Woman Fears for Her Life After Seeing Trump Yard Signs

By Greg Holt

A woman sees Trump yard signs at a rental, and “I immediately was terrified and scared for my life and family safety.”

Wow – seriously?  Can anyone really be this pathetically stupid?  These are the kinds of idiots our nations indoctrination institutes (you may know them better as schools and colleges) regularly turn out.

If a simple yard sign traumatizes (Trumpatizes?) you, then what the liberals precious Democrats stand for should literally scare the hell out of you.

My husband rented a place in Maine and when we arrived in the evening we saw Trump yard signs and other white nationalist symbols. I immediately was terrified and scared for my life and family safety

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

I’m sure it’s only coincidence, but Ph.DBueno’s Twitter is suddenly private.

How far we have fallen as a nation, academia doesn’t turn out intelligent well-rounded highly qualified individuals anymore, no instead our indoctrination centers turn out people so brainwashed in Leftist dogma that they can see a simple yard sign and be terrified for their life.

This is opposed to what?  Seeing Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioting, looting, burning down buildings, assaulting and killing people?  How does that make a person feel?  I guess if you are a Leftist, you feel safe, because hey – Antifa and Black Lives Matter have your best interests at heart right?  Right???

Disappointed @airBnb doesn’t understand the trauma of TRUMP signs on a @airbnb rental causes Black person

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Disappointed Airbnb doesn’t recognize your non-right to be an idiot because you are black and therefore entitled and more special than the rest of us?  Please, get serious.  If you insist on hysterics and acting stupid, then don’t expect the rest of us to buy into it or justify it.

I shouldnt have to pay to stay at a place i dont feel safe and @AirbnbHelp at minimum should give me a full refund/voucher for all the trauma this experience has caused

—Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Right, you don’t have to stay at any place, you could have left, but this person like many other Leftists likes to play the victim and oh by the way, I want a refund.  Yeah right.

This experience shows that people are unaware of signs and symbols used. Top symbols that invoke fear for Black people …list below https://t.co/wXubFseobg

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

1 KKK symbols and flags
2 confederate flags and symbols

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

3 police lights /blue lives matter flag
4 trump signs and white terrorism slogans

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

5 USA Flag – yes this is a symbol used in many places to scare Black people

—Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Yes for sure, because the KKK is such a serious problem today, and all those who display confederate flags are out to get black people.  As far as the police, well black problems with law enforcement are largely self-inflicted.  Black on black violence and murder is way higher than white on black violence and murder – oh and police are more likely to shoot a white person then a black person.

This supposedly well-educated Ph.D is nothing short of an educated idiot.  Children have more sense then this.  These whiny crybabies are the same ilk that need coloring books and cry closets to deal with life.

What about the real concerns?  Like:

  • Antifa violence
  • Black Lives Matter riots
  • Burning down buildings and looting
  • Attacking innocent people, including elderly and children
  • Attacking and encouraging the murder of police officers
  • Threats of violence and even killing if Leftist demands are not met

This “doc” and everyone else will have a whole lot more to worry about if Joe Biden wins the presidency.

But hey, Trump signs are traumatizing, while burning, looting, and killing – these are just everyday events, no big deal, nothing to see here.

H/T Brett T. Twitchy

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