Dr. Laurie Roth
October 17, 2008
What in the world are we to do if the wrong guy gets in the White House?
Are we to lose hope? Are we to become anarchists? Are we to escape into alcohol, drugs, sex or crime? Are we to do nothing and become cynical?
Here is a news flash reminder to us all!!! God is in control regardless of humanities rebellion, imperfection, apathy and distance. No matter what suffering our markets take, abuse our tax system gets, lies we are told by endless politicians we can know that we have the REAL power of the Universe and the living God when we draw on His strength, pursue truth and love, show the courage of real convictions and make the difference with our families, neighborhoods, communities and jobs. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT LOOKS LIKE. IT WILL LOOK GREAT! IT WILL LOOK UGLY! IT WILL LOOK IN BETWEEN. THE QUESTION OF HOPE IS: WHAT WILL YOU LOOK LIKE THROUGH THESE TRYING TIMES???
When our culture starts reaching out to God again, humbling ourselves and living from eternal values, not popularity cult values, we will see our country, economy and educational systems heal and get clear again. As it is now, we are morphing from a Judeo Christian country, whose founders were mostly Christian to a hybrid version of “separation of Church and State” “all religions are the same- Unitarian type focus” “rights for all the “special” groups and “seduction to endless excuses and victim hood, void of responsibility.”
Our country is going through the worst economic downfall since the great depression. Wars are still in play with dangerous Islamic radicals. Our moral foundation is seriously eroded, almost fatally. The bottom line is this: Regardless of the global elites, hidden and exposed power and money brokers, regardless of who becomes President, we all can and must make a difference and not give up in our lifestyle, choice to do what is right, what reflects truth and love, and what reflects our bill of rights and constitution.
Whether you believe it or not, THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER AND EVEN MORE POWER IN COLLECTIVE PRAYER. We must pray for our country now like never before. Pray that God brings us as a nation back to Him and back to health. What does God say and promise to us in the Bible?
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND.
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Oh, but why waste our time going to our creator, the living God when we can go back to alcohol, sex, drugs, entertainment, blame, and diversion with politics.
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