PART 2 of 4
Anita Hoge
January 13, 2014
Anita Hoge More on the Chicago Schools Catastrophe In May of 2008, Duncan organized a conference, “Free to Choose, Free to Succeed: The New Market in Public Education" in Chicago with the Renaissance Schools Fund, the financial wing of the Mayor Daley's Renaissance 2010 plan operating under the auspices of the Commercial Club. Many critics denounced the scheme saying that this plan was not designed to improve the quality of education but rather a plan for privatization, union-busting and the dismantling of democratically-elected local school boards. It was also described as part of a neighborhood gentrification scheme involving the privatization of public housing projects through financial business developments. Poor, Black and Latino families were forced from their neighborhood schools and their homes when schools were closed and the property was bought up for redevelopment. The most impoverished would be dislocated. [Tony Rezko, friend of Obama and Mayor Blagojevich, made a fortune from these developments along with many corporate investors, ed.] The public school privatization agenda involved Renaissance schools being run by subcontracted for-profit companies. There was a shift in school governance away from teachers and elected community school boards to appointed administrators and appointed councils made up of business leaders. Cities across America are gearing up for more charter schools. Why? Is it betrayal, is it a plan, or is it both? In “Obama's Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling,” December 17, 2008, Henry A. Giroux and Kenneth Saltman wrote:
In March of 2013, Chicago parents, teachers, and citizens held a three-day march across the city to stop school closings, but 47 were shut down. Twelve thousand Chicago children are walking new, often longer, routes to school this fall—after Mayor Rahm Emanuel closed schools (almost all) in poor, Black and Latino neighborhoods. Given its high rate of gun violence, the city dealt with the disruption by expanding its “Safe Passage” program. Police and firefighters were on the job and the city ended up spending $16 million to hire low-wage temps to monitor children to and from school. The upshot? Emanuel hijacked neighborhood schools and later had to police his decision. But, what is being put in their place? Charter schools. It is easy to see that Emanuel, Duncan, and Obama do not really care about the children. It's the money to be made and the direct assault to control public schools. A retired history teacher from Chicago had written this commentary on March 23,2013,
Obama's “Race to the Top,” a $4.35 billion federal competitive grant program through the Recovery Act, mandated that states tie high stakes to test scores. In a bid for money, cash-strapped and reform-frenzied states rewrote their education laws, dropping caps on charter schools in order to permit students from struggling neighborhood schools to have a “choice” to transfer out of them. It also tied teacher job security to student test scores. States were rewarded for promising to reproduce the same plan Duncan implemented in Chicago. As a result, charter schools are mainstream. As of now the ratio is 1 to 20—one charter student for every 20 public school students in the United States. New York Data-Mining The
mayor of New York changed the face of the American public school system.
On August 1, 2006, New York Mayor Bloomberg took control of the public
school system and power was transferred to city hall. Bloomberg took
over 1200 schools and eliminated the city's
32 elected community school boards. Education officials closed 164 public
schools around the city since 2002 over the objections of When the documentary called Waiting for Superman was released featuring Michelle Rhee, past controversial Chancellor from Washington D.C., parents, citizens, and teachers from New York issued a rebuttal to the film called the Inconvenient Truth About Waiting for Superman which tells the real truth about the takeover of public schools by charters. It exposes the forcing of students to leave the neighborhood, and how teachers are frustrated with the high stakes tests which evaluating them based on the results on how well students perform on tests. Inconvenient Truth highlights, with film clips of actual real-life experiences, how public school parents, students, neighborhoods and educators are being impacted and harmed by so-called reforms. Please watch this excellent one-hour video to get an understanding of the impact of the transfer of power. (See my notes at the end of this article regarding two issues that I disagree with that may actually perpetuate the adverse agenda that they are intending to stop.] Data is a must for the business model to function. There is a New York update to the controversy over FERPA (Family Education Rights in Privacy Act), regarding allowing data-mining with personally identifiable information, a cloud based repository for data. Parents have filed a lawsuit against Commissioner King, the New York Department of Education, and the New York Board of Regents for violating student privacy by releasing personal student information to the InBloom corporation. Note the intrusive personal data on children that would be shared with outside vendors, thus violating a child’s right to privacy:
