  (Source: www.numbersusa.com ; “Population Projections USA” by Fogel/Martin, www.PewResearchCenter.org , U.S. Census Bureau.)

Have you heard or read about any of these numbers by David Muir, Norah O’Donnell, Lester Holt, Anderson Cooper, NPR, PBS, Terry Gross or Scott Simon?  Answer: of course not!  Why is that? Answer: they want to or must keep you in the dark, so you won’t understand the ramifications of THAT many people.

Please understand that this scenario is not an “if”!  What’s coming is a “when” reality if we don’t change course by stopping all immigration.

Do you realize that we will NOT be able to secure enough water, energy and resources to support THAT many people?  Just wrap your arms around trying to sustain another 100,000,000 people!

What would you do if you could ask one of those national broadcast personalities about what we face? What kind of answers would you demand?

Would you ask them why they remain silent on the gravest issue facing America in the 21st century?  Their kids will be victims, too.

With climate change burning up our continent with droughts and extraordinarily high temperatures—how do you think adding another 100 million people will solve anything for future generations?  How will another 100 million improve our quality of life, our gridlocked cities, our schools, our cultural cohesion, our environment, our farmland, our rivers, our national parks?   Just about everything we take for granted—won’t be there for our kids in 2050.  Heck, with another 35 million added by the end of 2029, we will be hard pressed to sustain ourselves.

If I can ask you one thing as to the realities we face, it’s for you to take action for your children.  Cut and paste this letter, and email it to:  60M@cbsnews.com  . Send another one to Jesse Waters at watters@fox.com .  Send another letter to  carlson@fox.com .  Send a letter to Terry Gross and Scott Simon at NPR.  Send to Anderson Cooper. Send to David Muir and Lester Holt.  Send letters to everyone in the national media.  If you have their email addresses, send me a list of addresses.

Dear 60 Minutes Leslie Stahl, Forrest Whitaker, Scott Pelley, Norah O’Donnell:

Thank you for your ongoing presentations of problems facing Americans and humans across the globe.  It’s time to address the greatest and gravest crisis facing America and all humanity in the 21st century:  human overpopulation.  Right now, the USA remains on course to jump from 335 million to 440 million by 2050.  Yes, it’s driven by endless immigration and their birthrates.  No, we cannot sustain THAT many more people within the USA as to water, energy and resources.

We need a national discussion-debate on what kind of civilization we’re handing over to our children. One that’s sustainable and thriving…or one that’s overpopulated, destitute of resources and collapsing under the crush of too many people.

These two links will give you an idea of what we face.  This is a future we can change now, toward a viable one, instead of a living nightmare that so much of the world experiences in 2022.

Thank you,

Your name, address and phone number

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2022 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com