Why Is The Red Pill So Hard To Swallow?
“You take the blue pill—the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.” —Morpheus to Neo, from the movie Matrix
The red pill is the allegory people across America have adopted to explain conspiracies, the Deep State, and other subjects the mainstream media, public education and the general public fail to address in meaningful dialogues.
It’s the concept of secrets and hidden agendas of the operating and governing powers of nations and the world operating in their own interests to gain wealth and power for their own purposes, instead of governing for the good of mankind. Apparently that concept is very difficult for a large percentage of people to swallow, (let alone digest).
The reference to Wonderland in the Matrix quote alludes to Alice in Wonderland and the hard to believe other world Alice tumbles into when she follows a white rabbit, causing her to tumble down a hole that seems to lead to impossible places and scenarios. For truth seekers, it’s a common metaphor to ascertain a person’s awareness by asking something akin to “how far down the rabbit hole have you gone?” This means, how many bizarre and almost unbelievable scenarios have you looked into and have understanding on?
Cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias are probably the primary reasons people are initially unwilling to look a little deeper into contradicting “truths”. The new information or revelation is too contradictory to current held beliefs; the mind simply will not entertain the possibility. This is a common reaction and understandable at first, but it becomes a path for deception if held onto in the face of evidences, facts and proofs brought forth.
Take for example, the world’s wealth. If you do an internet search for the holders of today’s wealth, you’ll likely find somewhere between eight and eighty-five individuals own over half of the world’s wealth.[1], [2], [3] The top eight popularly listed are as follows:
- Bill Gates $75B
- Amancio Ortega $67B
- Warren Buffet $60.8B
- Carlos Slim Helu $50B
- Jeff Bezos $45.2B
- Mark Zuckerberg $44.6B
- Larry Ellison $43.6B
- Michael Bloomberg $40B
…for a collective total of $426B, which is allegedly over half the wealth of the combined bottom wealth of the other half. The Oxfam and Forbes reports state that a mere one percent of the world’s population owns half of the world’s wealth, and the Guardian reports by 2030 they’ll own two-thirds of the world’s wealth.[6]
This is a great example of a rabbit hole. The blue pill has assigned these front runners as the wealth hogs of the world. But it would take a red pill question to uncover the hidden details, take for instance, the Rothschild family. I still can’t find a specific estimate on their worth[4] – ranging from $350B to $2T [5] – because they are so adept at moving and hiding it. When they spread it out among their children and various other places, they don’t hit even the top twenty most of the time.
This is a red pill moment, and a rather bland one at that – not really full of the hype and drama of many of the other red pilled revelations. But the blue pill operates on the information carefully generated for the public eye: the Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerber and Jeff Bezos of the world, while absence of the red pill carefully conceals things like the Rothschilds. Interestingly, this corrupt (yet widely applauded) family has made their fortune on war, and deceit. You can read a vanilla account of it here. [History of the Rothschild family]
Perhaps even more interesting is how they have controlled the world’s wealth through their banks. While it’s hard to trace or outwardly provide evidence, it is rumored that the Rothschild family owns or has significant share holds of almost all of the central banks in the world. They were/are a major share holder of the Bank of England, and they are one of six families who own the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank of the United States.
Whether Mayer Amschel Rothschild actually said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws,” verbatim, the Rothschild family has said it with their actions. Privately held central banking for nations has been the direct line to power and corruption for centuries.
Red pill moments are when the status quo is revealed to be a fraud, only part of the picture, or an all out deception. On things like banking, red pills are easier to swallow. On other things, like government corruption – especially corruption that falls on party lines – the red pill is not as easily swallowed. We like to think we’ve made good decisions and planted our loyalty flags on solid ground. If our party is engaged in widespread corruption, it indicates we were either fooled, in agreement with such behavior, or ignorant. None of those outcomes is pleasant, and so we tend to excuse, rationalize, justify or just ignore evidence that challenges our beliefs.
I was a staunch Republican before I studied 9/11. Then when I did some digging into the Bush family, shame and horror washed over me. They are sophisticated criminals. The ideology of the Democrat party prevented any allegiance to them, and the Clintons sealed that case. Now I don’t declare a party – I won’t pledge allegiance to anything but the Constitution and those who uphold it.
But there are a lot of rabbit holes unrelated to politics. There are red pill moments in our lives, in belief systems, in education and learning, even in some of our relationships. Sometimes data and evidence get exposed that make us question what we think, what we think we know, what we believe, and even how we feel. When that happens, we come to some crossroads. Now some of those crossroads are more like Ys in the road, and they just veer us a little off our original path. But others are perpendicular and we have to choose if we’re going to change directions entirely. Those are the ones most people resist.
