By Thomas R. Horn
August 13, 2013
ended the last entry pointing out how former Sirhan Sirhan attorney,
Day Williams, believed Charleston, South Carolina at the thirty third
parallel, was perfect for the sacrifice and parallel ceremony described
by Malachi Martin because,
“If a life is taken close to the…33rd Parallel, this fits
with the Masons’ demonic mythology in which they demonstrate
their worldly power by spilling human blood at a predetermined locale.”
Martin added additional reasons for the South Carolina location:
Such unobtrusive elements as the Pentagram and the black candles and the appropriate draperies could be part of the Ceremonial in Rome. But other Ruberics—the Bowl of Bones and the Ritual Din, for example, the sacrificial animals and the victim—would be too much. There would have to be a Parallel Enthronement. A Concelebration could be accomplished with the same effect by the Brethren in an Authorized Targeting Chapel. Provided all the participants in both locations “targeted” every element of the Event on the Roman Chapel, then the Event in its fullness would be accomplished specifically in the target area. It would all be a matter of unanimity of hearts, identity of intention and perfect synchronization of words and actions between the Targeting Chapel and the Target Chapel. The living wills and the thinking minds of the Participants concentrated on the specific Aim of the Prince would transcend all distance.[ii]
Martin’s chilling description in Windswept House of the methodical profanation of everything virtuous and innocent during the “Parallel Enthronement” between the Targeting Chapel and the Target Chapel included indescribably foul Invocations, sadistic animal sacrifices, and repeated violations of a young “Ritual Victim” on an altar. For the uninitiated, the very idea this happened strains credulity. Yet when John F. McManus (for The New American, June 9, 1997) asked Father Martin if the Black Mass in South Carolina had actually occurred, it led to an enlightening Q and A:
McManus: Your book begins with a vivid description of a sacrilegious “Black Mass” held in 1963 in Charleston, South Carolina. Did this really happen?
Martin: Yes it did. And the participation by telephone of some high officials of the church in the Vatican is also a fact. The young female who was forced to be a part of this satanic ritual is very much alive and, happily, has been able to marry and lead a normal life. She supplied details about the event.…
McManus: In addition…you depict numerous other cardinals and bishops in a very bad light. Are these characterizations based on fact?
Martin: Yes, among the cardinals and the hierarchy there are satanists, homosexuals, anti-papists, and cooperators in the drive for world rule.[iii]
Even more explosive, near the end of Windswept House there is an often overlooked section providing explicit details of the enthronement ceremony and its true purpose to create a Final Pope under the control of Satan. Martin provides details of the “Roman Phalanx,” another name for the Vatican satanic cult, as well as describing their ultimate goal:
a body, they had sworn “the Sacred Oath of Commitment”
administered by the Delegate. Then each man had approached the Altar
to give “Evidence” of his personal dedication. With blood
drawn by the prick of a golden pin, each had pressed his fingerprint
beside his name on the Bill of Authorization. Henceforth, the life
and work of every member of the Phalanx in the Roman Citadel was to
be focused on the transformation of the papacy itself. No longer was
the Petrine Office to be an instrument of the “Nameless Weakling”
It was to be fashioned into a willing instrument of the Prince [Satan],
and a living model for “the New Age of Man.”[iv]
Thus, it appears frighteningly evident that, like in the movie Rosemary’s Baby and in the visions and fears of so many Catholic seers, a ceremony for invoking the incarnation of Satan’s seed—or installing it ritualistically inside a chosen priest—was indeed performed, and a blood oath of dedication enacted for its goals by highly placed Satanists inside the Roman Catholic Citadel did take place a little less than fifty years ago.
Whether Martin was killed and his death covered up for revealing this satanic scheme to use the Catholic Church as a launching pad for a luciferic novus ordo seclorum may never be known. One year before he died, however, Martin’s very good friend, Father Alfred Kunz, was brutally murdered at his St. Michael Catholic Church in Dane, Wisconsin. Kunz had been investigating the same Satanism among priests that Martin had warned about, and had told Martin in the weeks before his murder that he feared for his life.
When Kunz was found dead with his throat slit, Martin claimed in various media that he had “inside information” that the Vatican “luciferians” had murdered him because he was getting ready to blow the lid off their conspiracy. The satanic animal sacrifice described by Martin in Windswept House as part of the “enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer in the Vatican” seems eerily comparable to what was indeed discovered in Dane County during the first hours of the murder investigation, including a calf which had been found sacrificed on a farm near St. Michael’s Church exactly twenty-four hours before Kunz was last seen alive. According to police reports, the calf’s throat was slit, as was the throat of Father Kunz, and its genitals cut off.
There are details we will not discuss in this series due to their horrific nature, but deep within occultism there are reasons for removing the genitals of a sacrifice having to do with blasphemy of the Old Testament description of animals being accounted unworthy as offerings to the Lord if their testicles are bruised, crushed, torn, or cut (Leviticus 22:24).
