Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
December 26, 2011
[Note: In another move by the Power Elite (PE) toward Big Brother, President Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule (docket ID: HHS-05-2011-0022) found here. It gives various options for insurance companies to submit detailed health care information about their patients/clients. Concerning this, U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp in The [Washington] Examiner (September 23, 2011) wrote an op-ed article, “Obamacare HHS rule would give government everybody’s health records” in which he explained that “no matter which ‘option’ is chosen, government bureaucrats would have access to the health records of every American—including you. There are major problems with any of these ‘options.’ First is the obvious breach of patient-doctor confidentiality….”
As I’ve written before, the primary driving force the PE uses to fulfill its plan is economic crisis. In that regard, International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde on December 20 in Nigeria warned that “currently the world economy stands at a very dangerous juncture…. And what’s more, there are downside risks on the horizon that are really threatening the recovery process.” She further stated that the global economy is “teetering on the brink of a major downturn,” as early in December the UN cut its world growth forecast from 3.6% to 2.6%. And she added that the European debt crisis presented a risk for “all economies of the world,” telling the audience in Nigeria that there are economic “channels of contagion between advanced economies and the rest of the world.”]
Not only is the “Trojan Horse” mentioned at the end of Part 4 of this series a useful device for gradualist change agents to alter people’s spiritual values, but their political-economic values, too. In The Autobiography of James T. Shotwell (1961), this Director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace described his plan developed in the early 1930s for lessening international trade barriers. Shotwell had helped plan the League of Nations and the U.N., as well as inspire the founding of the International Labor Organization. And in his autobiography, he said: “The main idea was simple—nations which raised the wages and standard of living in the production of goods should have favored tariff treatment in the country to which they were exported. The plan was directed against the argument for high tariffs because of low wage costs in other countries…. Neither Mr. [Cordell] Hull [FDR’s Secretary of State) nor his economic assistants liked the scheme, because of its lack of fundamental free trade principle. I said it was the Trojan Horse to get inside the protectionist walls.”
Shotwell’s strategy reached its fulfillment with the enactment of GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO) as part of the globalist elite’s plan to have a global economy as a prelude to a global civilization. On NBC’s Today Show (June 26, 1996), Jean Houston said, “We’re moving towards a Planetary Civilization,” and the New Age movement fits well with the globalist elite’s plan also to use educational reform (transformation) to help facilitate their desired World Socialist Government.
That a World Socialist Government is the goal of the PE can be seen in PE agent and World Federalist Mortimer Adler’s Haves Without Have-Nots (1991) in which he asserted that the U.S., NATO, the Soviet Union, etc. will be replaced by the USDR (Union of Socialist Democratic Republics). Political and economic homogeneity will occur in “a new First World order in the next century” (21st century), as there will be a redistribution of wealth from the “have” to the “have-not” nations (concept supported by the Earth Charter and President Barack Obama). Adler professed that “this can be done only by the regulation of a world economy by a world government.” All participating nations must be “socialist,” and surrender “every vestige of national sovereignty in dealing with one another.” World government would preclude nations’ “foreign policies, military installations and personnel, and immigration barriers.” Because there has been a resurgent emotional attachment to nationalism today, Adler believed that it may be overcome only by causing people to have an “emotionally felt” reaction to “the threat of irreversible damage to the environment… to prevent the destruction of the biosphere.”
The New Age often emphasizes Eastern mysticism. Zen Buddhism along with Confucianism, Shintoism and other Eastern religions emphasize loyalty to one’s group and/or one’s relationship to “Nature.” Christianity, however, emphasizes each individual’s personal relationship with Jesus and each person’s need for salvation by Christ. Traditional American education emphasizes individual initiative, but educational reformers today are pushing Outcome-Based Education (OBE) which emphasizes “the group” (e.g., cooperative learning). Similarly, traditional American values emphasize individual responsibility, but Socialism emphasizes the government’s (through the group’s) responsibility (e.g., the welfare state).
Regarding education, some years ago the Carnegie Corporation began to fund initiatives to transform American education to prepare a skilled workforce (along with negotiating the Soviet-American Exchange Agreement in late 1985). This included OBE (group-oriented) School-to-Work (STW) initiatives, which would fit neatly into the Socialist world to come. Then in 1992, the National Center (formerly Carnegie Forum) on Education and the Economy (NCEE) produced a Human Resources Development Plan that seemed quite similar in a number of ways to what Dr. Shirley McCune had earlier proposed. The NCEE plan would integrate education into a national (cradle-to-grave) outcome-based and performance-based system of human resources development, including apprenticeships somewhat like those in Germany.
National borders would be meaningless in the Socialist world to come, as Robert Reich (who would become President Clinton’s Secretary of Labor) in The Work of Nations (1991) stated that in the coming century, “There will be no national products or technologies, no national corporations, no national industries. There will no longer be national economies….”
Actually, what Reich had described had been predicted some time ago. In David Snyder’s article, “The Revolution in the Workplace: What’s Happening to Our Jobs?” in The Futurist (March-April 1996), he recalled that “Most remarkable of all, almost certainly, was sociologist Daniel Bell’s The Coming of Post-Industrial Society (1973), which foresaw a society increasingly divided between a small, prosperous technocratic elite and a huge population of lower-middle-income service drones. From the very month it came out, the number of middle-class jobs as a share of all jobs in America fell, just as Bell had projected; it was almost as if he had programmed the economy.”
