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Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots










By Pastor Roger Anghis
April 27, 2014

Preached before the Honorable Council, And the honorable House of Representatives of the Colony of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England. MAY 29th, 1776.

Being the Anniversary for the Election of THE honorable COUNCIL FOR the Colony. By Pastor Samuel West of Dartmouth.

Foundation Scriptures:

And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning : afterward thou shalt be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city, Isaiah 4:26:

Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregations shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them : and their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them, Jeremiah 30:20- 21.

As free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of GOD, 1 Peter 2: 16.

The beast that thou sawest, shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition : and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast. Revelation 17:8

Samuel West throughout his entire message to the Massachusetts House of Representatives has concentrated on the character of those in authority. He has pointed out time after time that those in authority are ministers of God for the protecting the liberties that God has given man and that any deferment from that is nothing but an act of tyranny. He has also pointed out that any absolute submission to authority that did not follow the directives of God was to be avoided at all costs. He has pointed out that all men in power are placed there by God: “He only in general requires submission to the higher powers, because the powers that be are ordained of God. Now, though the emperor might at that time be such a tyrant that he could with no propriety be said to be ordained of God, yet it would be somewhat strange if there were no men in power among the Romans that acted up to the character of good magistrates, and that deserved to be esteemed as the ministers of God for good unto the people. If there were any such, notwithstanding the tyranny of Nero, the apostle might with great propriety enjoin submission to those powers that were ordained of God, and by so particularly pointing out the end and design of magistrates, and giving his definition of a ruler, he might design to show that neither Nero, nor any other tyrant, ought to be esteemed as the minister of God.”[1] (Emphasis mine)

He emphasizes the need of Christians to be submissive to governments that are good governments: “It is the duty of every Christian to be a good subject of civil government, for the power and authority of the civil magistrate are from God; for the powers that be are ordained of God; i. e., the authority of the magistrates that are now either at Rome or elsewhere is ordained of the Deity. Wherever you find any lawful magistrates, remember, they are of divine ordination. But that you may understand what I mean when I say that magistrates are of divine ordination, I will show you how you may discern who are lawful magistrates, and ordained of God, from those who are not. Those only are to be esteemed lawful magistrates, and ordained of God, who pursue the public good by honoring and encouraging those that do well and punishing all that do evil. Such, and such only, wherever they are to be found, are the ministers of God for good : to resist such is resisting the ordnance of God, and exposing yourselves to the divine wrath and condemnation.”[2] (Emphasis mine)

West was preaching against those that the crown had placed in power that had removed the government the people had chosen to rule over them that had operated as scripture had defined for those in authority. The ‘new’ authority did not operate in accordance to biblical principles but for their own gain and gain for the crown with no regard at all for the God given liberties of the people. Today we have people that we have elected that pick and chose the laws they will enforce. They pay no attention to the Constitution when they right laws, admitted to by Representative Pete Stark of California, who is also a member of the Democrat Socialists of America. We have just as much a reason to resist those in authority today as they did in 1776 when this sermon was preached.

West always places an emphasis on individual liberties and the importance of those in authority to protect those liberties for the people: “The liberty of the subject is also clearly asserted, viz., that subjects are to be allowed to do everything that is in itself just and right, and are only to be restrained from being guilty of wrong actions. It is also strongly implied, that when rulers become oppressive to the subject and injurious to the state, their authority, their respect, their maintenance, and the duty of submitting to them, must immediately cease; they are then to be considered as the ministers of Satan, and, as such, it becomes our indispensable duty to resist and oppose them. Thus we see that both reason and revelation perfectly agree in pointing out the nature, end, and design of government, viz., that it is to promote the welfare and happiness of the community ; and that subjects have a right to do everything that is good, praiseworthy, and consistent with the good of the community and are only to be restrained when they do evil and are injurious either to individuals or the whole community; and that they ought to submit to every law that is beneficial to the community for conscience' sake, although it may in some measure interfere with their private interest ; for every good man will be ready to forego his private interest for the sake of being beneficial to the public. Reason and revelation, we see, do both teach us that our obedience to rulers is not unlimited, but that resistance is not only allowable, but an indispensable duty in the case of intolerable tyranny and oppression.”[3] (Emphasis mine)

The lessons learned from the early years of America could and should be applied to those in authority today. The last point I would like to make in this addition is it was their belief that it was government’s responsibility to see to it that order within society was maintained and that industry was promoted and idleness was actually punished! “The great difference that we may observe among the several classes of mankind arises chiefly from their education and their laws: hence men become virtuous or vicious, good commonwealthsmen or the contrary, generous, noble, and courageous, or base, mean-spirited, and cowardly, according to the impression that they have received from the government that they are under, together with their education and the methods that have been practiced by their leaders to form their minds in early life. Hence the necessity of good laws to encourage every noble and virtuous sentiment, to suppress vice and immorality, to promote industry, and to punish idleness, that parent of innumerable evils ; to promote arts and sciences, and to banish ignorance from among mankind.

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And as nothing tends like religion and the fear of God to make men good members of the commonwealth, it is the duty of magistrates to become the patrons and promoters of religion and piety, and to make suitable laws for the maintaining public worship, and decently supporting the teachers of religion. Such laws, I apprehend, are absolutely necessary for the well-being of civil society. Such laws may be made, consistent with all that liberty of conscience which every good member of society ought to be possessed of; for, as there are few, if any, religious societies among us but what profess to believe and practice all the great duties of religion and morality that are necessary for the well-being of society and the safety of the state, let everyone be allowed to attend worship in his own society, or in that way that he judges most agreeable to the will of God, and let him be obliged to contribute his assistance to the supporting and defraying the necessary charges of his own meeting.”[4] (Emphasis mine)

Notice that West believed that it was government’s job to promote public worship! This would be fought today by the ACLU, Freedom from Religion and others who refuse to allow our Christian heritage to be practiced in the manner that it was done in the time period of our first established settlement and continued well into the 20th Century.

It is the destruction of things that made America great that if not held in check we will not see the America that most of us grew up enjoying. The writing is on the wall.

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,


1. Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), pp. 295-296.
2. Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), p. 296.
3. Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), pp. 298-299.
4. Pulpit of the American Revolution, John W. Thorton, The Federalist Papers Project, (Gould and Lincoln, Boston), pp. 299-300.

� 2014 Roger Anghis - All Rights Reserved

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Pastor Roger Anghis is the Founder of, an organization designed to draw attention to the need of returning free speech rights to churches that was restricted in 1954.

President of The Damascus Project,, which has a stated purpose of teaching pastors and lay people the need of the churches involvement in the political arena and to teach the historical role of Christianity in the politics of the United States. Married-37 years, 3 children, three grandchildren.

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Samuel West throughout his entire message to the Massachusetts House of Representatives has concentrated on the character of those in authority. He has pointed out time after time that those in authority are ministers of God for the protecting the liberties that God has given man and that any deferment from that is nothing but an act of tyranny.