‘Who You Are’ Trumps ‘What You Can Do’

by Lee Duigon

February 2, 2023

Because “Diversity and Inclusion” is now The Most Important Thing, Finland’s national figure skating tournament recently trotted out a 59-year-old man who says he’s a woman and let him compete for the women’s championship. And because stupid stuff doesn’t work, this guy took a prat fall in the first 45 seconds of his show.

There’s video galore, showing this ridiculous incident. One of the videos features a scrolled text at the bottom of the screen saying “They falls”—“they” being the latest wokism for “he” or “she,” because it’s important to support this blather with idiotic  substitute pronouns.

Once upon a time, we believed that “what you can do” mattered much more than “who you are” by accident of birth. If “what you can do” is the standard, then anyone who can actually “do it” has an equal chance to be rewarded. But that’s history. Now we’re into “Diversity and Inclusion.” You get a reward, you get your kudos, even if you fall on your kiester in a figure skating competition. Because it’s So Important (!) to have some guy stumbling around on the ice because he says he is a woman.

Come to think of it, “what is”—that is, reality—now takes a back seat to “what you say is.” They used to lock you up for that. “I am a world-class women’s figure skater because I say I am!” And I am the Sultan of Swat.

What could be more shameful? What could be more slavish than to call “he” “they” because a lot of blooming idiots say you should? Has self-respect gone completely out the window? Along with truth? Are we trying to create a whole civilization based on mere delusion? On lies?

Sure looks like it.

“Transgender” has taken off like a rocket, and people who should know better have abandoned all trace of integrity so they can hop aboard the bandwagon.

Call me old-fashioned, but I still believe that truth is better than lies—and I write fantasy novels! If anyone were to call my books “true stories about things that really happened,” I would know there was something seriously wrong with him. Or her. Notice I don’t say “them.”

Maybe it goes back to handing out participation trophies and saying “Good job!” to every child whose Little League team never won a game. Where is the incentive to do better? Aren’t sports supposed to be about achievement? Check that—apparently achievement is now a dirty word. So now we talk about “pregnant people” instead of pregnant women, embracing twaddle and ignorance because that’s the only way we can be Inclusive. Don’t want to be Haters, do we?

The whole business is an affront to sanity, an international disgrace. This is culture rot, big-time. What will our posterity think of us? Presuming we even have any posterity.

Humanists detest the human race, and this “trans” garbage is their most effective gambit yet. It must ultimately lead to sterility—which seems to be something that the World Economic Forum passionately desires. They write most of us off as “useless eaters” who need to be sedated with drugs and video games until they decide what to do with us. Maybe they can erase a few billion of us by plunging the family into chaos. Once you’ve had your “gender reassigned,” you can forget about ever having any children of your own.

Some of us laugh at it and call it a joke, but it’s not funny.

It’s stupid, it’s not sane, and it has to stop.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

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E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net