By Lt. Col. Joe Kress
August 23, 2014
Robert W. Lee in his book entitled "The United Nations Today", available from American Opinion states on pages 20 and 21: "I General MacArthur was...worried by a series of directives from Washington (Truman) which were greatly decreasing the potential for my Air Force. First, I was forbidden 'hot pursuit' of enemy planes that attacked our own."
In my own experience while stationed at the 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing at Kimpo, Korea, I can testify that this order not to pursuit is absolutely true from statements on my radio on North Korea's daily stream of propaganda which irritated us on the base with statements such as why our pilots gave up the fighting on a particular mission. As editor of the base newspaper "Fourth But First", I received information from our pilots of orders not to proceed across the Yalu in pursuit of MIG aircraft sorties which had penetrated into South Korea. I was not permitted to reveal this info in print.
To continue the quote of MacArthur: "Manchuria and Siberia were sanctuaries of inviolate protection for all enemy forces and for all enemy purposes, no matter what the depravations or assaults that might come from there. Then I was denied the right by a Soviet General located in the United Nations (located in New York) to bomb the hydroelectric plants along the Yalu River. The order was broadened to include every plant in North Korea which was capable of furnishing electric power to Manchuria and Siberia.
"Most incomprehensible of all was the refusal to let me bomb the important supply center at Racin, which was not in Manchuria or Siberia, but many miles from the border in Northeast Korea. Racin was a depot to which the Soviet Union forwarded supplies from Vladivostok for the North Korean Army. I felt step by step weapons were taken away from us.
On page 21 of United Nations Today, Mac Arthur referred to the official leaflet, published in Red China by Chinese General Lin Piao. It read:
"I would never made the attack and risked my men and military reputation, if I had not been assured that Washington (Truman and the U. S. Congress) would restrain General MacArthur from taking adequate retaliatory measures against my lines of supply and communications"
I might add that while I was stationed in Vietnam from 1968-69 restrictions coming from the U.N. were treasonous affecting our pilots by what and where we could not bomb the enemy, such as Cambodia with its numerous supply trails built by the North Vietnamese or crossing the border with the North, Lyndon Johnson complied with this. (a real reason for any American to feel shame and disgust with the White House.) But President Nixon was president at the time, and actually violated the U.N.'s restrictions by going ahead and bombed the Cambodia routes.
J. Ruben Clark, Jr. former undersecretary of state and Ambassador to Mexico who was widely recognized as one of the nation's foremost international lawyers stated: " Not only does the Charter Organization not prevent future wars, but it makes it practically certain that we shall have future wars, and to such wars it takes from us (the united States) the power to declare them, to choose the side on which we will fight, to determine what forces and military equipment we shall use in war, and to control and command our sons who do the fighting."
What can we as a nation expect when we had during the Korean war a Soviet spy by the name of Alger Hiss. Hiss was secretary-general of the San Francisco United Nations Conference on International Organizations (the United Nations Charter Conference) which began on April 25, 1945 and then became the full director of the OSPA. The Soviet U.N. ambassador personally recommended that Hiss be appointed temporary Secretary General of the U.N citing his "impartially" and "fairness" In 1946, he left government service to become president of the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace, where he served until May, 1949, when he was forced to step down. (Reference Wikipedia).
In February 1945, as a member of the U.S. delegation headed by then Secretary of State Stettinius, Hiss attended the Yalta Conference where the Big Three Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill condemned millions of Europe's Eastern populace to death in the Gulags located in Siberia. Hiss's influence certainly favored the Soviet perspective.
Former President John F. Kennedy also felt the wrath of the United Nations Charter (that Truman signed and the Senate ratified) during the "Bay of Pigs" invasion of Cuba against the communist Castro. The Soviets in the United Nation would not allow Kennedy to use the direct use of the United States military forces on standby to eliminate Castro. Their position was that it would be a violation of the United Nations Charter that the United States had signed and had to abide therewith. In other words, during the invasion by volunteers (without the U.S. military) the project was already doomed, since our Air Force could not participate and the CIA bungled the plan. Actually, the plan was leaked to Castro prior to the attempted invasion. Reference: Well documented: The Man Who Killed Kennedy by Roger Stone
Shortwave Radio: North Korea's Propaganda Outlet
Lt. Col. F.P. "Bud" Farrell, USAF Retired wrote a letter titled "Treason in High Places" which was published and distributed by Colonel Jack Mohr. In it states that shortly after the inception of the United Nations, Mr. Trygve Lie, Chairman of the U.N. was told by the Soviets themselves that within the Charter only a Soviet could sit as Under Secretary General of the Security Council of the United Nations. This is the war-waging arm and peace keeping sector of the United Nations. Trignve Lie was astonished, for this was not in the United Nations Charter. However, the Soviets quoted the authority given to them in the "London Accord" where a meeting of the Big Five (United States, Great Britain, France, China and the Soviet Union) was held in London, England, and all agreed with the procedure. President Harry S. Truman was the representative from the United States at this meeting in London.
