By Diane Kepus
February 17, 2015
Isn’t it interesting how something long in existence can be suddenly re-proposed as a brilliant new idea? Politicians and educators, hoping we have memory problems, often do this to fool us into thinking they are working hard to improve a situation. Another audacious example of this strategy was recently provided by the Holy See’s support of a proposal for “United Religions”.
There is a movement at work called “Catholics Come Home”. The web site acknowledges “We are grateful to be Catholic, and we’re glad you are too. There is so much to love about Jesus and His Catholic Church, and it is infinitely important that we share this good news with others!
This is NOT a movement to bring the ‘lost’ Catholics back home although that is part of the goal. This is a movement to draw all religions under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church.
Is this just another statement backing up the words of Pope Francis when he said, “the rest of Christianity who are not Catholics cannot possibly know God without the Catholic Church and the Virgin Mary”. So those of us who believe in God and Christ are not really Christians? Our faith is not real?
Just what is in the back of the mind of this Pope?
Does Pope Francis intend to help the global elite achieve their goal of uniting all of the religions of the world under a single banner? Will he be instrumental in establishing a single global religion for the glorious “new age” that the global elite believe is coming? Is Francis to be the leader of the New World Religion?
Since his election, Pope Francis has made it abundantly clear that he is going to make ecumenical outreach a top priority. Not only has he worked hard to reach out to leaders from various Christian traditions, he has also made it a point to try to acknowledge the mutual bonds that he feels with all other religions.
Amazingly, Catholic Culture web site is reporting the One World Church is expected to take place this year. Supposedly it is to become institutionalized as the United Religions Organization—the UR). Collaborating on the details are Bishop William Swing of the Episcopal Diocese of California, the Communist Gorbachev Foundation/USA, and certain leaders of the Catholic Church, working through the interreligious organization known as the World Conference on Religion and Peace.
Simply put, all workings are through and about the United Nations/UNESCO along with all the Global Council Trustees. This group is kind of kinky in that two of the trustees from the US are a scary story into themselves.
Don H. Frew of Berkeley, CA is a Wiccan elder, a High Priest of Coven
Trismegiston and a National Interfaith Representative for the Covenant of the Goddess. Joining him as one of the trustees is Audri Scott Williams who has a Master’s Degree in ‘Indigenous Mind’ and if you aren’t sure what that is – the Indigenous Mind recovery is a process for individuals to recover and remember the ancient earth-based knowledge and spiritual wisdom of their ancestors.
Honorary Chairs to name a few are George P. Schultz, former Secretary of State and Chairman of the President's Economic Policy Advisory Board during the Reagan Administration. During the Nixon Administration he served as Secretary of Labor, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Secretary of the Treasury, and Chairman of the Council on Economic Policy. He was also a Senior Staff Economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisors during the Eisenhower Administration. Schultz’s wife Dame Charlotte Schultz joins him in this group.
Why am I addressing this? In 2007, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Cardinal of Buenos Aires, Argentina, invited the visiting Episcopal Bishop of California, William Swing, to bring his assorted syncretist colleagues to the Cathedral for an interfaith service with him. Swing’s group is part of the United Religions Initiative URI, and the purpose of the syncretic worship was to celebrate the URI’s 10th anniversary of its installation in Latin America.
What was so important about this group that the future Pope Francis wanted to celebrate their anniversary in his cathedral?
To answer this question you must first understand the future New World Order, to be a pantheistic global community, comprising a one-world government and one-world religion or church. By definition, a pantheistic world community must have a unified religion; whilst uniting people under one religion helps them to peacefully accept world government. New Age spokesman, the dangerous Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary-General, forecast that by 2013, “based on the common spirituality,” we should have entered “a new age of … all-encompassing synthesis”.
Muller wrote the book New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality.
Although Muller grew up in a Catholic home, he admits that he wasn't inspired to become a "really spiritual person" until years later when he joined the UN. Nevertheless, he feels that his Catholic upbringing prepared him to accept the New Age worldview which he held while alive.
While serving at the UN, the person who most impressed Mueller was UN Secretary-General U Thant, a Buddhist. Muller Claimed U Thant taught him there was no difference between spirituality, religion and life – things his Catholic religion had taught him but that U Thant was a better teacher.
In 1919, New Age leader and occultist Alice Bailey, in her book, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, revealed the plan for a “Church Universal”.She described her idea as a union of occultism, Masonry and Christianity, whose “definite outlines will appear towards the close of this century.”
“Church Universal” or one-world church, in the making for over 150 years, materialized in June 1997 as the United Religions Organization. Chief partners in its establishment were Bishop Swing (URI); the Communist Gorbachev Foundation/USA; and the syncretic World Conference on Religion and Peace, known today as Religions for Peace. Also associated were the British World Congress of Faiths and its American counterpart, the Temple of Understanding.
