You Don’t Hate Your Government Enough

By Ms. Smallback

October 12, 2024

I will not have time and space to present the decades of research for the points I’m going to make, so I will just make references and strongly encourage you to do your own research. (I will have links at the end of this paper.) The essence of this article is to point out the governments of the world, and the USGov in particular, have no interest in your life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.

As far as America, the US Constitution is about the ONLY thing standing in the way for the full implementation of Agenda 21 renamed Agenda 2030. The essence is the leaders of the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the UN (United Nations) have determined the course for humanity and the world, and that course is moving the people of the world into cities and allocating the land for their personal agenda. (basically controlling the world’s resources without accountability to the world, and arranging the people of the world into zones they can easily control)

If you understand THAT, the rest of what I’ll be sharing will make sense.

Weather Modification

It has been decades now that the government (usually through the military and/or scientists) has been modifying the weather. (Don’t take my word. Just do a thorough study of it NOT on government, or government-controlled, or MSM websites.) They can cause earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, droughts, tsunamis, etc. They in fact do. I do not know the percentage of real (caused by nature) weather versus modified (caused by man) weather, but you start to get a feel for the anomalies and can usually tell. (My son and I have tried to melt snowballs with a lighter the last few snowstorms, and the snow just turns black.)

The accepted term for this is geo-engineered weather. There are a raft of patents on such techniques going back several decades. The concept is not too complicated, and perusing Dane Wigington’s website will bring you up to speed in relative time.

The earthquake in Haiti, the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, the tornado in Joplin, Hurricane Katrina, the California droughts, and yes, Hurricanes Helene and Milton are all geo-engineered. I’ll let you do some research on your own for the “how”. This paper is more about the “why”.

Sidebar about DEWs….

Direct Energy Weapons. The US Military has them, China has them, and so do several other countries. Lasers from satellites or aircraft are shot/directed to earth for the intention of destruction by fire. Remember when California was burning and social media censored anyone who showed pictures of how the fires mysteriously left the trees and grass alone and only burned houses and cars? Remember the houses that were precisely cut in half and only one half burned? Yeah, that’s because it was a DEW.

Why would they do that??? Well, there was that high speed rail they wanted to put in but the silly people’s houses were in the way and they wouldn’t sell them.

Maui, same thing. Pretty sure those DEWs came from Chinese satellites. (A few people did their research.) I still don’t know what they were wanting the land in Lahaina Maui for, but it was fascinating to learn that Oprah recently put a new blue roof on her vacation home there and it was untouched! In fact, everything blue in California and Hawaii were unscathed by the raging, out of control fires. (Do look into that.)

Ah yes, and now 73,000 acres of private property in eastern Wyoming is out of control on fire….

Weather Warfare

It’s the term for our sophisticated 21st century brave new world. If they can wage war with “weather”, they don’t have to wage war. The Nexrad towers are used to pulse frequencies that steer and intensify weather cells.

For hurricanes (and tornadoes), they seed the clouds with silver iodide, then they use electromagnetic pulses from the towers to radiate and ionize the incoming clouds. They can use electromagnetic frequencies to intensify (or disperse, depending on the frequencies) and direct them. Radars showed the anomalies in real time during Helene and Milton. You can see with your own eyes the Nexrad towers, the straight line frequencies coming out of them, and the way they used them to turn the hurricane to the place they wanted it. But again, this is part of the how. I want to talk about the why. [Go to to learn a ton about this.]

With tactics such as these, they can confiscate land and displace people without firing a shot! It’s wickedly brilliant.

Which brings us to the recent government treason…

Hurricane Helene

Hurricanes don’t travel inland 300 miles, gaining speed and increasing water. That should be your first clue this wasn’t natural. People in the mountains of North Carolina have never had to prepare for a hurricane before, so naturally they were unprepared for the massive deluge and mudslides that happened rapidly. To date, there are still hundreds of people missing.

According to the people finder (in footnotes), there are still 1471 known missing people in NC, 59 identified as deceased, and 2456 recovered. On the seventh day after the hurricane/storm/floods there were 1000 unidentified bodies at the hospital in Asheville and the refrigerator trucks were full.

The weekend of the worst “natural” disaster in American history, Biden was lounging at the beach, the cackler was raising $55M for her campaign in Vegas, and the head of DHS was shopping. No one stopped their activities to address the tragedy.

FEMA finally showed up in North Carolina a full week after the tragedy. When they did show up, they began threatening to arrest rescuers, confiscating supplies, and putting their workers in hotels instead of the homeless victims. The FEMA training director was caught in a meeting emphasizing their primary concern of misgendering migrant trannies.

