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The Government's Take: What is Caesar's











By Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D, D.Min
September 14, 2015


An Awakening

In 2005, I had powerful jolt zig-zags through my body. It was so frightening that I couldn’t put it out of my mind. At first, I shared this shock with only a few but as more time passed and my premonition and fear mounted and self-clarified, I knew I had to enlighten people. Everyone laughed at me when I told them; the laughter subsided and silence took over throughout the last 16 months when my presentiment took form, and people saw the shadow of evil fill crevice by crevice. This fear will likely take solid form by late fall of 2016 when presidential elections will be held.

What Took So Long?

It amuses me that in 2012 everyone claimed they hadn’t voted for President Obama in 2008 because he turned out to be a bad president. Really? Why didn’t they listen to people like me who saw through his veneer? Why didn’t they research his experience—or lack thereof? Why would they have not taken his words—his promises—to heart? And if they hadn’t voted for him in 2008—or if they now claimed they hadn’t—then who put the president in office in 2012? Would you entertain voter fraud?

I’ve spoken to authorities of the voting system. Even local poll site judges will tell you that fraud is a true and real concern, that it goes on, and that is why the system is considering paper ballots again, if that hasn’t already been implemented. But what good is that? These judges admit that no one really knows what happens when the s voting results are turned in. They know what’s suppose to happen but votes can be changed anywhere along the way. Or, worse yet, the votes could come in but are entirely ignored and the powers-that-be disregard them and put in who they want. Of course, the 2008 presidential run was chock-full of deceptive votes, with one organization using deceased names and false identities; and there also was the racket of ineligible and illegals going voting. So why should we vote? We must because it’s our right and our privilege; and because our country is at risk without honest votes and the voice of the people being counted. We also must vote in hopes that somewhere, sometime, things will go the way American want and believe in.

But here we are, the vote has stood for nearly two presidential terms, and we have a toe into autumn, with only months away from the primaries. But now everyone is confessing that our country has drastically changed in the last seven years. They are shocked and dismayed that a president would take our United States deliberately down the road to utter failure and death of the most powerful nation in the world. All the media—even the die-hard Obama-ites—are talking about how bad of shape America is in, that she has lost her prestige and power, as well as her allies, and instead is mocked, hands-off, while our enemies, who deeply hate us, are favored, coddled, and financially empowered with Americans’ money. Our president trusts our foes more than he supports our friends and allies. Si it’s so ironic that the media is now faulting Mr. Obama when many tried to get them to acknowledge what has been going on for the last seven-plus years under his reign. He no longer seems to be their fair-haired boy…or is it just temporary?

Our president was honest and forthright about what he wanted. He told us he would: Redistribute our wealth, give insurance to everyone—at the cost of those who work for their benefits, unlike many who choose not to work, or who are here illegally and we must support them when their own country won’t. Obama also expanded an already big government, used Americans’ our money to pull banks out of debt, purchase failed companies like Solyndra, put us into economic gridlock while raising our national debt to a number we can’t even fathom. No one can possibly think that he has not in some manner or another violated our Constitution at various times during his two terms. He cow-tows to the EPA and other lobbies that supported him as well as numerous PACs, refuses to allow an oil line that will help Americans personally and America nationally and internationally, and he does everything he can to make it incredibly difficult for American small businesses to originate or maintain, or even thrive. He puts no control on imports but yet desires exports of our products at cheap prices. His immigration record is distasteful and distressing, picking and choosing what he will or will not enforce.

Ed Pozzoli of Fobes/Opinion says it best regarding our 44th president in an article he wrote:

…The Keystone debacle, Obama’s has repeatedly rewarded his friends in green energy, leaving the government in the inappropriate role of picking winners and losers. Clearly, the Obama administration picked losers, wasting hundreds of millions of dollars of public monies on bankrupt companies like Solyndra. All of these choices have moved the chronically high unemployment needle exactly the opposite direction at a time when Americans are desperate to get back to work and get their families back on firmer financial footing. Americans cannot afford to be swayed by a nice speech and forget all of Obama’s disastrous actions during his term.[1]

Interestingly, Fact Spy offers that Mr. Obama is the first president to apply for college as a foreign student; yet he denies he was a foreigner. They also state that Mr. Obama is the:

First President to violate the War Powers Act. First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law. First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party. First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs and later admit there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs…. First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat. First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S, including those with criminal convictions. First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees…. First President to appoint 45 Czars to replace elected officials in his office. First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office. First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records. First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.[2]

And still no one looked askance, or those who did, said nothing about it. But now that people are discovering Obama’s misleading, non-transparent, and wary policies, they are beginning to wonder who or what they truly elected and presumably re-elected.

