Kelleigh Nelson
November 1, 2014
Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things. —Proverbs 28:4-5
“The people who will not be ruled by God, will be ruled by tyrants.” —William Penn
"If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." —Samuel Adams, 1776
Sun Myung Moon, Charlatan and Occultist
Robert Parry of has done the finest research on Moon, his affiliations, and his monetary buying of the right. Much of the following information is from Bob Parry's superb research. I have most of Bob Parry's books in my library; his numerous books are available on Amazon.
Most Americans knew Moon was a charlatan and a lunatic similar to L. Ron Hubbard of Scientology fame. Moon has made his fortune on the brainwashed and propagandized followers who sold flowers on street corners and gave all their funds to Moon. He was a narcissistic megalomaniac.
In April 2002, Moon received the latest in a long series of earth shattering religious visions, this one being especially noteworthy. In it, Moon learned that he had been selected as "the Savior, Messiah and King of Kings of all of humanity" by God. On the selection committee: Jesus Christ, Mohammed, and Buddha (in addition to several others, including the godless Communists, Marx and Stalin, for some mysterious reason).
This is how Moon described it in his full-page newspaper ad, which ran in papers all across the U.S. (including the Los Angeles Times). It was a $720,000 print run, but it was worth every penny. Finally, middle America would get the word and rally behind their messiah, except they didn't. And thank God they didn't.
Moon's Perverted Sermons
Here's what Moon said in a 1990 sermon, addressing himself in third person as "father,"
"Jesus never achieved a thousandth of what Father has done. In his two years and eight months of public ministry, [Jesus] didn't even establish the national foundation. Now, Father has established a foundation of worldwide power that is unprecedented in history."
Moon claimed he would succeed where Jesus failed, but of course this didn't go over well with the Bible believing public.
an April, 2001, appearance at a Methodist church in Las Vegas, it was
just another typical sermon by Reverend Moon. There were about 600 people
in the congregation when the sermon began. But for some reason, people
kept walking out, well before he got on a roll about schlongs:
"The head of the love organ is shaped exactly like a poisonous rattlesnake. And just like a rattlesnake, it's always looking for a hole."
He went on to explain that 70% of all divorces result from the wife's inappropriate feelings of entitlement toward her husband's genitals. As Moon explained it, a man's "love organ" can only serve its master, and the spouse just needs to get used to it. He told the audience that these women, along with childless couples and homosexuals, are destroying the fabric of society. Of course people left in droves and this was not the first time.
"The Bible refers to the origin of free sex by using the image of a snake. Woman's sexual organ is like the open mouth of a snake filled with poison. Man's sexual organ is like the head of a snake. If you think of fallen love action in these terms you feel disgusted and so you should. It is poison to humanity."
In November of 2001, he was in Buenos Aires to celebrate the launch of his newest Spanish-language newspaper. At the ceremony (attended by guest speaker and former President George H.W. Bush for a reported fee of $100,000), Moon passed along this revolutionary insight:
"You use the bathroom each morning. When you defecate, do you wear a gas mask? This is not a laughing matter but a serious one. If you are near someone else defecating, you will quickly move a good distance away. But when you smell your own feces, you do not even notice it. This is because that fecal matter is one with your body. Therefore, you do not feel that it is dirty.
"When you were young, did you ever taste the dried mucus from your nose? Does it taste sweet or salty? It's salty, right? Since you can answer, you must have tasted it! Why did you not feel that it was dirty? It is because it was part of your body.
"Reverend Moon has figured out something that no one in the world knew."
Why would anybody (who isn't brainwashed or getting paid) sit through an entire speech by this nutcase? Since 1954, Moon has made no secret of his apostate and heretical theology:
1. Eve bumped uglies with Satan and thereby consigned humanity to the Kingdom of Hell.
2. Jesus ruined his chance to purify mankind when he neglected to get married and father children.
3. Sun Myung Moon is succeeding where Jesus failed.
4. Worshipping Moon is now mankind's last chance for redemption.
Washington DC Convention
In July/August
of 1996, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon hosted a convention in Washington,
D.C., which was also attended by several prominent evangelical leaders.
The full text of Rev. Moon's speech of August 1, 1996, titled "In
Search of the Origin of the Universe," which is replete with
phallic references, is available on the Unification
Home Page.
"Sun Myung Moon's front organizations (Family Federation for World Peace, Women's Federation for World Peace, Summit Council for World Peace, etc.) allegedly promote 'morals and family values.' It is amazing to see who will join this self-professed 'Messiah' in working for these 'religiously correct' goals. Moon hosted (7/31-8/2/96) this convention in Washington, D.C. The highly paid speakers (reportedly $80-150,000 each) included former presidents Ford and Bush, Robert Schuller, CNP member, Ralph Reed (who was an adherent to Moon and in his book, Politically Incorrect, gave glowing reports about Robert Grant and American Freedom Coalition), CNP member, Gary Bauer (president of Family Research Council, 'the lobbying/research arm of Focus on the Family') and CNP member, Beverly LaHaye of Concerned Women of America. Entertainment was by CNP member, Pat Boone and family.
