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By Lynn Stuter December 2, 2008 NewsWithViews.com An estimated 67,000,000 Americans, we are told, voted for Barack Hussein Obama on November 4, 2008. A landslide we are told; a mandate for change we are told. The total population of the United States, according to the 2008 U.S. Census bureau estimates, is approximately 306,000,000. When we compare the number of votes for Obama to the total population, the percent who voted for Obama is 21.9%; hardly a mandate for change; certainly not a mandate for change of the type Comrade Obama has in mind. [Note: When I wrote this article, I made an error which has been brought to my attention. While the total population is 306,000,000, this figure includes everyone, of all ages. This, of course, overstates the voting population. Using this document put out by the US Census Bureau, averaging the % increase in voting population over the past five election years, 1998 through 2006, the estimated population eligible to vote in 2008 would be approximately 226,300,000 people. This would change the percent who voted for Obama from 21.9% to 29.6%; still hardly a mandate for change.] In total, an estimated 130,000,000 Americans voted; 42.5% of the total population; more an indication of the apathy that leads to the loss of freedom and destruction of any nation. Barack Hussein Obama is now, at every opportunity, appearing before the cameras from behind a podium on which appears a sign, “The Office of President-Elect.” Never heard of the Office of President-Elect before; must be something new. The truth is that this is just another ploy to make Americans believe the election is over. It is far from over. Barack Hussein Obama does not become President-Elect Obama until the Electoral College meets and votes on December 15, 2008. More and more Americans are becoming concerned by the fact that Barack Hussein Obama may not be eligible to the office of president. More and more articles are appearing on internet sites concerning this issue. While the mainstream media continually and erroneously refers to the fraudulent document released by the Obama camp as a “birth certificate” and tries to play down the growing concerns with fluff pieces like the one done by Pete Williams of NBC, the fact still remains that Obama has yet to prove his eligibility. Causing further concern is a Hawaiian law that allows for the issuing of birth certificates to individuals who are foreign nationals:
On October 31, 2008, Dr Chiyome Fukino, Department of Health, Hawaii, issued a press release in which she stated, in part:
On October 31, 2008, the Associated Press reported the following:
Notice that neither the actual press release nor the Associated Press article state that Obama was born in Hawaii or that he is an American by birth; both items were left to the reader to assume: if there is a birth certificate on file with the State of Hawaii then Obama must be a natural born citizen. That, however, is not an assumption that should be made, considering §338-17.8 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes. After my last article, I received a couple of responses that bear mention. One response stated the FBI has a file on Barack Obama that proves he is not an American citizen; the other stated that an individual employed by the Hawaii Department of Health came forward, after the “non-answer” press release of Dr Chiyome Fukino, and stated that there were two pieces of paper in the file holding Obama’s birth certificate; that the second piece of paper states Obama was born in Kenya. It is doubtful the FBI would be willing to turn over their file on Obama; and thus far the State of Hawaii has steadfastly refused to give audience to Obama’s vault copy Hawaii birth certificate. Thus neither claim can be substantiated. Not only has Barack Hussein Obama not produced his vault copy Hawaii birth certificate but the legitimacy of his selective service registration has now come into question. At the aforementioned link, Debbie Schlussel explains why Obama’s selective service registration documents are bogus. According to an article written by Linda Bentley of the Sonoran News,
On December 1st and 3rd, a full page Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama, written by Bob Schulz of We the People Foundation, is scheduled to be published in the Chicago Tribune. The open letter makes apparent the constitutional crisis and chaos that will ensue if this matter is not resolved before January 20, 2009,
Meanwhile, the United States Justice Foundation has thrown down the gauntlet so to speak; they pledge to file lawsuit after lawsuit challenging Obama’s authority if Obama’s eligibility to the office of president is not cleared up before January 20, 2009. The United States Justice Foundation has also filed a lawsuit in California on behalf of Alan Keyes, Wiley S. Drake and Markham Robinson of the American Independent Party concerning Obama’s eligibility to the office of president. The lawsuit seeks to bar the meeting of the Electoral College in California on December 15, 2008, until said time as Obama’s eligibility to the office of president is proven. In a full page ad, appearing in the Washington Times on November 17, 2008, Phillip Berg, the Pennsylvania attorney whose case now stands before the U.S. Supreme Court, states,
An article appeared on WorldNetDaily.com on November 24, 2008 entitled, Proofin’ the Prez: Who’s in Charge. According to this article and Herb Titus, constitutional attorney, it is the duty of the electors to investigate the citizenship issue. With that in mind, and believing that I should do everything within my power to see the question of Obama’s eligibility to the office of president was addressed, I researched and put together a seven page, well-documented paper, complete with clickable links, outlining the problems and the questions concerning Obama’s eligibility to the office of president. I sent the document to my electors whose names I obtained from the Secretary of State’s office. I included a cover letter in which I stated,
The next morning, I received the following response from one of the Electors:
This is exactly as received, name redacted. I, of course, did not respond. My e-mail to this Elector was intended to educate her; either she would choose to be educated or she would choose not to be educated; arguing with her would be of little benefit. This individual stated her reasons for voting for Barack Hussein Obama. She …
Not one mention of her duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America. As a matter of interest, I researched Washington State law concerning Electors and their pledges. RCW 29A.56.320 states, in part:
In the matter of a presidential election, the U.S. Constitution trumps state laws and requirements. That the State of Washington requires this Elector to vote for Obama, irrespective of the fact that he may not be eligible to the office of president, violates the U.S. Constitution. Bluntly speaking, the State of Washington cannot require, nor can a political party require, an Elector to vote for someone whose nomination by their party violates the United States Constitution. RCW 29A.56.340 makes the authority of the U.S. Constitution over the state constitution or laws apparent:
Despite this Electors pledge, her first duty is to the U.S. Constitution. For someone who obviously voted for Obama, believing he would end the illegal invasion of Iraq, one has to wonder what her reaction was to the news that Barack Obama plans to retain Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Bob Gates, as his Secretary of Defense. And so it is with the incoming (maybe) Obama Administration. People are watching on a daily basis as Obama—the man of “change”—appoints more and more Washington insiders and former Clinton cabinet members, aides, etc, to his administration, not to mention Bob Gates as his Secretary of Defense. The old adage — the more things change, the more they stay the same — comes to mind. One has to wonder at what point will the Obama supporters get the déjà vu feeling they’ve been deceived by a master manipulator, a smooth talking con man, who is already reneging on campaign promises he knew he couldn’t keep but that sounded good in the name of “change.”
As a no-name, not-important citizen of these United States—one of those little people Obama pledged, time and again, to fight for—I add my voice to that of thousands of other Americans: Barack Hussein Obama, if you have nothing to hide, produce your birth certificate! � 2008 Lynn M. Stuter - All Rights Reserved
Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts Activist and researcher, Stuter has spent the last fifteen years researching systems theory and systems philosophy with a particular emphasis on education as it pertains to achieving the sustainable global environment. She home schooled two daughters. She has worked with legislators, both state and federal, on issues pertaining to systems governance, the sustainable global environment and education reform. She networks nationwide with other researchers and a growing body of citizens concerned with the transformation of our nation from a Constitutional Republic to a participatory democracy. She has traveled the United States and lived overseas. Web site: www.learn-usa.com E-Mail: lmstuter@learn-usa.com�
Not only has Barack Hussein Obama not produced his vault copy Hawaii birth certificate but the legitimacy of his selective service registration has now come into question...