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Dr. Laurie Roth Ph.D. I thought it was called congress, not a reform school for girlies! The elections are on their way and wouldn't it shock us into a heart attack if both sides actually focused on the issues! Instead, it seems that most politicians end up on the weekly T.V. show, Insult Island!!! I would frankly like to have most of them star in "Shut up and Serve Island." I'm talking about the endless Foleygate��implications and accusations from the left and even some of the conservative far right that Republicans can't serve right: they are covering up scandal and perversion; and of course, they don't reflect the glowing morality of the democrats! After all, former President Clinton, Kennedy with Chappaquiddick, Barney Frank admitting to paying a male prostitute in the early 80s, Sandy Berger allegedly lifting classified terrorism documents and being criminally investigated, Gary Condit having an affair with an intern�.on and on with the poster children of morality. I'm sure glad in this election cycle they have reminded us all just how evil and disconnected the Republicans are. One wonders when you actually get a glimpse of the bribes, sleeping around, alcohol abuse, lying and partying, why we can't shake them all up by voting in a bunch of Independents who actually talk about the issues. Perhaps we should make a new party called the Dependents��that is dependent on the constitution, dependent on God, service, truth and service!!! Its bad enough that in our culture of political madness, that insults and slander is apparently apart of the election machine, but it is even worse that a lot of the accusations and insults are actually based on truth. Sadly, many of our leaders really are scumbags who serve their own power and ego rather than the voters!!! I plan and want to vote for the candidates that care about and plan to represent a lower taxation platform, free enterprise and incentives for small business, tuition breaks, moral sanity and consistency with their own walk, sovereignty, real border security, courage in defining the enemy and winning world war III, national health discussions and care, not socialism. These are just some of the concerns as a voter and American on my mind. It is very hard with all the attack ads to actually find out what most candidates stand by other than attacking the attacks of their competitors!!! Boring!!!! The issues I demand to hear about from Politicians are the following: How are they going to protect our country and borders from constant Islamic radical threats and N. Korea? How are they going to do more than talk about our internal issues like, defending common sense morals in schools, stopping the murder of millions of babies and calling it a choice, keeping the idiot law suite out of the courts and protect our national and traditional symbols like memorial crosses. What is congress going to do about the idiot legal decisions and pressure against our military chaplains?
Maybe if the Politicians spend more time figuring out what they are actually going to do to represent the needs and wants of real Americans, instead of spending so much time fighting the opponents and defending the endless illegal aliens, we might actually have a chance and see a difference in this country.
We are bored with the arguing! We are bored with the slander! We are
bored with the lack of values and acting out!!! Grow a brain and figure
out how to serve or get out of town! � 2006 Dr. Laurie Roth - All Rights Reserved Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in Counseling and held a small private practice for many years. She earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. In the late 90's, Laurie hosted and produced a successful PBS television show called "CD Highway" that aired nationally on 130 TV stations. Tune in to The Roth Show, Weeknights from 7:00 to 10:00 pm PAC and find out for yourself! You can listen live on cable radio network (live on the internet) channel 6 or visit The Roth Show web site and click on "where to listen" www.therothshow.com Call the Roth Show at: 1-800-837-9680 E-Mail: Drljroth@aol.com
Maybe if the Politicians spend more time figuring out what they are actually going to do to represent the needs and wants of real Americans, instead of spending so much time fighting the opponents and defending the endless illegal aliens...