What took so long!

Chaotic and Misplaced Happiness

So it’s no surprise that I have never been a fan of Mr. Obama, which you can gather based on my past essays. Since I first watched him as a speaker at the DNC in Boston where he was keynoting for John Kerry, I became uneasy that he might run for some office, as all the media anchors were touting him as ‘someone with potential to watch, as he had a glowing future.’ Something about him made me cringe but he didn’t necessarily say anything that made me stand up and yell at the T.V….no, it was his presence, his body language, his attitude, his sense of entitlement, his demeanor that made me wonder what was really behind his well designed mask. But I worked on convincing myself that, “Oh well. He’s just a speaker; not likely to become a threat to our country.”

That was one of the rare mistakes I made, and the only one I made on Obama, because after that, I had him figured out, much like many others who were in tune with his guised plans. It wasn’t until about three years later that he seemingly suddenly emerge as the most likely candidate to be the world’s greatest nation-- a nation of which many so badly desired a Black leader just to show the world how open-minded they were. Having said that, kudos does go to Mr. Obama for his beautiful rhetoric, his well-expressed ideology, his self-presentation and control and mastery of persuasion, for one so y young and inexperienced. Well, his supporters did get him and much more that they probable hadn’t figured on.

I recall being on a speaking tour during the 2008 precedential election. The voting results blared from numerous monitors. From one street to another, I heard shouting and clapping, roaring hullabaloo resounded. How wonderful everything was for those who vowed he’d be the best president ever! Yet, somehow I could see the looming black shroud hanging over America’s shoulders.

I’ll never forget, the next morning in the dining room, I saw and heard two middle-aged, well-to-do looking gentlemen, shake hands, smack backs while uttering. “We did it! We got our man in! America will be a better place to live.” So badly I wanted to fling a pancake at them, but even more so, I wanted to say, “Do you know what you’ve done? Have you not paid attention to all his flowery oratory, especially when he talked about redistributing the wealth—our very wealth, and every other American citizen who has worked hard?” But, as a speaker, as a guest, I said none of those things.

2016 Elections

No one can forget the reactions over Mr. Obama’s win. I, for one, clearly remember it as well as I recall how I felt when he was made president.

Picking a President Who Loves America

What is written here is intended only as a primer on my thoughts about the current presidential candidate, keeping in mind the fear that jarred me. A tome could be written on this…but not here.

Picking the right candidate for president is painful, laborious, and scary. Polls are indicating that most Americans don’t want career politicians who have ties with lobbyists, PACs, corporate donors, and many other entities.

The Democrats

If you’re a Democrat, it would be surprising but not unheard of, to pick Hillary in light of her toxic past and her ongoing noxious present behavior, making even the steadfast Democrats nervous. How far the justice players will go into charging Mrs. Clinton with obstruction of justice—at the very least—over her files, is undetermined, but it would not astonish me if they ended up doing nothing but giving her a little slap across the wrist. I predict she’ll not be punished for her untruthfulness, her, untrustworthiness, her risking our nation’s safety and security by not properly handling her classified files, Bangazi, and many more disgraces. Consider that Lois Lerner walked away free with a huge bonus, so why would they punish the potential next president? Like her husband, Hillary is Teflon. Sanders is a proudly pronounced Socialist—not much different than Progressive Democrats like Hillary and Obama, and Biden, if he does run and even wins, has a history of foot-in-mouth disease, though for the nervous Democrats, he might be the best—or only--choice.