Though the power lines were down for counties, the USGov sent three pallets of electric chainsaws. And while the governor refused to send the NC National Guard, there was a National Guard helicopter that came and rotor washed a supply outpost in Burnsville, NC (after turning its locator off) sending supplies flying and causing damage to the volunteers’ work site for the displaced.

On the same day the USGov said they’d send $2M to the Carolinas, VP Harris posted a sob story for Lebanon and aide of $157M.

No, I don’t think we hate our government enough. It’s clear they hate us. Did I forget to mention that the USGov spent $150B (that’s Billion with a B) on illegal immigrants last year? And that it was announced at one point that there wasn’t enough money to help Americans because it had been spent on migrants? (which they later lied about)

While at this point it’s speculation of WHY the powers that be (and I don’t mean God) needed that region devastated, there is enough circumstantial evidence to raise a few eyebrows. There are two lithium mines and one quartz mine in the region. The quartz mine is in Spruce Pine, which was basically wiped off the map. I don’t have the number of survivors there, but there is no standing property left.

A little further south and east down the road are two regions: Cherryville and King’s Mountain.

In Cherryville, there’s a mine that Piedmont Lithium owns. They have a State Permit to mine signed by North Carolina’s Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources, with the goal of beginning mining next year. There was literally zero support for their mining from the residents, and negotiations have been ongoing for over three years.

Piedmont Lithium’s largest stockholders are Black Rock and Vanguard (at the top of that list). Oh, and Piedmont supplies Tesla…

A little further up the road is King’s Mountain, where Albermarle Global (the world’s largest lithium producer) owns the old Rockwood mine since 2014. They’ve been meaning to get it back into production, as the mine has spodumene ore which is a source of lithium to the tune of one of the largest deposits in the world.

Just days before the devastation, on September 24, Albermarle Global applied for their federal and state permits for mining. And in May 2023, they contracted with Ford Motors to supply battery grade lithium hydroxide to the tune of 100,000 metric tons for three million Ford EV batteries. The five year contract takes effect 2026-2030.

Just last month Albermarle Global was awarded a $90M grant from the Biden-Harris Department of Defense to mine there on King’s Mountain. If you’ll remember, the Biden-Harris Administration subsidized the EV industry with $15.54B just a short time ago, not counting the $621M to repair and build EV stations in poor communities through the Department of Transportation.

Yes, this Administration has a vested interest in lithium for their Electric Vehicle initiatives. The mine on King’s Mountain would provide enough material for 1.2M EV/year, and profit somewhere in the vicinity of $250B.

Ah yes, and the two biggest shareholders of Albermarle are Black Rock and Vanguard. Incidentally, Harris’s husband, Douglas Emhoff (with a net worth of $5.8M) is a known large investor in Black Rock and Vanguard, and stands to make a lot of money if those mines get up and running.

It just reeks of something reminiscent of Ukraine gas contracts with Burisma and Biden…. But maybe it’s nothing…. I mean, the Biden-Harris administration has prioritized EV production, and have stressed domestic lithium production for the supply chain, but that’s probably just coincidental.

And then there’s Milton….

The anomalies here just stack up. Alexa forecast the destruction to Tampa before the hurricane even hit land, down to the number of lives lost and damage costs. Strange. How would (a programmed) AI system know that before it happened?

I’m sure Tampa had a contingency plan in place because they did a simulation in 2009 called Project Phoenix 2.0 that walked out how they would rebuild Tampa should it be devastated by a Category 5 hurricane. What foresight!

Speaking of whys, why was Tampa slotted for annihilation? Could it have anything to do with Tampa M.O.V.E.S., an initiative plan they released to align with WEF/UN goals for smart cities? I mean, Tampa Bay Lightning owner and multi-millionaire Jeff Vinik even partnered with Bill Gates to build a “model city for the future” in Tampa.

I don’t know that they’re connected, but it’s sure odd.

But wait! 73,000 acres in Wyoming are on fire right now!

Yes, 73,000 acres with only 16% of it contained at current writing. Strangely the fire is in the same location as a rare mineral mine found just last year, worth an estimated $37B in precious minerals! That fire has been burning for eleven days so far.

Apparently the fire expanded 25,000 acres overnight, an unprecedented and abnormal feat!

I have friends in that region and fires are common. However when I searched for fires in Bighorn National Forest in the past century, there was only one mentioned and it burned just 18,000 acres and took a month to do so. Something isn’t passing the smell test.

