By Thomas R. Horn
August 26, 2009
While I believe the theory of DNA corruption as an intended method for halting the coming of Christ has merit, an alternative or additional reason for why the Watchers may have blended living organisms exists. This theory is original with me insofar as I know and grew from my need to incorporate the voluminous historical texts, which described this peculiar history, into a consistent account.
To harmonize
the ancient records, I came to believe that the overriding motive for
whatever the Watchers were doing with the DNA of various species had to
be understood within the context
of their foremost goal, which was to leave their plane of existence and
to enter ours (Jude 6; 2 Pet 2:4). My challenge then became to answer
the question of how blending various species would satisfy this goal or
provide the Watchers with a method of departure from ‘high heaven’
and incarnation into man’s ‘habitation.’ While I will
not take time here to explain every detail (a 5-hour CD set called "As
It Was In The Days Of Noah: The Return Of The Nephilim" that
covers this and related material is available from,
I eventually hypothesized that the Watchers had to blend species in the
way they did in order to create a soul-less or spirit-less body into which
they could extend themselves. The rationale is that every creature as
it existed originally had its beginning in God, who ordered each creature
to reproduce "after its own kind." The phrase, "after its
own kind" verifies what kind of spirit can enter into an intelligent
being at conception. When the sperm of a dog meets ovum of a dog and life
of a dog is formed, at the first spark of life the spirit or personality
of a dog enters that embryo and it grows to become a dog in spirit and
form. The spirit of a man does not enter it, in the same way that a man
is not born with the spirit of a horse or cow. This creature/spirit integrity
is part of the Divine Order and would have kept the Watchers, who wanted
to incarnate within the human realm (not just ‘possess’ creatures),
from displacing the spirits of humans or animals and replacing them with
their own. How did they overcome this problem? Like scientists are doing
today, it appears based on the ancient records that they blended existing
DNA of several living creatures and made something that neither the spirit
of man or beast would enter at conception, for it was neither man nor
beast. As the quarterly online travel guide Mysterious World
in their 2003 feature Giants in the Earth noted, "The Nephilim
were genetically manufactured beings created from the genetic material
of various pre-existing animal species… the fallen angels did not
personally interbreed with the daughters of men, but used their godlike
intellect to delve into the secrets of YHWH’s Creation and manipulate
it to their own purposes. And the key to creating or recreating man, as
we have (re)discovered in the twentieth century, is the human genome —
DNA." This manipulation of living tissue by the fallen angels led
to an unusual body made up of human, animal, and plant genetics known
as Nephilim, an ‘earth born’ facsimile or ‘fit
extension’ into which they could incarnate. What’s more, the
long history of demonological phenomenon related to manipulation of biological
matter suggests that versions of this curious activity have been ongoing
ever since.
Former college professor and BBC correspondent (and my dear friend whose celebrated book I was privileged to put back in print), Dr. I.D.E. Thomas in The Omega Conspiracy, chronicled the burgeoning of so-called ‘alien abduction’ activity and tied it to end-time prophecy concerning the return of the Nephilim. Documentation by ‘abductees’ worldwide and the stories of DNA harvesting by ‘aliens’ reminded him of the history of biological misuse by the Watchers, and led Thomas to conclude that the identity of the Watchers and whoever the alien entities are, were somehow connected. Dr. Thomas told me personally that the special desire by these unknown agents for human and animal molecular matter "would explain why animals have been killed, mutilated, and stolen by the aliens in UFO flap areas." Respected UFO researcher, Dr. Jacques F. Vallée raised similar questions.
"In order to materialize and take definite form, these entities seem to require a source of energy…a living thing…a human medium…. Our sciences have not reached a point where they can offer us any kind of working hypothesis for this process. But we can speculate that these beings need living energy which they can reconstruct into physical form. Perhaps that is why dogs and animals tend to vanish in flap areas. Perhaps the living cells of those animals are somehow used by the ultraterrestrials to create forms which we can see and sense with our limited perceptions." [1]
Like Thomas, Vallée connected this activity with the legendary acts of the Watchers.
"Are we dealing…with a parallel universe, another dimension, where there are…races only semi-human, so that in order to maintain contact with us, they need cross-breeding with men and woman of our planet? Is this the origin of the many tales and legends where genetics play a great role: . . . the fairy tales involving human midwives and changelings, the sexual overtones of the flying saucer reports, the Biblical stories of intermarriage between the Lord’s angels and terrestrial women, whose offspring were giants?" [2]
Whether or not there is a connection between the ancient power behind the Watcher narrative and the modern ‘alien abduction’ activity documented by Vallée and others involving biological harvesting from humans and animals, records from antiquity include mysterious possibilities regarding the ability of the Watcher’s deceased offspring to return to ‘physical form’ at particular moments in time. The relationship between the Rephaim—the giant occupants of Canaan (of which Og, King of Bashan whose bed was 18 feet long belonged)—and the Nephilim becomes important here, as the Rephaim were associated by the ancients with the ‘shades of the dead’ including Nephilim in Sheol. The meaning of the word Rephaim is especially germane, as it carries with it the idea ‘to heal’ or to be ‘healed’ as in a ‘resurrection’ from the place of the dead, Sheol-Hades.
