Geoff Metcalf
27, 2009
United States is a republic, and a republic is a state in which the
people are the boss.” --Willis Goldbeck
readers took umbrage to my last column
in which I wrote, "Despite my sincere best wishes for the incoming
administration, I remain a prisoner of reason and empirical evidence.”
Specifically, critics were offended that I would want President Obama
to succeed so that the nation and republic could succeed.
I either did a lousy job of articulating my position, or readers interpreted
what they wanted. It is axiomatic that for the republic to survive and
Obama to “succeed” his administration’s articulated
(and implied) agenda, must fail. Got that?
current early arrogance will eventually (sooner rather than later) be
mitigated as reality masticates the glutes of the uber-liberals wants
and dreams and the deaf, dumb, blind media enablers will eschew kumbaya
Kool-Aid and return to self preservation.
time a partisan Democrat (or Republican for that matter) calls for opponents
to set aside “petty partisan politics” what they really
mean is to abandon “your” core principles and accept “my”
principles du jour. THEN we can play nice…as long as you do what
I want, when I want, the way I want it.
the new President made a surprise visit to the White House press corps
recently, he quickly became ticked off when he was faced with a for
real substantive question. Apparently the King had come down from on
high to provide his devoted subjects the gift of kissing his ring (or
he was asked how he could rationalize a strict ban on lobbyists in his
administration while proposing a deputy defense secretary nominee who
lobbied for Raytheon, Obama interrupted with a knowing (albeit patronizing)
smile on his face.
see," he said, "I came down here to visit. See this is what
happens. I can't end up visiting with you guys and shaking hands if
I'm going to get grilled every time I come down here." Fine…so
don’t troll for photo ops and then get p.o.-ed if someone strays
from the gospel according to you and actually attempts to do their job.
the rebuke, the Politico reporter pressed further by asking about Pentagon
nominee, William J. Lynn III. Obama turned more serious, putting his
hand on the reporter's shoulder (probably wishing he had a knife in
the other hand) and staring him in the eye.

come on" he said, with obvious frustration in his voice. "We
will be having a press conference at which time you can feel free to
[ask] questions. Right now, I just wanted to say hello and introduce
myself to you guys - that's all I was trying to do."
points are illustrated by the early days of marking territory, displays
of dominance and establishing rapport in the Age of Obama.
President Obama is still riding the wave of perception rather than reality.
2. Some media enablers are already suffering buyer’s
remorse and reacting to critics blaming them for giving Obama a free
ride into the Oval Office.
Goldberg had a neat line about how “after Barack Obama became
president this week he found out the economy was worse than he thought--so
he had to lay off 17 journalists.”
says “The only reason the joke works is because it has an air
of believability to it…a lot of the mainstream media rolled over
for Obama during the campaign.”

there are consequences to everything we do in life. Kings, paupers,
agnostics and even Messiahs cannot avoid the laws of consequences.
Patten in NewsMax outlined a chilling scenario of Obama’s “Dirty
Dozen” in which he runs down the liberal dems wish list from
fast tracking voter fraud and banning offshore drilling to erasing the
second amendment and killing off talk radio.
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was a thoughtful and compelling article but unlikely to become reality
anywhere other than a Nancy Pelosi or Daily Kos erotic dream.
nation is divided. It remains divided and for the very reasons the framers
hated democracies and insisted on gifting us with a republic the Obama
agenda will learn their reach exceeds their grasp.
� 2009 Geoff Metcalf - All Rights Reserved