PART 2 of 2
By Doc Marquis
December 26, 2014
And, now, we reach the turning point in everything that Moses has been through, thus far.
“Moses tries to get out of the job!”
As difficult as it may be for you to accept, Moses was about to try and worm himself out of the task that God was about to give him. Watch and learn very carefully what happens at this point.
Since Moses just told God no one is going to believe that He sent him, God does the following things:
1) Moses
takes his rod and throws it on the ground; it becomes a serpent.
2) Moses takes the serpent by the tail and it turns back into a rod.
3) Moses pust his hand into his robes and takes it out and it has become
4) Moses puts his hand back into his robes, takes it out and his hand
has returned back to normal.
5) God tell Moses, you will take the water of the river, pour it upon
dry land, and that water will turn into blood (Ex. 4:2 – 9).
Moses, and his rod, (a staff) have been endowed with miraculous power from God Himself. Does Moses jump up and down for joy? Is Moses suddenly overwhelmed with excitement for the task at hand? Is he brimming over with confidence and rearing to go? No. The fact of the matter is, Moses is now about to try and get out of doing what God had just asked him to do. And, what may be even harder for you to believe, Moses now had a very good reason. But, we’ll find out what that reason was later on. Let’s get back to what Moses says after God endows him and his staff with Divine power.
After being showed all the wondrous things that he can now do, Moses begins to come up with excuses. He says (to paraphrase it) to God, “I can’t speak well. Nor can I speak with any eloquence. I have a slow tongue.” HOLD THE FORT!!! This was nothing but an excuse! Moses was trying to get out of the job at this point. And, Dr. Luke proves this in Acts 7:22 when he says of Moses that he “…was mighty in words and in deeds.” And, yet, Moses says he isn’t.
It could be argued that Moses was telling the truth when he said he had a speech impediment. Because, in the next couple of verses (Ex. 4:11 – 12) God reminds Moses (to once again paraphrase it), “Who made man’s mouth? I did. Now, GO; I will put all the words into your mouth for you.” But Moses is still desperate to get out of this situation. He now asks God, in the next verse to, basically, “Send someone with me.”
In verse 14, God is getting very angry at Moses’ excuses. God basically, tells Moses, “Aaron is going with you. I will tell you what to say to Aaron and what you’re going to do. But, you’re going (verse 15)!” “Take your rod and go do those miracles (verse 17).”
For those of you who missed it, it was only after Moses was given the power to perform miracles that he tried to get out of doing the task at hand. But, that makes no sense at all! It really makes no sense! Why would Moses, once he saw for himself, that he was endowed with certain powers from God Himself, try to get out of doing the job? Moses could change his staff into a serpent, turn his hand leprous, and return it back to normal, and turn water into blood. Why? Why? Why with the miraculous power of God backing him, why was Moses, at that point, trying to get out of the job? That question will be answered later on. For now, let’s get into one of the greatest recorded confrontations in human history.
Enter, Pharaoh Ramses II
Imagine if you would for a minute, that you are Pharaoh Ramses II. You are the living god upon the face of the earth. You’re wearing the finest clothing, bedecked with precious jewelry, you’re living in an opulent palace, your every word is law, everyone bows in your presence and you’re ruling the greatest empire of the ancient world. Then Moses, along with Aaron, walk into the courtroom of your own home and, basically tells you you’re going to release the entire work force of Egypt (around 600,000 men, not counting women or children) and leave town. Seriously, would anyone honestly expect Ramses II to say: “Okay Moses, go right ahead. Take them all.”? It would be insane to believe that Pharaoh would let the Israelites leave like that.
In Ex. 7:10 – 13 Aaron had cast down his rod and it became a serpent. Now, was Pharaoh impressed? No. He turned to his occult friends, the magicians,they threw down their rods, and they also turned into serpents. Even though Aaron’s rod did swallow up the rods of the magicians, the point is the magicians were also able to do so with their rods; to turn them into serpents. Now, am I wrong here or did the magicians of Pharaoh duplicate a miracle of God? The answer appears to be “Yes”. Let’s move on.
Since Pharaoh was not impressed, Moses and Aaron leave the courtroom and reports back to God. In Ex. 7:15 – 25 God tells Moses that Pharaoh is going to be by the river (the Nile). Tell Pharaoh to “Let my people go.” Next morning, per God’s instruction, Moses and Aaron shows up early by the river Nile where Pharaoh is expected to be. Let me pause here to explain something so you can better understand the whole of this event. Because Pharaoh was thought to be a god (Ra, more or less in a physical form) he was expected to annually bless the waters of the Nile River so that the land would thrive and their harvests be bountiful. This, of course, was part of the occult belief system of Egypt. Now, back to Moses and Aaron.