In the Ras Shamra texts, the Rephaim were described as demigods who worshipped the Amorite god Ba’al, the ruler of the underworld. When Rephaim died, their spirits went into the underworld where they joined Ba’al’s acolyte assembly of lesser gods, kings, heroes, and rulers. These beings had the power to return from the dead through reincarnation into bodily form as Nephilim. As Mysterious World in Giants in the Earth also included, "…the Rephaim giants were specifically noted by Moses as being the return of the antediluvian Nephilim, that the Rephaim were in fact the reincarnations of the demonic spirits of the Nephilim giants who had been destroyed in the Flood." A surprise to many Bible students would be to learn that the prophet Isaiah may have considered this Amorite dogma factual, and that he tied the power of these beings to the King of Babylon and Lucifer himself. After prophesying against the Babylonian leader, Isaiah says in parallel to Rephaim theology:
"Hell [Sheol-Hades] from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead [Rapha, Raphaim] for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. And they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? Art thou become like unto us?" Isaiah 14:9-10
Immediately following this statement, Isaiah looked beyond the Rephaim at who their Ba’al actually was, identifying him in verse 12, saying, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!"
Other places in the Bible such as Job 26:5 may agree with the idea of a Luciferian power that can, under some circumstances, return Rephaim from the underworld to physical bodies known as Nephilim. "Dead things are formed from under the waters…" Job says. The dead in this text are Rapha (Rephaim) and the phrase "are formed" is from "Chuwl," meaning to twist or whirl as in a double helix coil or genetic manufacturing. The startling implication of this and similar texts is that beneath the surface of earth, agents of darkness wait the moment of their return. Before the end of this series, we shall consider several ancient documents and scriptures that seem to forecast such a terrifying event for the end-times.
If indeed the activity of Watchers was the use of biotechnology to produce exotic bodies of flesh for beings that have the ability under extraordinary circumstances to reincarnate after physical death, would the method of their returning from the grave likewise be an advanced form of science? I believe this could be the case, and the Bible may actually provide a record of this occurring. The story is doubly important to our series and the Apollyon Rising 2012 book I hope to have out by November, because it centers around Nimrod, the original character who later was mythologized as the god prophesied by the Apostle Paul in the New Testament and by the Occult Elite in the Great Seal of the United States as the ancient spirit that will return to earth to rule the Novus Ordo Seclorum—Apollo/Osiris. Earlier we pointed out how Apollo is reanimated on earth in the end times when "the Beast" ascends from the Bottomless Pit and goes "into perdition" (into Apolia, Apollo. See Rev 17:8). The story of Nimrod (Gilgamesh/Apollo/Osiris) in the book of Genesis may illustrate how this could happen through genetic influence or even a retrovirus (of demonic design?) that integrates with a host’s genome and rewrites the living specimen’s DNA, thus making it a ‘fit extension’ for infection by the entity. In Genesis 10:8 it says about Nimrod:
"And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth."
There are three sections in this unprecedented verse that indicate something very peculiar may have happened to Nimrod. First, note where the text says, "he began to be." In Hebrew this is Chalal and means to "become profaned, defiled, polluted or desecrated ritually, sexually or genetically." Second, this verse tells us exactly what Nimrod began to be—"a mighty one" (Gibbowr, Gibborim), one of the offspring of Nephilim. Notwithstanding some of the writing on the Gibborim that my good friend Michael Heiser has done, Reed says in the Cambridge University book Fallen angels and the history of Judaism and Christianity, "The Nephilim of Gen 6:4 are always… grouped together with the Gibborim as the progeny of the Watchers and human women." [3]. And the third part of this text says the change to Nimrod started while he was on "earth." Therefore in modern language this text could accurately be translated to say:
"And Nimrod began to change genetically, becoming a Gibborim, the offspring of Watchers on earth."
To understand
how as a mature, living specimen, Nimrod could have "began to be
a Gibborim," it is helpful to imagine this in terms of biology, as
we know it. For instance not long ago, I "began to be" a diabetic.
