Other Has Thuggery Invaded the Republic? Catholic Church's New International Views
By Joe Kress January 21, 2007 NewsWithViews.com The drum beat of another war in the making simultaneously with the loss of the on-going Iraq non-war war was predict-ted by two authors in the magazine Foreign Affairs. The articles are in its March/April 2006 issue. Foreign Affairs is the major outlet for articles approved by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Stephen Biddle�s article Seeing Baghdad, Thinking Saigon and The Last Exit From Iraq by Joel Rayburn, Major, USA, sends the message through the Foreign Affairs magazine that it�s time to abandon the democratization of Mesopotamia. Steve Brittle convincingly relates the experiences of our diplomats, military and political� all trying to win a war by duplicating major blunders that caused us to abandon Vietnam to the communist North Vietnamese. To quote the crux of Brittle�s conclusion that the U.S. must immediately get out of this civil war is explained herein: ��people�s wars are wars of ideas as much as they are killing competitions � and nationalism is often at the heart of the program. Insurgents� frame their resistance as an expression of the people�s sovereign will to overthrow an illegitimate regime that represents only narrow class interests or is backed by a foreign government. �Communal civil wars, in contrast, feature opposing sub-national groups divides along ethnic or sectarian lines; they are not about universal class interests or national passions. In such situations, even the government is typically an instrument of one communal group, and its opponents champion the rights of the subgroup over those of others. These conflicts do not revolve around ideas, because no pool of uncommitted citizens is waiting to be swayed by ideology. (Albanian Kosovars, Bosnian Muslims, and Rwandan Tutsis knew whose side they were on.) The fight is about group survival, not about the superiority of ones party�s ideology or one side�s ability to deliver better governance. �Whereas the Vietnam War was a Maoist people�s war, Iraq is a communal civil war. This can be seen in the pattern of violence in Iraq, which strongly correlated with communal affiliation. �In a people�s war, handing the fighting off to local forces makes sense because it undermines the nationalist component of insurgent resistance, improves the quality of local intelligence, and boosts troop strength. But in a communal civil war, it throws gasoline on the fire. Iraq�s Sunnis perceive the �national� army and police force as a Shiite-Kurdish militia on steroids.� In other words, the fighting will continue and the time to get out is now because Iraq is ungovernable without a brutal dictatorship. Democratizing Iraq is an American idea that cannot be implemented so long as sectarian infighting means survivability of people belonging to disparate tribal factions Joel Rayburn is a Major in the U.S. Army based at Central Command. From 2002 to 2005, he taught history at the U.S. Military Academy. The Foreign Affairs editors point out that his views are his own and do not reflect those of CENTCOM or the Defense Department. He starts out in his article �The United States was not the first country in the last hundred years to occupy Iraq. That distinction belongs to the United Kingdom, which seized the provinces of Basra, Baghdad and Mosul from the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I.� He points out that �too few have focused on the ignominious end of the United Kingdom�s reign in Mesopo-tamia.� He goes on to say that �Washington�s current position bears a strong resemblance to London�s in the late 1920s, when the British were responsible for the tutelage of a fledging Iraqi state suffering from immature institutions, active insurgencies, and the interference of hostile neighbors.� He states that the cost of leaving the job undone would likely be far higher, for both the occupiers and the Iraqis. Yet, throughout the article he compares the British failures with what the administration is doing. He concludes that the U.S. can ill afford to follow the path that the British took. What I got from this message that since the Bush administration is flubbing it, we may just be about to do the same because of the public�s loss of faith in Bush and the Democrats eager desire to use their newly acquired majority to pull out. The catastrophic loss of prestige of Bush�s own making and the possibility that our enemies may totally control our economy through the price of oil appears not to scare the hell out of the Demo leadership. Yet, the way the author elaborates on the British experience nearly duplicating the circumstance now being faced, could it be that withdrawal may be the only option? The way the media is playing the airways and in print this may further lead the public to conclude defeat is the only option. After years of receiving this publication, I have concluded that it voices more than opinions, but rather quite accurate predictions. Why not? The American, Canadian and Australian CFRs are under the umbrella of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), originally known as the Round Table Group, founded by Cecil Rhodes, the enormously wealthy diamond and gold mining czar, owner of De Beers Diamond Mining Co. and the Kimberley Gold Mines. In his honor the country of Rhodesia was named. It comprised of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Rhodes, upon his death, left the bulk of his estate to be administered by Baron de Rothschild who placed his nephew, Lord Roseberry, his nephew, as administer of the estate to avoid negative publicity. Funds were allotted for the preservation of the Rhodes scholarship program at Oxford University and to carry on the plan of the future world that Rhodes had in mind. The Rhodes scholarship program provides training and indoctrination of future leaders to be part of the world�s governing body. Since the entire Rhodes program was administered for all practical purposes by the Rothschild interests, the Rhodesian plans evolved into the