The phenomenon of swallowing a red pill is that it opens your eyes to an array of other rabbit holes you couldn’t possibly have understood or recognized before. It’s kind of like when you gain a few pounds and you think you need to diet or exercise more. Then you do a little digging on changing the scales and what that entails, and you find that the western diet is one of the worst in the world. As you begin to seek when the American diet changed so drastically, you begin to see statistical trends of heart disease, diabetes and cancer that take sharp upward turns at various points. When you dig a little deeper you find shocking connections between pharmaceutical companies, DC politics, and natural health doctors who contradict modern western medicine and a tremendous increase in suspicious deaths of these doctors.
Now you started out in blue pill land: just a normal citizen who hit a small bump in the road. But in looking for honest answers for this obstacle to your preferred health (slimmer, healthier, more agile, etc.), you found some data that became hard to swallow: you mean Monsanto engineers GMO foods and they’ve been proven to be dramatically unhealthy for your body? Your body actually treats GMO food as a foreign substance, something to fight, instead of fuel? And you ask more questions: Why would any company willingly produce and sell this? Why would our government refuse to mandate food labeling of this? European countries do! Russia won’t even allow such food to be brought into their country!
Or you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. This propels you to look for cures. Maybe at first you believe the medical industry’s Big Pharma solutions and you do the radiation and chemotherapy and get very sick. But when that doesn’t work, maybe you dig deeper and find that cancer is successfully treated by people who change their diet. Maybe you even find that 23 different cancers have been successfully treated with cannabis oil. What kind of questions does that open up? Why is cannabis oil illegal and considered a Schedule A narcotic?? Maybe you find out that a natural remedy doesn’t line the pockets of the lobbyists in DC or the pharmaceutical industry. Congratulations, you’ve entered red pill land.
And maybe you’re a Christian and you want to see what the Bible tells you about drugs. You open the Word of God, do a little digging, do some cross-referencing and realize that the word the Bible translates as “sorcery” is actually the same root word we get for pharmaceuticals [originally pharmakeia]. You’ll see the Scripture is pretty plain about the sins of sorcery, and you may even connect that to the pharmaceutical industry, and see it as a warning from God’s Word to stay away from such.
If you get to this level, you have ingested a red pill. You’re no longer able to believe things you believed before. You cannot see the health industry, the food industry, the medical industry, or the laws DC makes to defend such things at the expense of its citizen’s well-being the same anymore. The problem with your new position is most of the status quo is still in the blue pill phase. The television shows are full of two-minute commercials for drugs with a half of the commercial listing its side effects.
Our educational system produces doctors with little to no education on nutrition, while our legislative system penalizes nutritionists with bureaucratic red tape on every herb they provide as alternatives. In fact, nutritionists are forbidden from making any statements of cures or treatments, even though their patients have been widespread successfully treated for cancers, diabetes, heart disease, and just about every other disease that plagues America.
No, the red pill is not consigned just to politics. [Unfortunately, because of some real red-pill political facts, things that are not even political become political. When that happens, more rabbit holes are opened up, down we tumble again until we land in another scenario, maybe the queen screeching “off with her head” around a poker scene? Or maybe worse…]
I suppose the point is, if you are not able or willing to ingest a red pill, the coming events on the national scene will be confusing, enraging, and maybe even horrifying. The era of technology opened up both great advancements and great evils simultaneously. It seems we are still navigating these waters. It is my constant herald that people would look into matters themselves, research and learn from sources other than the state-ordained educators and messengers (public school, media, public officials, etc.). The same vehicle that has brought our demise can bring our rescue.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, et al, have all been guilty of driving narratives, censoring dissenting voices, even altering facts. There is no reason to believe anything carte blanche. The instant and live reports from the YouTube shooting incident was a man or men in full body armor. The adjusted and released reports were changed to the woman Nasim Aghdam. The Parkland, FL school shooting has a multitude of variances and credible questions to the narrative, all of which are being censored and scrubbed on social media. Multiple witnesses at the Vegas massacre who testified of multiple shooters have been killed, while the follow up has been silenced. There are alternative news sources that get paid very little or nothing at all; who are bringing facts, data, evidence to the forefront that mainstream won’t touch.
It used to be you had to buy a book, go to a conference, or find a source to study under to gain knowledge in areas. Today you can go to the internet and read a wealth of research at your fingertips free, or for little money. The same evil that puts pornography, child trafficking, CIA disinformation, government propaganda and the like to a readily consuming public, is the same advancement that puts truth before your eyes. But if your formal education from a state run educational system and propaganda media is what you want to believe and you are unwilling or unable to seek truth with its possible conflicts and discomforts, well, as Morpheus says, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
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E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net
1- 62 people now own the same wealth as half the worlds population
2 85 richest people in the world have as much wealth as the 3.5 billion poorest
3 Rich people own as much money as half the world
4 Rothschild family worth top 8 billionaires
5 Rothschild family own wealth five times the world’s top 8 billionaires combined