Will The City I Love Ever Be Great Again

By Ron Edwards

When I was growing up in Cleveland, one of the great pleasures of summer vacation was our annual family getaway.  Through the years we visited wonderful places like Boston, Washington DC., Montreal, Bermuda, Columbus, Utah, Arizona, etc.  Every year I lobbied for New York City.  But for some reason I was always out voted. New York City became a place I would dream of visiting. Eventually I both visited and lived in the city that had once served as the first capital of our beloved new republic right after the Revolutionary War.  I was also drawn to the city, due to the historical significance of its role as a major player in our republic’s rapid rise on the world’s stage.  For many decades New York City served as the premier port of entry for the teeming masses of LEGAL immigrants coming into the United States to assimilate and become productive sovereign citizens.

Many of us understand that the United States was founded upon the Biblical principles of Judeo-Christianity, all the revisionism in the world cannot do away with the historical truths.  In lower Manhattan at Wall Street, there is an historical marker that indicates the spot where early Christians gathered and dedicated the ra to God and asked for his blessings upon what was at the time New Amsterdam.  Whether one credits the prayers of those early settlers faith in God or not for the prosperity that has impacted the world, Wall Street has been a massive undeniable economic blessing to both the United States and far beyond.  One of the first great institutions of higher learning, Kings College, known today as Columbia University, proposed to “inculcate upon students tender minds the great principles of Christianity and morality.” In time New York City’s Christian leanings laid the foundation for a phenomenal a burst of creativity, ingenuity, industrial production and artistic pursuits.

Chicago first developed and built the modern sky scraper. But the huge iconic sky scrapers now present all over the world, first became common in New York City’s Burrow of Manhattan.  Lower Manhattan’s Flat Iron Building built in 1902 still inspires architects of every generation of young aspiring builders.  New York City shopping districts such as Herald square, Fifth Avenue, the garment district and others were until very recently, the envy of the world.  Give my regards to Broadway referred to the Great White Way, known as Times Square, where legendary actors like Helen Hayes, Mary Pickford, Al Jolson and many others shined as brightly as the twinkling lights that were also a major attraction.  Few city parks on earth compare with Central Park.  The massive urban oasis opened in 1859 and was for decades the gold standard for city parks worldwide averaging ten million visitors a year from throughout America and the world.

When the huddled masses in ocean vessels approached the port of New York on their way to Ellis Island, most of them were awe struck by the welcoming torch of Lady Liberty.  Yes, they came for opportunity, but the LEGAL appreciative immigrants, like their forefathers, sought both religious and societal liberty and freedom from stifling dictatorships.  Unlike many urban black American neighborhoods today, Harlem was a center of commerce as well as the location of a famous early twentieth century renaissance. It fostered an epicenter of people seeking higher intellectual pursuits, overcoming democrat racism and aspiring to achieve.  The greatness of the Big Apple was evident in the overall energy and industriousness of the people settled throughout all five boroughs.  The New York police department was considered to be the best in the world, particularly during the heady days of the mayor Rudy Giuliani administration, 1994 until 2001.  I lived in New York City for six years and truly enjoyed every minute of it.  New York was truly a city with open arms of welcome and opportunity for all including this proud American.  I will never forget those lunchtime breaks, when us Wall Street bank workers would gather on the steps of the steps of the historic old Federal Hall.  There would be vigorous discussions between people from all walks of life, ranging from CEOs to custodians.  Everyone who wanted to speak was allowed to.  Even I was not prevented by the gathering of liberals from expressing my positive viewpoints about our republic.

But my oh my have times changed.  But we the People have only ourselves to blame for the tragedy that has become New York City today.  No, you and I did not directly influence the mob madness allowed to literally destroy the fabric of the greatest city in the world.  But collectively we all indirectly allowed things to deteriorate and fester through our silent majority status.  The leftists were allowed to have their evil way in New York City and elsewhere.  The New York decline accelerated on the very day the leftist New York State legislature gleefully celebrated after making it legal to murder babies after birth for whatever reason. In my opinion, if New York city is to be rescued from her self- induced troubles, I suggest she begin to reestablish rule of law and stop the murder of whom Jesus called “the least of these.” Then perhaps New York City will be made great again. God bless you God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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