And then there’s the money, excuse me, our money

The Biden-Harris Administration has spent over one BILLION dollars on migrants in the last 12-18 months. They’re spending around $9,000 per illegal immigrant that enters America. They’ve sent the following foreign aid:

$24,400,000,000 to Ukraine
$11,300,000,000 to Israel
$ 1,950,000,000 to Ethiopia
$ 1,600,000,000 to Jordan
$ 1,400,000,000 to Egypt
$ 1,100,000,000 to Afghanistan
$ 1,100,000,000 to Somalia
$ 1,000,000,000 to Yemen
$ 987,000,000 to Congo
$ 836,000,000 to Syria
$ 2,000,000 to Carolinas

It’s not a money problem. It’s a priority problem. The USGov does not prioritize Americans.

So here’s the deal, take it or leave it…

I don’t have time to argue with people if the weather can be controlled. The hard data is out there on it; they aren’t hiding it. (They’re just not taking responsibility for it when they use it.) Everyone can believe what they want to believe. I won’t be replying to emails denying weather modification.

The why is just as important as the what, and more important (in some ways) than the how. Three weeks ago the UN adopted the “Pact for the Future”. Robert Kennedy Jr. said it like this, “Due to their failure with the pandemic treaty, the UN has decided to move on this issue through the General Assembly giving the Secretary General the emergency powers they could not get for the WHO.

“The United Nations Pact for the Future is an unconstitutional attempt to pass a treaty that allows international organizations to violate the sovereignty of the United States of America by declaring a global state of emergency without our consent. It is not good for the U.S. and it is not good for the rest of the world. To express your concerns, call the United States Ambassador to the United Nations at (212) 415-4000. In an administration where I participate, you won’t have to do this.”

In a nutshell, they want to strip nations of national sovereignty and put everything – the WORLD – under an un-elected governorship of elitist globalists. They want to move the population (that they don’t genocide) into cities controlled with digital and AI surveillance. As for the land and materials they need to incorporate their vision for this brave new world, they are in the middle of confiscating through destruction.

There are people fighting this machine, but having an informed populace would go a long way. I know there is a percentage of the population who will think this globalism is a great idea. There will always be a people group who want convenience and catering over personal responsibility and freedom. However, those who understand the principles of freedom will see it for what it is.

It will be a lot harder to overthrow the new system than it will be to stop it from taking foot. The time to understand what’s at stake is now.

The current US Administration is part of the elite system for world governance. If they didn’t orchestrate the last two hurricanes, they are in alliance with whoever did. (Remember the lasers from Cuba?) They have slow walked rescue efforts, and they have muted the desperation of Americans who just lost absolutely everything. They are hell bent on pouring American taxpayer money to anywhere BUT America. They are actively participating in the dismantling of American strength and security.

Appalachian Americans have demonstrated resilience, and the Americans who have rushed to their aid have demonstrated the true American spirit. Our enemy is not just overseas. Our enemy is within. Denial will just fuel their fires of destruction. It’s time to be real. It’s time to be honest. It’s time to practice civil disobedience and true patriotism to the principles of America.

© 2024 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback:

Sources and Research:

Start here for geoengineering knowledge:

USGov and USMil documents:

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 A Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025:

Weather Modification: Programs, Problems, Policy and Potential [Prepared at the Bequest op Hon. Howard W. Cannon-, Chairman Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation – UNITED STATES SENATE May 1978:

Misc. data points on weather modification/geoengineering:

HAARP Technology for earthquakes:

Screengrabs of the laser frequency being shot from Cuba during Milton:

Colonel Douglas McGregor interviewing Dane Wigington about presenting to Congress the weather modification tactics being used:

General Flynn interviewed by Benny Johnson on what’s going on in Appalachia:

Notes on General Flynn interview:

Climate Viewer (maps of various items, good tool):

Maui treasonous anomalies (scroll down through the comments, it’s a thread):

Excerpt on weather modification from a Senate hearing on CSPAN:, and here

John Brennan at a CFR meeting:

Agenda 2021/2030, WEF and UN:

1992 Original UN Document:

The U.S. Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals/aligns with Agenda 2030:,and%20prosperity%20for%20the%20world

15 Minute Cities/WEF:

15 Minute Cities article:

UN and WEF accelerate timeline:

Trump’s Freedom Cities rename the 15-minute cities:

Tampa M.O.V.E.S.:

Hurricane Helene data points…

People Finder (list of missing people):

North Carolina National Guard Helicopter vandalizes rescue and supply station:

FEMA training director is more concerned with misgendering migrant transwomen:

Department of Defense grants a $90M contract with Albermarle for lithium mining in NC:,of%20lithium%20for%20the%20nation’s

Hurricane Milton….

Alexa answers the details of Milton’s destruction BEFORE the hurricane hits land:

Harris’s heart goes out to Lebanon, (and our money):

Tampa rebuild simulation: C

Bill Gates and Jeff Vinik have plans for Tampa:

FEMA nonsense

UN’s Pact for the Future

RFK Jr’s statement:

Article on the Pact: