By Thomas R. Horn
November 11, 2010
believe the corruption of antediluvian dna by Watchers as discussed in
the last entry was an effort to cut off the birth line of the Messiah.
This theory posits that Satan understood the protoevangelium—the
promise in Genesis 3:15 that a Savior would be born, the seed of the woman,
and that He would destroy the fallen
angel’s power. Satan’s followers therefore intermingled with
the human race in a conspiracy to stop the birth of Christ. If human dna
could be universally corrupted or “demonized,” they reasoned,
no Savior would be born and mankind would be lost forever. Those who support
this theory believe this is why God ordered His people to maintain a pure
bloodline and not to intermarry with the other nations. When men breached
this command and the mutated dna began rapidly spreading among humans
and animals, God instructed Noah to build an ark and prepare for a flood
that would destroy every living thing.
That God had to send such a universal fiat illustrates how widespread the altered dna eventually became. In fact, the Bible says in Genesis 6:9 that only Noah—and by extension, his children—were found “perfect” in their generation. The Hebrew word for “perfect” in this case is tamiym, which means “without blemish” or “healthy,” the same word used in Leviticus to describe an unblemished sacrificial lamb. The meaning was not that Noah was morally perfect, but that his physical makeup—his dna—had not been contaminated with Nephilim descent, as apparently the rest of the world had become. In order to preserve mankind as He had made them, God destroyed all but Noah’s family in the Flood. The ancient records including those of the Bible appear to agree with this theology, consistently describing the cause of the Flood as happening in response to “all flesh” having become “corrupted, both man and beast.”
While we believe the theory of dna corruption as an intended method for halting the coming of Christ has merit, an alternative or additional reason the Watchers may have blended living organisms exists in a theory we postulated in our book, Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed. In that book, we speculated that the manipulation of dna may have had a deeper purpose—namely, to create a hybrid form that neither the spirit of man nor God would inhabit because it was neither man nor beast, and thus provided an unusual body made up of human, animal, and plant genetics known as Nephilim, an earth-born facsimile or “fit extension” into which the Watchers could extend themselves.
Given advances in Grin technology, transhumanist aspirations, and the admitted new arms race of human enhancement discussed in previous entries, imagine the staggering spiritual warfare implications of such science if dead Nephilim tissue were discovered with intact dna and a government somewhere was willing to clone or mingle the extracted organisms for use in (re)creating the ultimate super soldier—Homo-Nephilim. If one accepts the biblical story of Nephilim as real, such discovery could actually be made someday—or perhaps already has been and was covered up. As an example of this possibility, in 2009, blood was extracted from the bone of a dinosaur that scientists insist is eighty million years old. Nephilim would have existed in relatively recent times comparably, making clonable material from dead biblical giants feasible. The technology to resurrect extinct species already exists. The Pyrenean ibex, an extinct form of wild mountain goat, was brought back to life in 2009 through cloning of dna taken from skin samples. This was followed in June of 2010 by researchers at Jeju National University in Korea cloning a bull that had been dead for two years. Cloning methods are also being studied for use in bringing back Tasmanian tigers, woolly mammoths, and other extinct creatures, and in the March/April 2010 edition of the respected Archaeology magazine, a feature article by Zah Zorich (“Should We Clone Neanderthals?”) called for the resurrection via cloning of what some consider to be man’s closest extinct relative, the Neanderthals. National Geographic confirmed this possibility in its May 2009 special report, “Recipe for a Resurrection,” quoting Hendrik Poinar of McMaster University, an authority on ancient dna who served as a scientific consultant for the movie Jurassic Park, saying: “I laughed when Steven Spielberg said that cloning extinct animals was inevitable. But I’m not laughing anymore.… This is going to happen. It’s just a matter of working out the details.”[1]
The ramifications of using science to revive extinct animals or Nephilim could extend beyond cloning to include a mysterious germ-line connection with the armies of Armageddon and the kingdom of Antichrist. This is because as interbreeding begins between transgenic animals, genetically modified humans, and species as God made them, the altered dna will quickly migrate into the natural environment. When that happens (as is already occurring among genetically modified plants and animals), “alien” and/or animal characteristics will be introduced to the human gene pool and spread through intermarriage, altering the human genetic code and eventually eliminating humanity as we know it. According to many theologians, this is what happened before the Great Flood, allowing for Nephilim incarnation and perhaps has been the whole idea for the end times as well—to create a generation of genetically altered “fit extensions” for the resurrection of underworld Nephilim hordes in preparation of Armageddon.
If, as we believe, the Antichrist is the reincarnation of the ancient demon deity Apollo (the Old Testament Nimrod) as prophesied by the apostles Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 and John in Revelation 17:8, not only will he be the exact opposite of Jesus (Son of God), but he will be the forerunner of the return of the Nephilim. The prophet Isaiah (chapters 13 and 14) spoke of the return of these beings, and tied the advent to the destruction of the city of Babylon in the final age (which should give us pause in light of the ongoing presence of U.S. armed forces in Iraq/Babylon and the powder keg surrounding it). From the Septuagint, we read:
The vision which Esaias son of Amos saw against Babylon. Lift up a standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon with the hand, open the gates, ye ruler. I give command and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfill my wrath.… For behold! The day of the Lord is coming which cannot be escaped, a day of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate.… And Babylon…shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.… It shall never be inhabited…and monsters shall rest there, and devils shall dance there and satyrs shall dwell there. (Isaiah 13:1–3, 9, 19–22, emphasis added)
One can only speculate if something more than is casually perceived is meant by Isaiah when he says, “open the gates, ye ruler,” but whoever this ruler is, he opens “gates” in Iraq/Babylon through which end-times giants (gibborim) return to the surface of earth as agents of God’s wrath. Noting that Isaiah ties the destruction of Iraq/Babylon with the reappearance of gibborim in this way, we recall how thousands of U.S. troops, on invading Iraq during the Bush administration, admittedly filled U.S. containers with archaeological materials, including what some have speculated to be cuneiform tablets pointing to the location of pure-blooded Nephilim buried in underground caves. This is exactly where Enoch said the dead antediluvian Nephilim are, and raises fascinating questions: Would agencies like Darpa have interest in studying or cloning the extinct beings if they were, or have been, found? Could man in his arrogance revive ancient dna, revitalizing or blending it with other living organisms in a way similar to what the Watchers did in making the first Nephilim? Is the factual reappearance on earth of such legendary beings verified by Isaiah, who also foresaw transhuman creatures such as satyrs (transgenic half-men, half-goats) accompanying the return of giants in the end times, or why other apocryphal books like 2 Esdras 5:8 prophesy the birth of “monsters” for the same period of time?
Some may be shocked to learn that in addition to the citations above, the Bible actually describes an ultimate end-times spiritual warfare between the “mythological gods” and Christ. “The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth” says Zephaniah 2:11. “The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; ‘Behold, I will punish the…gods’” (Jeremiah 46:25). Human followers of the pagan deities will join the conflict, calling upon their idols (Revelation 9:20) to convene their powers against the Christian God, uniting with “the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth…to gather them to the battle of that great day…[to] a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon [Megiddo]” (Revelation 16:13–14, 16). The ancient Book of Jubilees—another apocryphal text—considers the same time frame and verifies contemporaneous Nephilim resurrection. The familiar word “corruption” turns up again in association with these beings, insinuating an end-times repeat of what the Watchers did by corrupting human dna and blending it with animals to retrofit human bodies for Nephilim incarnation. Note that this happens just before Satan is judged:
The malignant evil ones [spirits of Nephilim destroyed in the Flood] were bound in the place of condemnation, but a tenth part of them were left that they might be subject before Satan on the earth. These are for corruption [corruption of dna as in days of old?] and leading astray men before Satan’s judgment. (Jubilees 10:7–12)
The well-known prophecy in the second chapter of the book of Joel also includes reference to returning gibborim (giants, Nephilim offspring). Though expositors tend to view Joel describing an army of locusts, he includes gibborim in his descriptions in the phrase “they shall run like mighty men [gibborim].” Does this mean something besides the fact that grasshoppers will be involved in Joel’s end-times army?
[They are] a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it…and nothing shall escape them. The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run…. They shall run like mighty men [gibbowr, gibborim]; they shall climb the wall like men of war.… They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth shall quake before them.… And the Lord shall utter His voice before His army: for His camp is very great: for He is strong that executeth His word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it? (Joel 2:2–11)
Another expression Joel uses—“the appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run”—sounds like the last-days locusts and transgenic horse-men mutations in Revelation 9:7–19. When all such texts are added up, there is persuasive evidence that the massive gibborim army that runs upon the wall from which nobody can escape could be the result of man’s willingness to play “god” in reviving forbidden science and opening “gates” to gibborim lurking in the beyond.
Does a curious verse in the book of Daniel also hint at this? Speaking of the last days of human government, Daniel said: “They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” (Daniel 2:43).
While Daniel does not explain who “they” that “mingle themselves with the seed of men” are, the personal pronoun “they” caused Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman, in their book, Alien Encounters, to ask: “Just what (or who) are ‘mingling with the seed of men?’ Who are these non-seed? It staggers the mind to contemplate the potential significance of Daniel’s passage and its implications for the future global governance.”[2] Daniel’s verse also troubled Missler and Eastman because it seemed to indicate that the same phenomenon that occurred in Genesis chapter 6, where nonhuman species or “nonseed” mingled with human seed and produced Nephilim would happen again in the end times. When this verse from Daniel is coupled with Genesis 3:15, which says, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed [zera, meaning “offspring,” “descendents,” or “children”] and her seed,” an incredible tenet emerges—that Satan has seed, and that it is at enmity with Christ.
To “mingle” nonhuman seed with Homo sapiens through altering human dna while simultaneously returning Nephilim to earth has been the inspiration of the spirit of Antichrist ever since God halted the practice during the Great Flood. According to Louis Pauwells and Jacques Bergier in The Dawn of Magic (first published in France in 1960 under the title Le Matin des Magiciens), this was certainly the goal of the antichrist Adolf Hitler:
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Hitler’s aim was neither the founding of a race of supermen, nor the conquest of the world; these were only means towards the realization of the great work he dreamed of. His real aim was to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the “apparition of a new race of heroes and demigods and god-men.”[3]
One cannot read the conclusion by Pauwells and Bergier regarding Hitler’s antichrist ambition without seeing how it corresponds perfectly with the goals of transhumanism, even to the connection of creating posthuman bodies fit for deity incarnation through genetic engineering.
In the next entry, we will provide what we believe is an historical account of this very thing happening.
[Editor's note: This series is based on research contained in Tom and Nita Horn's new book: Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare. Learn more here]
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
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Thomas Horn is the CEO of and
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of published editorials, and had several feature magazine articles. In addition to past articles at , his works have been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the last 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." When looking for a spokesperson to promote their film "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" selected Thomas as their spokesperson to explain the Christian viewpoint on UFO-related demonology.
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