Not only did Bell’s prediction come true, but in 1992 The Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College published strategic futurist Charles W. Taylor’s A World 2010: A New Order of Nations, in which he predicted that “The new order of nations almost certainly will evolve gradually into a world economy.” He also stated that “The principal challenges to a national education system that would be the most beneficial for the nation and prepare the people best for the work environment of the world of 2010 are: (1) to create and implement a national education policy that… encourages adherence to common standards that ensure equal access to quality education nationwide; (2) to establish comprehensive national education programs….” Remember these when thinking about GATT and GOALS 2000, and note that in Major General William Stofft’s (U.S. Army Commandant) Foreword to Taylor’s book, Stofft indicated that “The author created the concepts for A World 2010 and its forecast in 1984. The narrative was published in a 1986 Army document entitled, A World 2010: A Decline of Superpower Influence.”
While the ultimate goal of the global elite is a World Socialist Government resulting from a dialectical process, what we have recently experienced is perhaps best characterized as “multinational corporatism.” Not yet Socialism (where government owns at least key industries such as rails, utilities, banking, etc.), but related to Fascism (where government controls at least key industries via regulations, etc.), “multinational corporatism” is where large multi-national corporations (e.g. Archer-Daniels-Midland in the 1990s) contributed to key politicians (e.g., Bob Dole), who rammed through legislative bodies (e.g., Congress) such things as GATT even though polls showed about 80% of the public opposed it.
There is even a book, When Corporations Rule the World (1995) by David C. Korten (who was been a Ford Foundation project specialist in Manila) indicating that the emerging global system of business posed a serious threat to long-range human interests. And in an interview with journalist Joan Veon on May 11, 1996, Korten said: “What we’re talking about is the modern extension of the colonial process, colonizing resources, colonizing markets…. Internationally, the primary instrument has been the GATT, NAFTA, and now the World Trade Organization (WTO), and essentially the WTO is creating a world government in which one organization which is totally unelected, wholly secretive… with the power to virtually override any local or national laws if those in any way inconvenience global corporations…. There are new efforts now under way to create new agreements globally which will make it illegal for any country or any locality to give any preference to any local business…. It essentially is a process of guaranteeing the rights of global corporations to move anywhere, do anything, without accountability for the consequences. And they systematically drive out the smaller local business that function as part of the community. We see it in the United States, of course, very dramatically in the WAL-MARTS spreading across the country and squeezing out local business, but on a larger scale the same thing is happening in nearly every industry and it’s happening throughout the world…. It was a terrible shock (to those of us who supported Bill Clinton) when Clinton came in and GATT and NAFTA became the centerpieces of his policy, both for his foreign policy and his domestic employment policy. And in a sense, there was almost a seamless transition from President Bush to President Clinton in that regard…. The global financial system and the money that moves unregulated, uncontrolled, through the global system creates a kind of financial referendum that when the folks in power realize that if they do not gear their policies to cater to the international financiers and corporations, that they’ll create a run on the currency and with devastating consequences for the economy. The other side of this, of course, is the uncomfortable reality that our democracy has been rendered meaningless by big money. The truth is there are politicians [who] are owned lock, stock and barrel by the big money interests… Our elections create, to some extent, a façade of choice…. We need to localize economies, not globalize economies… in a world in which we’re protected from others colonizing our resources.”
Perhaps one of the “serious threats to long-range human interest” to which Korten referred is the often traumatic results of layoffs occurring under corporate downsizing today. In 1989, William Morin authored Successful Termination giving step-by-step instructions on how to terminate employees, including a checklist of do’s and don’ts among which are do get right to the point and don’t sympathize. In a 1994 interview with the Baltimore Sun, Morin said,“Corporations used to feel guilty about laying people off…. [Now] they have gotten accustomed to terminating people. Their consciences are going away. That’s a way of life.”
As this global system breaks down national economic barriers, the global elite will argue that a global economy must be managed by a global government. In his book, Knoke affirms that “The foundations to such a reordering have already been laid in the pathbreaking World Trade Organization… a limited world government with sovereignty over world trade… [through which] member governments have voluntarily yielded sovereignty over domestic laws governing the environment, food, safety and way of life.
“Voluntarily” yielded? How “voluntary” was it, when Felix Rohatyn testified before the Senate Commerce Committee on November 15, 1994 supporting GATT implementing legislation, and said: “The World financial markets are now more integrated today than the world trading system…. The financial markets are assuming ratification of GATT…. A change in U.S. attitudes, as represented by a negative vote in the Congress, would carry with it the potential for the most serious consequences in the financial markets”? Rohatyn was a senior partner with Lazard Brothers, and the managing directors of Lazard Brothers until 1963 (Lord Robert Brand) and after 1963 (Adam Morris) both were also heads of the Round Table Groups, formed to further Cecil Rhodes’ plan to dominate the world.
And concerning the possibility that the U.N. will evolve into the World Socialist Government, Knoke advocated that the U.N. be given taxing authority, a standing army, and “a world police force with special training and equipment usually not found in armies.” He further advocated that the U.N. have “peacekeepers” who are “a combination of social worker, policeman, riot police, and Rambo-style SWAT commandos.” Welcome to the “Bold New World”!
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Former CIA director William Colby (who disappeared and was found dead) told John DeCamp: “Sometimes there are forces too powerful for us to whip them individually, in the time frame that we would like…. The best we might be able to do sometimes, is to point out the truth and then step aside. That is where I think you are now. For your own personal safety and survival, step aside.” Think about what it would take for the former head of the CIA, with all of its resources and power, to say “there are forces too powerful” and “for your own personal safety and survival, step aside”!
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