This lawsuit is great news, but there is a need for a federal investigation to expose how Obama "unlocked" data, thus allowing data trafficking with third party vendors like inBloom across the United States. The re-disclosure of data means data is collected from the local level on students by the state information systems, and a written agreement is drawn up with a third party contractor to re-disclose the data. Data collection is the foundation for the Common Core business model to function as a national market where children are a commodity. Since data was "unlocked" by Obama in January, 2012, FERPA (Family Education Rights in Privacy Act) regulations were changed allowing personally identifiable information [PII] from school records to be given to third party contractors. The definition for " school official" was changed to allow any outside vendor or contractor to use PII for research to design curriculum, software, digital curriculum, and "user interaction information" collected by learning software systems to research teaching and interventions of individual students. If a Private School Takes Federal Money They Must Take the Test Washington D.C. is the first city to experience federal choice money for private and religious schools originally called DC-OSP (Opportunity Scholarship Program, 2003, D.C. School Choice Incentive Act) the first federally-funded, private school voucher program in the country run by the D.C. mayor. Reauthorized, HR 471 is now called called SOAR (Scholarships For Opportunity and Results), sponsored by Republican John Boehner. The bill authorizes a 20-20-20 plan—$20 million for private vouchers, $20 million for Charter schools, $20 million for public schools in DC for analysis.
This legislation lays out specifically that if a private school takes federal money, there are requirements that would mandate certain reporting requirements from private schools participating in the DC-OSP. It would also require such schools to administer a national norm-reference standardized test in reading and math. Take the money—take the test. But, what is the scenario when this so-called choice "follows the child”? If a religious private school doesn't accept the grant voucher agenda, will it be forced to accept a "choice child" when the federal ESEA is passed? Yes. The school will be forced under federal discrimination laws to accept the “choice child.” Once the private religious school accepts the Title I “choice child,” the child must take the test. But notice: if the private school is not teaching Common Core, the children will likely fail the test, and the school will fail. What government funds, government controls. Follow the money trail. For part three click below. Source Material for this article included: 1-
Action Guide, � 2014 Anita Hoge - All Rights Reserved
Anita B. Hoge, lecturer, educational researcher, parent. In 1990 a federal investigation was completed against the Pennsylvania Department of Education, after filing a federal complaint against the Educational Quality Assessment, EQA, & the US Department of Education's National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP, under the Protection of Pupils Rights Amendment. Forced the Pennsylvania EQA to be withdrawn. Forced the US Department of Education to do their job to investigate the psychological testing of children without informed written parental consent. NAEP was never investigated because the Department said I didn't have standing, although documents had proven that NAEP did experimental research & used different states to pilot their agenda by embedding their test questions into the Pennsylvania EQA as well as other state tests. Subject & main researcher for the book, Educating for the New World Order. My story is told about an incredible journey into the devious & deceptive operations of our government to change the values, attitudes & beliefs of American children to accept a new world order. The first to document the expansive data collection operation of our government establishing micro-records on individual people in the United States. Experimentation, illegal testing, & data collection is exposed. Lectured all over the Unites States in the 90's about illegal & controversial testing, curriculum, & collection of data by our government. Arranged & lectured town hall meetings all across the state of Pennsylvania to withdraw affective student learning outcomes to stop Outcome Based Education. In January of 1992, parents in Pennsylvania won the battle against OBE when the Independent Regulatory Review Board had requested that the State Board of Education remove all outcomes which dealt with attitudes, habits, traits, feelings, values, & opinions which are difficult & subjective to measure & that the remaining outcomes be defined & coordinated with academic requirements that can be measured. The battle continues. E-Mail:
The combination of all four points above puts this scenario together. It demonstrates that this is the plan for the destruction of our country. The following stories tell the tale.