After Moses and Aaron had been snubbed by Ramses II, Aaron takes up the rod and strikes the Nile River and immediately it begins to turn into blood. And, for the next seven days, the water would remain as blood. Was Pharaoh impressed? Not in the least. He turned to his magicians and they also turned water into blood. So Pharaoh turned around (bored with Moses’ miracle) and walked back into his house. Did Pharaoh’s magicians duplicate another miracle of God? It certainly appears to be the case. Strike two for our side!
A week later (Ex. 8:1 - 14) Moses and Aaron are with God and they’re instructed to call forth the frogs out of the water; they would come out of the streams, the rivers and the ponds within Egypt. Once again, after Pharaoh refuses to let the children of God go, Aaron stretched out the rod over the waters of Egypt and, sure enough, the frogs came out and began to infest everything. Was Pharaoh impressed? As always…No! In Ex. 8:7 Pharaoh once again called upon his magicians and theyseemingly appeared to duplicate another miracle of God by also calling forth frogs out of the water. “Strike Three” for our side!!!
Let’s be honest ladies and gentlemen; something is terribly wrong here. The God of all creation appears to have been bested:
1a) God tells Moses and Aaron to cast down the rod and have it turn into a serpent, and it does.
1b) Pharaoh tells the magicians to cast down their rods and have them turn into serpents, and they do.
2a) God tells Moses and Aaron to turn the water into blood, and they do, and it happened.
2b) Pharaoh tells his magicians to turn the water into blood, and they do, and it happened.
3a) God tells Moses and Aaron to call the frogs out of the waters, and the frogs come forth.
3b) Pharaoh tells his magicians to call the frogs out of the waters, and the frogs come forth.
When we look at these events, and carefully make the comparisons, something is strikingly wrong! How is it possible that Pharaoh’s magicians were duplicating the miracles of the Almighty, Living and One True God? Well, in short…it isn’t! There is absolutely no way possible, in the whole of creation, that a mere mortal creature (the magicians) could ever even hope to coming close to duplicating a miracle of God. Well, since that’s the case, what really happened? God…was duplicating the magicians! That’s right. The magicians weren’t duplicating God, it’s the other way around; God was duplicating the magicians. And you’re going to love why and the reason behind it all.
With the 10 Plagues of Egypt, God was using a 3 part, psychological plan that is the most brilliant thing I’ve ever learned in this life. God was “purposely” duplicating the magicians. But, why? What was God’s reason behind His method? He was trying to get someone’s attention to impress them. Who? Who could God possibly be trying to impress? It certainly wasn’t Moses; he didn’t want the job in the beginning because when he had been growing up as a Prince of Egypt, he would’ve been in and out of the temples daily and seen all of the so-called miracles the priests/magicians could do.
That’s why he didn’t want to do the job God had asked him to do. To Moses, he had seen it all before; it was old hat to him.So, Moses didn’t want to do the job at first because he wasn’t impressed. And it couldn’t have been Pharaoh because in Ex. 7:1 we find out that God had already “hardened Pharaoh’s heart”. And as your read throughout the plagues Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened. You don’t harden someone’s heart then expect to be able to impress them. So, if it wasn’t Moses who was supposed to be impressed, and if it wasn’t Pharaoh who was supposed to be impressed, “Who was supposed to be impressed?” How about 2.5 million Jewish people who had been kept enslaved in an occult, polytheistic society for 430 years? Let me explain why God used such a method to garner His children’s attention:
1) When God, through Moses, turn the Rod in a Serpent, turned the waters of Egypt into blood, and then called the frogs out of the waters, God, in essence was saying: “I can do anything those so-called magicians can do.” (Though technically speaking, the Rod into a Serpent cannot be considered part of the 10 plagues; it was a demonstration of God’s power).
2) When God sent the plagues of lice, flies, murrain (possibly anthrax), boils, hail, locusts and darkness, God was saying, in essence, “I can outdo anything those magicians think they can do.” And the proof of this can be found in Ex. 8:19 when they admitted to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.”
3) And with the Death of the Firstborn, God in essence, was saying: “I am God over the magicians, I am God over Pharaoh, I God over life and death…” I AM GOD”!!!
