Ron Edwards

From the beginning, it was quite evident that the United States was destined for greatness.  The many  unique ideas espoused and argued about by the Founding Fathers would then culminate in a shot for liberty heard around the world.  While many have both celebrated and benefited from the republic Benjamin Franklin suggested we keep, few can name the source of American exceptionalism.  Today it is even more dire because government schools have purposely not properly taught about our republic. in the fateful year of 1831, there was much curiosity throughout Europe about the young upstart republic known as the United States of America.  During that year a rather young French nobleman, spent nine adventurous months traversing the length and breadth of America. He ventured as far west as the pristine wilderness of Michigan.  Then he made his way south to New Orleans.  But most of his time was spent in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia.

Throughout his travels, Tocqueville interviewed people from every walk of life.  Soon after, he wrote about his amazing observations in Democracy in America which I was blessed to borrow from the American Patriots Bible. “Tocqueville states, Upon my arrival in the United States, the religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer there the more did I perceive the great political consequences resulting from this state of things to which I am unaccustomed.  In France, I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom pursuing courses diametrically opposed to each other; but in America I found that they were intimately united, and that they reigned in common over the same country.

Tocqueville continued.  They brought with them into the New World a form of Christianity which I cannot better describe than by styling it a republic and democratic religion.  This sect contributed powerfully to the establishment of a republic, and from the earliest sentiment of the emigrants politics and religion contracted an alliance which has never been dissolved.   There is no country in the whole world in which the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America; and there can be no greater proof of its utility, and of its conformity to human nature, than that its influence is most powerfully felt over the most enlightened and free nation on earth.  Religion in America takes no direct part in the government of society.  But it must nevertheless be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions of that country; for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of free institutions…. I am certain that they hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions.

Tocqueville continued. This opinion is not peculiar to a particular class of citizens or to a party, but it belongs to the whole nation, and to every rank of society.  The Americans combine the notions of Christianity and of Liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive the one without the other. – Tocqueville certainly got it right in his interpretation of America’s linkage of Liberty and Christianity.”  For out of the word of God are the inspiration for both liberty and freedom. That is why George Washington and others warned that for the United States to remain free, “We the People” must maintain good morals and self governance.   Thus, there is technically no need for a dictatorial cradle to grave government controlling our every move.  My fellow Americans the time is now to get serious about teaching our young the truth about the root of our nation’s greatness.  We must instruct them about our unalienable rights which come from God, our liberties and way to preserve and build upon the wise principles enacted by the Founding Fathers.  If not now, when? If not now it may soon be to late.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Please check out my website

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