In 1996, Bishop Swing (URI) (former Episcopal Bishop of California), called the process of forming the United Religions “The United Religions Initiative 2000,” the “initiative” being the “scaffolding upon which others can stand to build a permanent structure”. This transitional name, the United Religions Initiative (URI), is still being used, although the one-world church became functional in 2000; but calling it the United Religions Initiative allows it to pose as merely another interfaith organization, rather than the institutionalized world religion.
This only intensifies the visit Swing made to Argentina to meet with the now Pope Francis.
Swing is also pro-homosexuality and anti-population which agrees with the UN stand.
February 2014: An Argentinian interfaith group originally created by then Archbishop Bergoglio is greeted in Israel by Peres, who praises the Pope because “he returned religion into a spirit rather than an organization, a faith more than a church”.
September, 2014 former President Shimon Peres emerged from his Vatican audience with Pope Francis after proposing a kind of United Nations for religions. Still believe this process is not in the works?
He used the talks to highlight human rights abuses from Hamas and to discuss the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe.But the main topic of conversation was Peres’s idea to create an UN-like organization he called “the United Religions.”
Peres said the Argentina-born pontiff was the only world figure respected enough to bring an end to the wars raging in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.
“In the past, most of the wars in the world were motivated by the idea of nationhood,” Peres said. “But today, wars are incited using religion as an excuse.” Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi confirmed to reporters that Peres had pitched his idea for “the United Religions” but said Francis did not commit to it.
The summit between Peres and Francis is the third high-profile meeting between the leaders in little more than four months. They met for the first time in late May, when Francis became the fourth pope to visit the Holy Land in the modern era. On that trip, Francis invited Peres and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to the Vatican for a prayer meeting in June, which they both attended.
In an interview with the Catholic Magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Peres called on Francis to leverage his respect to create an interfaith organization to curb religious violence.
Are these people really serious? Wars today are mostly being prompted through a belief in a certain religion that is supposed to be the power of the world – Islam! You think the Muslims are actually going to sit at a table and give over authority to anyone?
Peres is living in a fantasy world when he says, ““What we need is an organization of United Religions... as the best way to combat terrorists who kill in the name of faith.” “What we need is an unquestionable moral authority who says out loud, ‘No, God does not want this and does not allow it.” And they will stop????
After meeting with Peres, Francis held a 30-minute closed door meeting with Jordanian Prince El-Hassan bin Talal, who sponsors the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies to promote religious dialogue. Lombardi said that meeting dovetailed into the day’s topic of interfaith cooperation and peace.
It seems our true God was not impressed by the atheistic Vatican prayer meetings for peace in the Middle East. The area exploded in war right after the third meeting between Francis and Peres.
Fr. Lombardi was very pleased with the success of the prayer meeting stating, “The prayer for peace initiative which took place here” with Peres and Abbas, “is in no ways to be considered a failure – subsequent developments notwithstanding – but rather as the opening of a door”.
And what about Nobel Peace Laureate Peres, touted as a “crusader for peace”? About a week after the Gaza offensive began, with 200 Palestinians and one Israeli dead, he defended Israel’s heavy-handed actions: “If they are shooting at us, and don’t let our mothers and their children … have a full night’s sleep, what can we do?”
But the world needn’t worry. The One-World Church now has official papal blessing. Surely peace will swiftly follow. (sarcasm)
Our Pope Francis is certainly a busy man! Forked tongue comes to mind!
On June 9, 2014, Pope Francis criticized “fundamentalism” in Christianity, Judaism and Islam as violence: "A fundamentalist group, even if it doesn't strike anyone, is violent. The mentality of fundamentalism is violence in the name of God."
Really? Did the Pope reference that in his meetings with Kenneth Copeland, Rick Warren and Joel Osteen? Our Pope is beginning to sound as if he has been trained in double-speak.
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Kepus – Parent, Education/Human Trafficing Researcher, Speaker
Diane’s background is not one of an educator, but as an Auditor
showingher a love of “digging”. In 1980 when shetook up
the hobby of Genealogy as the TV commercial says “she was in
Dianehaswitnessed the decline in the scholastic achievement levels of our children brought about by the interference of the Federal DOE and individuals/businesses who choose to use our children as “human collateral” for their own financial gains. In the process they are leading them into a Communist agenda to be overseen by the United Nations.
She actually began her Education research regarding the “International Baccalaurate” (IB) program and that branched out into all aspects of foreign education of which has been allowed into our schools. Then it moved on tothe push for Charter Schools with “unelected” school boards to the indoctrination of our children with the Common Core State Standards.
Diane does at times branch out into other topics important to Americans and the preservation of America. Her special projects are Charter Schools, Child Abuse, Abortions and Human Trafficking.
Diane is married to her high school sweetheart/very best friend and they have a blended family of 8 children, 13 grandchildren and three great-grandsons so you can readily understand why she chose Education or the “lack thereof” and the world’s danger to our children as her passion.
She maintains 5 web sites, belongs to manydifferent groups, has a blog site and is also very active in the Fraternal Order of Eagles.