Lt. Col "Bud" Farrell (USAF Ret.) explains the consequences. " When I was a young Officer and jet fighter pilot, flying missions in Korean Conflict (Unknowingly under the Command of a Soviet General of the United Nations Security Council, I could never understand how the enemy knew so much about us, as broadcast almost daily over the communist Pyongyang radio station in North Korea. Our wives names, children's names, squadron commanders names, flight numbers, etc. The North Korean knew when we were coming, how many of us were there, what type aircraft we were flying, and even the targets we were to hit. Later I learned that the naval and ground forces were suffering the same fat e that we did. All the military operations had to be forwarded by radio to the Soviet Commander of the United Nation's Security Council located in New York City for approval before our forces went into action against the North Koreans and Red Chinese. The Soviet Commander of the United Nations Security Council delayed the battle plans until he used the radio in the United Nations building to relay all our battle planning information to Moscow, North Korea and Red China.
"Like blind fools we sent our combat plans to the enemy for approval. There was a standing joke among us fighter pilots. 'That Moscow had a file on each and every one of us.' How little did we really know."
Every mission, every movement was compromised! General Walt, former commander of the United States Marine Corps reflected upon this information in his book that was written in the early 1980's, This book was never allowed to be sold in the United States. Listed below are the names of the Under Secretaries of the Security Council extracted from the united Nations Year Book up to 1983. The book was never allowed to be sold in the United States.
Arkady Alexandrovich Sobolev
1949-1953 Constantine E. Zinchenko
1953-1954 Illya S. Tehernychev
1955-1957 Dragoslav Protich
1958-1959 Anatoly Dobrynin
1960-1962 George Petrovich Arkadev
1962-1963 Eugene D, Kiselev
1963-1964 Vladimir Paulovich Suslov
1965-1967 Alexei Efremovitch Nesterenko
1968-1973 Leonid N. Kutakov
1973-1978 Arkady N Shevchenko
1978 -1980 Mikhail D. Sytenko
1981-1983 Vlscheslav A. Ustinov
Lt. General Vasilev, the Soviet representative on the United Nations (mini) Military Staff Committee from 1947 to January 1950 is the same General Vasilev who took "a leave of absence from the United Nations job and was stationed in Red China in command of all Chinese Communist troop movements across the 38th parallel, during the Korean :" Police Action." He received all information on U.S. Forces in Korea on troop movements from his boss General Constantine E. Zinchenko, who was serving as "Under Secretary" of the Security Council of the United Nations in New York City. * (Treason in High Places}
It was President Harry Truman himself who refused to allow General Douglas MacArthur, the Supreme Commander of the United Nations fighting force in Korea, to bomb the bridges at the Yalu River over which the Chinese Communist Troops came by the hundreds of thousands to kill and wound our soldiers. Truman and the Soviet General held this position of power and authority over MacArthur and all the United Nations fighting forces in Korea
The same situation was no different during the Vietnam none war war.
When General MacArthur woke up to the treason of President Truman and the Soviets in the United Nations, he crafted one of the greatest military performances ever ventured in modern warfare. His dangerous, but magnificent military engagement and sea landing at Inchon on September 15, 1950, enabled his military forces to slaughter the communist forces, put the Red Chinese, North Koreans and their Soviet advisors on the run. MacArthur and his staff who assisted him in the planning and it execution were sworn to secrecy from revealing information to Truman who would have immediately notified the United Nations of the plan.
President Truman believed MacArthur was dangerously out of control when he was convinced that MacArthur was determined to cross the Yalu and on to Pyongyang. Consequently he ordered MacArthur to meet him at the island of Guam Truman was kept standing on the tarmac awaiting MacArthur's plane that circled the air field which further embarrassed Harry who intended to officially relieve him of command. Truman really feared that General MacArthur, returning back triumphant from his brilliant term as governor of Japan; his crafted Japanese constitution and his heroic Inchon invasion may have been the reason Truman remained for three weeks at Camp David out of fear of being arrested by General MacArthur who was a five star general revealing what he knew about Truman. This allowed the controlled press in the United States to attack MacArthur on all fronts.
Even before he returned from Korea there were big headlines describing him as like unto Hitler returning home to the Chancellery. * Re: Constitutional Rights Foundation Political Machines that Select Presidents All Down the Chain of Corruption "In 1926, Truman was elected (without a Law degree) presiding judge of Jackson County-a position that controlled patronage jobs important to the Prendergast Machine. He held this office for 8 years, winning reelection in 1930 and during this time, he controlled public works projects worth more than $50 million which involved a sizable amount of concrete bought from Tom Pederast's Ready Mixed Concrete, no suspicion of dishonesty ever was felt by Truman.
"Prendergast was experiencing problems within the machine during 1934 as well as rival factions within the Missouri Democratic Party. Desperate for a candidate for the U.S. Senate. He finally hit on the obscure Truman, who surprisingly won a three cornered race for the Democratic nomination in August, and went on to capture the Senate seat in November with a plurality of 160,000 votes. While in the Senate, Truman became the good friend of Vice President John Nance Garner to stand in for him in presiding over the Senate. Truman voted consistently for Roosevelt's New Deal program and soon made a name for himself by conducting sub-committee meetings." Re: Page 94, The Graphic Story of American Presidents by David C. Whitney.
To be continued in part 7....
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