Rothschild visions of world hegemony, better known as the New World Order. Dr. Carroll Quigley (deceased) was a professor at Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service and one of the insiders who researched the CFR. He described in detail the creation of a �secret society� dreamed of by Cecil Rhodes and his companions in late 19th Century England. Quigley noted that the goal of the society included a world system of financial control in private hands. This would eventually become the means to dominate political systems of nations as well as the whole world economy. The plan was being carried out under the guidance of the Rothschild International banks coupled with their close affiliates either through marriage or business. The Warburgs of Germany and the Schiff investment financing interests both in the United States and in Europe, partnered with the Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan bankers affiliated with Morgan Grenfell Merchant Bank in London. They used their influence when Senator Aldrich was selected to present the bill before the senate. He was John D. Rockefeller� wife�s father and the grandfather of David Rockefeller the donor of the land on which the United Nations Building now stands. In 1911, Senator Aldrich introduced the bill but the Senate refused to go along with the fraud. Two years later, President Wilson, the foreign banker�s friend, signed off on the Federal Reserve Act which was drafted by Rep. Carter Glass (D). Thus was launched the greatest fraud and the most destructive tool ever to be placed on the backs of the American people. The money system of the United States was left in the hands of 12 private banks whose members� interests coincided with that of the yet to be created RIIA and the future globalists� objective. The Federal Reserve has never had an audit by the government or any other outside agency. The latest information provided by Jerome R. Corsi, PhD., an authority on government finance, �The real 2006 federal budget is $4.6 trillion, not the $248.2 billion as advertised. If 100% of all salaries and corporate profits were confiscated to pay off this debt it would not eliminate the deficit of this magnitude.� His conclusion is that the United States is now bankrupt. Today, the control still lies with the moneychangers, except the paper that once represented value such as gold, silver, or property represents nothing of intrinsic value. Bonds are issued on the value of nothing and interest is charged on paper bonds that have no backing. Since the end of WW II, the U.S. Congress and a succession of Republican and Democrat administrations became accustomed to ordering up untold amounts of debt which is then sold to the American public and foreign countries in the form of interest bearing bonds based on the faith and trust of the government of the United States to redeem the principal and interest on these bonds. At the end of 2005, the interest and principal owed to the American investors and those governments who purchased the U.S. debt amounted to $8 trillion dollars and it is estimated that, if the trend continues, the debt will amount to $16 trillion dollars by 2010. Long before that takes place the debt becomes non-redeemable. Japan, China and all the European countries are gradually in the process of cashing in on U.S. bond holdings. China holds the largest amount. It is anticipated that as early as next year, the collapse of the dollar could take place. Talk is circulating of a new devalued currency called the �Amero� incorporates the currencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States as part of the New American Union which means that our boarders are to be opened and our currency at the mercy of foreigners. The only reason why the collapse has not already happened is creditor countries have their own problems of employment and need the United States consumer to purchase the products that these countries produce. China is not prone to carry more U.S. bonded debt and isn�t about to wait until the American consumer stops purchasing its goods. That appears to be the growing mood against Chinese imports.
The collapse of the dollar can happen very rapidly, as it did in Germany after WW I. It took a wheel barrow full of Deutchemarks to purchase a loaf of bread. Yet, there were certain elements within Germany that actually benefited from the chaos � those who early on bought gold or foreign money and exchanged their marks before the anticipated collapse took place. The central banks did just that and then when the German people were on their knees begging for crumbs, the moneychangers offered to purchase whatever was valuable at a small fraction of the real worth, whether it be land, buildings, businesses, jewelry, art collections, even the gold found in dentures. For part 2 click below. Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, � 2007 Joe Kress - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails
are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale The "Curmudgeon", Joseph H. Kress, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret) obtain a B.S. in Business Administration, with a major in economics and minor in accounting. He served in England and Viet Nam where he received the Bronze Star during the TET Offensive, then he was appointed Chief of Supply for two state-side assignments; the DOD's Defense Disposal Agency where he was chief of disposal operations for all of Southeast Asia, based at CINCPAC Headquarters in Hawaii. He retired from Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio as chief of supply with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at the age of 52, and now he and his wife reside in Summerville, S.C. Since
leaving the military, he was involved in political campaigns, writing
articles for the local papers, and as a realtor.
He described in detail the creation of a �secret society� dreamed of by Cecil Rhodes and his companions in late 19th Century England. Quigley noted that the goal of the society included a world system of financial control in private hands.