Here is a list of many Moon/Unification Church front groups organized by state.
Moon's Chosen Tactic
chosen tactic, which has been highly effective, is to purchase his legitimacy
outright. In addition to the Washington Times, Moon
owns United Press International (UPI since 2000). Every operating
year, the Times loses tens of millions of dollars, but profitability has
never been a priority. Its intended purpose was made clear when, during
the paper ran an endless stream of pro-Nixon
editorials urging the American people to forgive and forget.
Since then, Moon had made substantial inroads to the Republican party by parlaying access to his media outlets and exorbitant cash contributions. For instance, it was $100,000 of Moon's money that initially kicked off the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a nonprofit organization conceived by CNP member, Oliver North and headed by a group of conservatives including NRA president, Charlton Heston. The NFF's mission in life was to raise private donations for the Contras, in the eventuality that Congress cut off funding.
President George H.W. Bush and Moon
well-placed former leader of Moon's Unification Church told Robert Parry
of Consortium News that the total monies earmarked for former President
Bush was $10 million. George
Bush Sr. has declined to say how much Moon's organization actually
paid him for speeches and other services in Asia, the United
States and South America. At one Moon-sponsored speech in Argentina in
1996, Bush declared, "I want to salute Reverend Moon," whom
Bush praised as "the man with the vision." President Bush and
his wife, Barbara even helped celebrate Mrs. Moon's birthday.
Moon says that mankind fell from grace because Eve had sex with Satan, Christ failed in His mission and Moon is the true Messiah. While evangelical speakers were careful not to offend their high-paying host with the true gospel, Moon and his wife, Hak Ja Han, boldly proclaimed their gospel. What a denial of Christ for Pat Boone to entertain, and evangelical leaders to speak, on the same platform where the host declared that he is perfecting the work 'left uncompleted by Jesus!'" [Dave Hunt, The Berean Call, Sept.,1996]
Bush made these speeches at a time when Moon was expressing intensely anti-American views. In his own speeches, Moon termed the United States "Satan's harvest" and claimed that American women descended from a "line of prostitutes."
George H.W. Bush's loss of the White House did not end his relationship with Moon's organization. Out of office, Bush agreed to give paid speeches to Moon-supported groups in the United States, Asia and South America. In some cases, Barbara Bush joined in the events. During this period, Moon grew increasingly hateful about the United States and many of its ideals.
In a speech to his followers on Aug. 4, 1996, Moon vowed to liquidate American individuality, declaring that his movement would "swallow entire America." Moon said Americans who insisted on "their privacy and extreme individualism will be digested."
Nevertheless, former President Bush continued to work for Moon's organization. In November 1996, the former U.S. President spoke at a dinner in Buenos Aires, Argentina, launching Moon's South American newspaper, Tiempos del Mundo. "I want to salute Reverend Moon," Bush declared, according to a transcript of the speech published in The Unification News, an internal church newsletter.
"A lot of my friends in South America don't know about The Washington Times, but it is an independent voice," Bush said. "The editors of The Washington Times tell me that never once has the man with the vision interfered with the running of the paper, a paper that in my view brings sanity to Washington, D.C."
Contrary to Bush's claim, a number of senior editors and correspondents have resigned in protest of editorial interference from Moon's operatives. Bush has refused to say how much he was paid for the speech in Buenos Aires or others in Asia and the United States. [Link]
Moon's Mass Marriages/Blessings
the world's savior, (in his mind of course) Moon preached that no one
can enter Heaven without his explicit blessing. However, he is only willing
to bless married couples, which is where those Guinness Book mass weddings
come in. In a Moonie marriage, the choice of a partner is handled for
you. Church elders make the seemingly-random selections by pairing up
photos of prospective brides
and grooms. Sometimes the lucky couples wind up with a common spoken language.
Sometimes not.
They meet for the first time during the week leading up to the wedding day, often on the day of the ceremony itself. The event is so big that it has to be held in a sports arena or stadium, complete with a closed-circuit video feed on the Jumbotron.
Because of these antics and his blasphemous theology, you might expect that Moon would be shunned by respected Christian leaders. Which he is, sometimes. For instance, Jerry Falwell told Esquire magazine in 1978: "Reverend Sun Myung Moon is like the plague: he exploits boys and girls, and he should be exported. [sic]" (Falwell later changed his mind when he was the recipient of a large monetary gift from Moon.)
This negative general attitude posed a significant problem for the Unification Church. Its goal is the absorption of every national government and competing religious faith. Which is a tall order, considering the horrible reputation the church has earned over the years. But Moon is nothing if not determined. Yet Moon infiltrated and neutralized the negative feelings simply by spreading around his wealth wherever it was needed in the phony rightwing.
In Part 17, we'll look at Moon's coronation in the Dirksen Senate office building in 2004, as well as those who benefited most from Moon's largess and what it gained for him.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
© 2014 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group.