According to survivors of ritual satanic abuse (including Egyptian-Masonic Satanism), human sacrificial victims are sometimes laid on a table and their genitals likewise removed in order to make them “unworthy” or unfit for salvation (though versions of such abuse in South Africa are called “muti” murders, and some people pay large sums of money for genitalia from these human sacrifices in the belief it will bring them fertility, health, and good fortune). Then there is the ancient occult idea that decapitated persons cannot partake in the resurrection, thus dark rituals can include mutilation of the head, throat, and genitals where damnation of the victim is meant as a magical curse. In the case of the Dane County murder, was a black ritual performed between the hours of 10 p.m. on March 2, and 4 a.m. on March 3, 1998, to “target” Father Kunz and to “mark” him unfit for redemption?
During our investigative research for the book Petrus Romanus [a movie based on the book to be available in a few weeks], we made formal requests of the Dane County Sheriff’s Office for pertinent case files (DCSO Case # 98011295) pertaining to the ongoing investigation of the Father Kunz homicide. After first being told the files we requested would be given us, on December 15, 2011 we received a letter from the office of Lieutenant Mark Twombly signed by Sheriff Mahoney that the District Attorney would need to approve the release of the files (in other words it would take a court order) and therefore the request had been denied. Since this is an active, ongoing case, the sensitive records are not to be made public at this time and this is understandable. In filing a second request for less delicate documents, we were able to obtain a packet of files, but none of these provided solid clues to the larger question of conspiracy related to the murder of Father Kunz—specifically, was evidence discovered at the crime scene that his murder was somehow connected to his conservative position on Vatican II and, more importantly, that he had information on certain pedophile priests and Satanists (that had earned him fierce enemies within the Church) reaching all the way to the Catholic hierarchy in Rome involved in ceremonies or behavior related to the enthronement of Lucifer and a ritual conducted for the purpose of transmigrating a particular spirit into Petrus Romanus?
“In the absence of an arrest, the Kunz case has developed into a sinister religious Rorschach for many—certainly among those close to the case who consider themselves traditionalists within the troubled Roman Catholic Church,”[v] wrote Chuck Nowlen in the 2001 cover story for Las Vegas Weekly, “The Devil and Father Kunz.” At that time, Nowlen had interviewed Peter Kelly, a Monroe, Wisconsin attorney and master’s divinity student who had produced Kunz’s weekly radio show. Given that Kelly was a good friend of Kunz and had spent substantial time with him in private conversations, his response to Nowlen’s questions reveal a lot about what Kelly personally believed lay at the root of the murder: “This is a time of major crisis within the church, and the breakdown tends to be along traditional and conservative versus liberal lines. I think it’s getting almost to the point of complete collapse. And, yeah, I know: Some people delve into a so-called satanic influence in the church, and everybody sort of rolls their eyes and laughs. But, I tell you, the nexus is really there.”[vi]
Still, Nowlen wondered, could someone within the Church really have killed Kunz—or ordered him killed?
“Absolutely,” the lawyer confirmed, “as unbelievable as that might sound to some people.”[vii]
Finally, from the the Q and A with McManus, Martin revealed the end-game behind those who may have murdered Father Kunz and infiltrated the Catholic Church:
McManus: Your book claims that subversive influences in the highest clerical positions of the Church are working to bring it into the New World Order. What do you mean by “New World Order?”
Martin: In its completely planned form…the governments of the world will be directed by those who have climbed their way into the capstone.
McManus: What do you mean by the “capstone”?
Martin: The underlying force I have written about in Windswept House is structured very much like a pyramid. It is wide at the bottom where many individuals work for its goals and hope to be elevated to a higher place. There are fewer and fewer inhabitants in each of the ascending steps in the structure. Only a very few form its ultimate directorate, the capstone of the pyramid.[viii]
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Long before popular author Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, The Lost Symbol) characterized an Illuminati scheme to destroy the Vatican, Malachi Martin had pointed to the familiar pyramid symbolism from the Great Seal of the United States associated with the New World Order and had accurately directed investigators toward the conspirators, as well as to the prophetic references of the novus ordo seclorum as arriving when the capstone would be figuratively filled and fitted atop the unfinished pyramid. Whether Martin perceived the year that the conspirator’s plan would reach its zenith is uncertain, but the occult elite have always had their date, which, as the reader of the upcoming book Zenith 2016 will discover, is cleverly encoded alongside the other details of the complete cipher in the Great Seal of the United States. It indicates that something began in 2012 and will reach its zenith in 2016. Is it thus coincidental that the Vice President of the United States just called for the creation of “the New World Order”?[ix]
Continued in the next entry.
(all endnotes will be included in the final entry)
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
© 2013 Thomas Horn - All Rights Reserved
Thomas Horn is the CEO of and
Over the last decade, he has authored three books, wrote dozens of published editorials, and had several feature magazine articles. In addition to past articles at , his works have been referred to by writers of the LA Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, Coast to Coast, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom's latest book is "The Ahriman Gate," which fictionalizes the use of biotechnology to resurrect Biblical Nephilim.
Thomas is also a well known radio personality who has guest-hosted and appeared on dozens of radio and television shows over the last 30 years, including "The 700 Club" and "Coast to Coast AM." When looking for a spokesperson to promote their film "Deceived" staring Louis Gossett Jr. and Judd Nelson, "Cloud 10 Pictures" selected Thomas as their spokesperson to explain the Christian viewpoint on UFO-related demonology.
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