Why The Anti-Trump “Resistance” Is So Relentless

I revisited election night videos on youtube of Leftists’ tearful meltdowns in response to Trump defeating Hillary.  Their panic, outrage and hatred for Trump was over-the-top; truly amazing. I questioned, why was it so intense?

I am a black Christian conservative. Trump is not ideological. Still, I thought Trump leaned more in Leftists’ camp than in mine. I viewed Trump as a businessman, busy pursuing his American dream, not concerned with the war between liberals and conservatives. Trump simply saw Obama making bad deals for America and knew he could do better. Trump was not overly concerned with social issues, but knew it was weird that Americans were no longer permitted to say, “Merry Christmas!”  So Trump decided to get into the presidential race. Political elites and fake news media thought the idea of Donald J. Trump in the White House was the joke of the century.

And where on earth did Trump come up with his cornball, obviously un-poll tested, campaign phrase, “Make America great again”? Due to public schools teaching distortions and lies about American history, Leftists are obsessed with bringing down our country from her throne as the world power.  This is why Trump proclaiming his desire to “make America great again” repulsed and enraged Leftists. Leftists have flooded fake news media with their absurd despicable lie that “make America great again” is code for white supremacy, social injustice, cops free to murder blacks, destroying the planet and so on.

Dethroning America is Leftists’ number one priority. The second most important thing in the world to Leftists appears to be sex and transforming America into a culture in which anything goes sexually. Leftists have been using government to force sexual deviancy down our throats. You cannot turn on TV without being slapped in the face with various forms of sexual deviancy. We have been trained not to complain about it if we know what is good for us.

Third on Leftists’ list of priorities is having as many Americans as possible kill their babies to save the planet.

Obama championed Leftists’ sexual transformation of America. Under Obama, some states made homosexual conversion therapy illegal. Pedophilia is deemed a sexual orientation, thereby making therapy to cure it illegal. Ponder that, folks. Leftists are making it illegal for a therapist to attempt to cure their patient of being sexually attracted to children.

Guys who wake up feeling like a woman are legally permitted to use women restrooms. Anyone who objects to this insanity is gang assaulted by Leftists, branded a hater. Recently, a man dressed as a woman was sentenced to 70 years in jail for molesting a 10 year old girl in a restroom.  During Obama’s reign, elementary public school teachers were ordered to no longer address students as boys and girls because gender distinctions are bigoted and insensitive to transgenders.

Obama lit the White House in rainbow colored lights in celebration of government forced dismantling of marriage.  This opened the flood gates for whatever conceivable arrangement to be legally deemed marriage. Fathers are marrying their daughters; people are marrying animals, marrying themselves  and marrying inanimate objects. Welcome to Leftists’ new politically protected wild wild west of American sexuality.

Celebrating in the streets, Leftists knew their sexual transformation of America was on a roll making tremendous headway. Polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Leftists gleefully anticipated Hillary continuing to implement their no-sexual-holds-barred America.

To Leftists’ shock and horror, Trump won!

Upon Trump winning the election, Leftists immediately launched their narrative (lie) that Trump is Hitler reborn? Is Leftists’ insane rage over Americans awarding Trump the key to the Oval Office mostly about sex? Absolutely.

I believe at the core of Leftists’ sexual idolatry is a spirit of anti-Christ. In a nutshell, Leftists hate Jesus for proclaiming himself the only way to heaven. This is why Obama led Leftists’ war on Christianity.

Now before you call me paranoid for claiming Leftists have a gerbil up their derrieres against Christians, please answer this question. Leftists are obsessed with promoting homosexuality. So why are Leftists such passionate defenders of Islam which calls for executing homosexuals? Christians tell homosexuals that they love them, but cannot approve of their lifestyle. Isn’t it logical that Leftists would demonize Muslims rather than Christians?

Another thing that has me scratching my head is Leftist women like Kim Kardashian, Rosie O’Donnell and Madonna who defend Islam while trashing Christianity. Muslims suppress women; rapes, beatings and executions for disobedience.

Leftist female celebs who praise Islam could not be who they are, flashing their derrieres all over the place, if Sharia became the law of the land in America. And yet, these Hollywood and media women love Islam and hate Christians.

Trump’s vow to restore religious liberty has Leftists petrified that he will put the brakes on and roll back their government forced sexual transformation of America. In essence, Leftists have put a political contract on Trump’s head. He must be stopped at any and all cost.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Author: “Confessions of a Black Conservative: How the Left has shattered the dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black America.”

Singer/Songwriter and Conservative Activist

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