Because of poor choices of food, diet and exercise, my doctor tells me
that I triggered a genetic inherent
and that it began changing me in powerful, metabolic ways. This change
is so powerful that today I have to take drugs to keep it from killing
me. Yet just because I had the heritable disease-related genotype that
can lead to diabetes, this did not mean necessarily that I would develop
the medical condition. It is entirely possible to be a carrier of a genetic
mutation that increases the risk of developing a particular disease, without
ever actually becoming afflicted with the disorder in the course of a
lifetime. Due to my earlier lifestyle or maybe even certain environmental
conditions I was unaware of, the gene mutation involved in the action
of insulin "turned on" and I "began to be" a diabetic.
I’ve often wondered if the record of Nimrod where it says he "began to be" a "Gibborim" indicated something similar about his genetics, DNA, or bloodline that "turned on" as a result of his decisions, triggering a change in him from one type being to another. It is also a possibility, I suppose, that Nimrod became afflicted with a retrovirus that integrated with his genome and, in essence, "rewrote" his genetic makeup, fashioning him into a "fit extension" for an under-worldly spirit. When I asked Sharon Gilbert, author of The Armageddon Strain whose formal education includes molecular biology and genetics if she thought this was possible, she said, "Absolutely, Tom. Retroviruses essentially inject single-stranded RNA strands into somatic (body) cells during ‘infection’. These ssRNA strands access nucleotide pools in the host cell and form a double-stranded DNA copy. This dsDNA can then incorporate itself into the host chromosome using a viral enzyme called ‘integrase.’ The new ‘fake gene’ then orders the cell to make more mRNA copies of the original virus RNA. These then travel out of the cell and infect the next cell, and so on."
Perhaps this type genetic re-writing is implied in Genesis 10:8 when it says, "And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one [Gibborim] in the earth."
In addition to such scientific deduction, another reason I believe this story is suspicious is because of what Nimrod did immediately following Genesis chapter 10. As soon as he "began to be a mighty one" in the earth, one chapter later he set out to build a tower whose top would "reach unto heaven" (Gen 11:4). This was the infamous Tower of Babel, and Nimrod was designing it so that the top of it would extend into Shamayim (heaven), the abode of God. Works including The Jewish Encyclopedia confirm several historical records that Nimrod, whom they establish was also identified by various ancient cultures alternatively as Osiris, Orion, Apollo, and Gilgamesh, built the Tower of Babel in an attempt to ascend into the presence of God. Jehovah himself came down and said of the tower’s design, "nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do" (Gen 11:6). In other words, according to the Lord, Nimrod would have accomplished what he "imagined" to do—to build a tower whose top would reach into the abode of God. That this section of scripture could be viewed as a secondary support for the concept of Nimrod having become "revived Watcher offspring" is thus supported by Nimrod seeming to abruptly be aware of where and how tall to build a tower so that the top of it would penetrate the dwelling place of God.
Were his eyes suddenly opened to realities that are outside man’s normal mode of perception? As he became Gibborim, he would have taken on Watchers propensities, which, as angels, could see into the supernatural realm including where heaven is located and possibly where to enter it. Even the name Babylon implies this, meaning the "Gate of God" or gateway to God. That there could be sacred locations where those beings that can see into the supernatural realm could literally walk up onto a high place and enter heaven is not as far fetched as it sounds. Numerous records including from the Bible appear to substantiate the idea that heaven could be attained on high towers or mountainous locations. Consider Moses meeting with God on Sinai, Jesus returning atop the Mount of Olives, the 200 Watchers that "descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon" (Enoch, 6:6) and other examples including Jacob’s ladder. This could also explain why, in the deep recesses of our psyche, people tend to believe they can draw closer to God when going up onto mountains.
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In addition to the possibility of suddenly seeing into the supernatural ream as a result of integration with fallen angels, if Nimrod was genetically modified according to the original Watcher formula, he would have inherited animal characteristics within his new material makeup, and animals, like angels, seem to perceive ‘domains’ humans cannot. This includes obvious things such as wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, but perhaps something more substantial as well, like the spirit realm. This is important to keep in mind as we consider in the next entries how the move by modern scientists to revive Watcher technology and to blend humans with animals could set in motion the return of Nephilim and the coming of Apollo.
[See the U-Tube clip above: Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed]
[Editor's note: This series is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book: APOLLYON RISING 2012: The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed. Sign up to be notified when APOLLYON RISING 2012 is released and get $60.00 IN FREE GIFTS! Sign up here!]
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
Jacques Vallée,
The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About
UFO Influences on the Human Race, pg 233, Dutton; 1st edition 1975
2, Ibid, pp 143-144
3, Annette Yoshiko Reed, Fallen angels and the history of Judaism
and Christianity: the reception of Enochic literature, pg 214, Cambridge
University Press, 2005
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Thomas Horn is the CEO of and
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of published editorials, and had several feature magazine articles. In addition to past articles at , his works have been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the last 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." When looking for a spokesperson to promote their film "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" selected Thomas as their spokesperson to explain the Christian viewpoint on UFO-related demonology.
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