The Republicans

A plethora of choices makes choosing a bit disconcerting. In all honesty, in 2008, I had wanted Trump to run and envisaged he would run in 2016 and likely garner a lot of supporters. I thought he would make a good president because (a.) he has much real-life job experience (unlike our current commander); (b.) he understands business; (c.) he knows how to pull a business/country out of bankruptcy; (d.) he delegates well, and (e.) hires and fires even better; (f.) he has international experience through his businesses, and (g.) high-level staffers with a lot of acumen and experience. However, I worry that Trump will get the nomination…I worry because he doesn’t present himself presidentially or professionally; he makes statements of what he will do without blueprints to concretely accomplish them. Too, he’s thin-skinned and attacks opponents with name-calling and other childish-like behavior. Mr. Trump, act like the next greatest president, not like a tween in a playground fight. I also worry that he’ll cause a Con-con (Constitutional convention over the 14th Amendment which could result in the complete shredding of our beloved Constitution, once a bunch of politicians get in a room and hack at our Founders’ beloved rules.

Trumps’ idea about illegal immigration is a respectable issue to take on but a Con-con could utterly destroy our freedoms and rights and end up like those of dictatorial/monarchial demigods ruining our nation. Nearly every country and or their residents on the globe want our Constitution, even those in our enemy nations, simply because our Constitution is about individual freedoms. Never should we undo what our Founding Fathers’ intent was. Lastly, regarding Trump, are two issues for me: One is my doubt that he is a true conservative. At best, he’s a moderate; at worse, he’s a Socialist, Progressive, disguised liberal Democrat. He admits to donating to Hillary and other liberals, and—at least at one time—he favored partial abortion. Now he claims his pro-life. One can only hope. He is leading the polls at this writing, with Dr. Ben Carson on his heels. Carson is phenomenal but he needs a strong backbone and high-energy, as is true with Walker, Cruz and Huckabee. I just want a president who loves our nation, wants to return our country to the greatness, richness, Christian leaders she once was.

Bush is, quite simply, another Bush. Between the Clinton and Bush dynasties, we have cause enough to say enough is enough. Fiorina, according to fellow NWV writer, Kelleigh Nelson [see her article in NWV] is not a good candidate because, Nelson believes, based on her research, that Fiorina is a Marxist and not at all well liked by her home state.

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The rest of the candidates, such as Perry (no money), Christi, Rubio, Jindal, Paul and Kasich aren’t in the limelight. I still have hopes for Huckabee and Cruz but one thing is for sure: If the Republican candidates continue to turn against each other, a Democrat will win. If Trump goes it alone—even though he signed a non-third party oath, again a Democrat will win.

To get a new America, we need new, bold leaders who have a spine, who are true conservatives, and who want to and will do everything possible to return America to the great nation she was. Anything short of that will result in the total downfall of this land, resulting in an entirely different--third world, perhaps—with no innovation, no research, no humanitarianism, no strive for wealth and betterment, no common culture, no respect, no identify, and above all: No individual rights and freedoms.

� 2015 Gianni Hayes - All Rights Reserved

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1. Pozzuoli, Ed. “What Obama Has Done, Not What He Says—Matters.” Forbes/ Union; Nov 3, 2012 @ 1:21 AM.
2. Fact Spy: “Barack Obama’s Failures,” by TSurF in People. Posted on November 14, 2011.

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Dr. Gianni Hayes is a former professor, and the former host of “The New World Order Disorder” on American Voice Radio. Currently, she continues to speak internationally on politics, religion, world affairs and current events, among other subjects, and is a chaplain a fairly large hospital, a part-time pastor, and an author of 24 published books and hundreds of articles and short stories. She also has had two screenplays options. She is completing her eight-year odyssey on a book tentatively titled, “Current Events and Bible Prophecy.” The University of Maryland System Libraries has honored her by establishing an archive in her name for her works of writing, teaching and speaking. Dr. Hayes earned a bachelor and two masters in chemistry, biology, bioresearch, and in education, as well as a Ph.D and a doctor of ministry (D.Min). She is the recipient of both her undergraduate school’s Distinguish Alumni and her high school’s Hall of Fame Distinguished Alumni.” Please contact her at with your feedback or to invite her to speak.




Bush is, quite simply, another Bush. Between the Clinton and Bush dynasties, we have cause enough to say enough is enough. Fiorini, according to fellow NWV writer, Kelleigh Nelson [see her article in NWV] is not a good candidate because, Nelson believes, based on her research, that Fiorini is a Marxist and not at all well liked by her home state.