You Might Be A Democrat or Liberal If…

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

January 2, 2024

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy has become famous by doing a routine that begins with “You might be a redneck if….” Below is a similar routine regarding Democrats or Liberals.

You might be a Democrat or Liberal if…

  • You believe President Franklin Roosevelt did not know about the Pearl Harbor attack in advance.
  • You believe Communists can be trusted.
  • The term “spending limits” is not in your vocabulary.
  • You believe in voting early and often on election days.
  • You believe in homosexual marriages.
  • You support illegal immigration.
  • You support illegal drug use (cocaine, etc.).
  • You don’t have the right to say a prayer in public school.
  • You believe public schools should not teach biblical values but rather situation ethics.
  • You believe bias in news reporting is acceptable as long as it is against Trump.
  • You believe pro-Trump insurrection at the nation’s capitol is wrong, but 100,000 rioters taking over the capitol of Wisconsin is “a meaningful display of democracy in action” (Nancy Pelosi’s statement).
  • You believe a pro-Trump insurrection at the nation’s capitol is wrong, but an insurrection against Trump at the White House (August 2020) is acceptable.
  • You believe insurrections across the nation against Trump’s policies at the southern border are acceptable (Nancy Pelosi’s view).
  • You believe rigging an election is acceptable if it is against Trump (
  • You believe committing fraud in an election is acceptable if it’s against Trump (“Meet the Technology That’s Uncovering 2020’s Voter Fraud,” by Jay Valentine in AMERICAN THINKER, November 29, 2021).
  • You believe the Second Amendment does not mean one has the right to defend oneself with a gun.
  • You will give women the right to violently kill their own babies in the womb.
  • You believe President Clinton’s illicit sex and lying should be overlooked.
  • You believe in racial-balanced bussing even though it massively discriminates against blacks.
  • You would prohibit the Ten Commandments on public property, but allow pagan deities (e.g., Vulcan in Birmingham, Demeter in Maryland at a cost of $75,000 in taxpayer money, Quetzecotl in San Jose at a cost of $500,00 in taxpayer money, etc.).

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