This was the 3-part, psychological plan God had used to garner His children’s attention with and, it worked brilliantly! But, sadly enough, it didn’t take the Children of Israel to once again backslide into the occult world that they had been brought up in. When Moses was on the top of Mount Sinai receiving the 10 Commandments, the Children of Israel, thinking Moses had died because he had been up on the mountain top for 40 days, they created a golden calf which is the oldest of occult, animal symbols for one of the two co-founders of witchcraft; that being Nimrod. A golden bull or golden calf is the animal, totem symbol for Nimrod, while the golden sun is the occult symbol for him. His mother, Semiramis, the other co-founder of witchcraft, is symbolized with a silver, crescent moon and has an animal totem symbol of a rabbit. This is the occult teachings of the Illuminati to this very day.
As Christians, we have a marvelous gift of getting things wrong, or completely backwards when it comes to the Word of God and, this is not a reproof or correction; it’s just a fact. We usually make these mistakes when we don’t study a matter all the way through, or when we’re just not paying attention as we should be. There is a wealth of knowledge within the Word of God that most of us have never seen, and I hope this story of “God vs. the Magicians of Pharaoh” has helped to demonstrate my point, which can also be found in my DVD called: “Arrival of the Antichrist”, which can also be found on my web site @: www.itsagodthingproductions777.com. And in my next article I intend to use one word, and only one, little word to bring out a whole new understanding of 2 little verses in God’s Word that usually goes by unnoticed. For part one click below.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2,
© 2014 Doc Marquis - All Rights Reserved
Doc Marquis was raised as a child in the international, occult group known as the Illuminati. For 20 years he was trained as an Illuminist and attained the rank of Master Witch (a 3rd level Illuminati Witch). As a result of GOD's sovereignty and mercy, Doc became surrounded by Christians who presented him with the Gospel. Confronted by GOD's Word and love, he opened his heart and mind. On April 15, 1979 Doc became a Born-Again Christian, forever severing his ties with the Illuminati. He now devotes his life to traveling across the country and using public forums to expose and educate the public on the occult. Doc speaks at: seminars, lectures, conventions, conferences, workshops, churches, colleges and universities, and special interest groups. He also trains therapists, clinicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, local and state police, and former/present day members of the F.B.I. in the areas of victim-abuse recovery, S.R.A. (Satanic Ritual Abuse), D.I.D. (Disassociative Identity Disorder), programming/brainwashing, solving occult crimes and the eight major occult groups found in America.
Television Appearance/Consulting:
Doc Marquis has appeared on and consulted for: 20/20, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Geraldo Rivera, Hard Copy, Inside Edition, Unsolved Mysteries, Closing Comments, Camp Town Meeting, Thinking Out Loud, Telejournal News, Stand Up For Your Rights, The Americanist Perspective, Where is Rhode Island, We the People, Talk of the Town, Fox Television, Keep Looking to Jesus, and more. Doc has also appeared on international television programs in England, Italy, Japan, Jerusalem and Mexico.
Radio Appearances:
"Coast to Coast A.M. (with Art Bell), “The Hagmann and Hagmann Report” (with Doug and Joe Hagmann), Radio Liberty (Dr. Stan Monteith), “Prophecy in the News” (Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich), “Raiders News Network” (Dr. Tom Horn), “Southwest Radio Ministries” (Dr. Noah Hutchins), “NewsWithViews” (Coach Dave) “Ground Zero” (Clyde Lewis), “Omega Man Radio”, “Let Freedom Ring," Fort Wayne, IN; "The Open Forum," Teague, TX; "Old Path Ministries," Attleboro, MA; "The Lou Epton Show," Las Vegas, NV; "The American Freedom Network," and more than 1,000 other shows throughout the world.
For any information about speaking appearances or television/radio interviews, please contact Doc Marquis @: docmarquis777@yahoo.com or find him on Facebook
DVD Series: “The Secrets of the Illuminati” Series
Arrival of the Antichrist, (2010)
2. America’s
Occult Holidays, (2010)
3. Frontmen
of the Illuminati, (2010)
4. Magick,
Mysticism and Masonry, (2010)
5. Protocols
of Zion (2010)
6. The
Illuminati is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy (2010)
7. Illuminati
2012 and Beyond (Volume 1) (2011)
8. Illuminati
2012 and Beyond (Volume 2) (2011)
9. Aliens,
Fallen Angels or Antichrist? (Volume 1) (2012)
10. Aliens,
Fallen Angels or Antichrist? (Volume 2) (2012)
11. Dark
Rites and Rituals at the Bohemian Grove (2013)
12. False Flag Over Boston (2014)
13. Dictators of the Illuminati (2014)
Which Queen of Heaven? (2012)
Which Rapture are we Waiting for? (2014)
Complete set of 12 DVDs
E-Mail: docmarquis777@yahoo.com
Website: www.itsagodthingproductions777.com