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Dr. Laurie Roth Ph.D. Elections are over and people voted for change. That is starting with change in Iraq, that it is an unpopular war, a mistake, a huge waste of money and time. It is a drawing card for terrorists and cause for the hatred by Islamics worldwide. Our troops are simply dying due to incompetence by our President and military planners. Hark! Now we understand a big part of some of the voting shift or do we? I would dare say, that this vote to a Democrat ruled congress has very little to do with Iraq and the truth about it, but rather a lot to do with a fraudulent, arrogant, leftist and thug friendly media that has dripped like Chinese water torture the news about our civilian killing troops, the deaths of our troops, the stupid reason we are even there and the Bush fraud over and over! Only this week on my show I interviewed a former General for Saddam Hussein Georges Sada, who stated vividly that Saddam was a REAL danger to the US, who talked about taking revenge against the US, trained and funded terrorists, had murdered millions of his own people and was only 1 year from making a nuclear bomb. This general thanked us for liberating 27 million people and said how many of the Iraqi people just loved us. This story of liberation, taking out of Hitler, rebuilding the infrastructure of a tortured country and taking on other terrorists is the real story. The media as usual took beautiful directions right from the terrorist playbook. Its leaders who are the make believe enemy. It's our lack of planning and stupidity, which got us in Iraq in the first place, not the obvious and numerous links to training and attacks by Saddam. If you want to study the real story about links to the Middle East regarding attacks here read for starters The 3rd Terrorist by Jayna Davis. These plans and attacks are even linked back to the Oklahoma City bombing. Jayna, in a gusty fashion uncovers the terrorist links. Of course if you have a nation largely feeling lied to and betrayed about an alleged make believe war, you have folks voting differently. Not that Republicans have always gotten it right, they haven't, but this war is one chapter in a very long, complicated and expensive war against Islamic extremists. It is a painful and costly world war, not started by us, but it is necessary and our troops have done an amazing job. There has been great progress and great amounts of sabotage again and again by many of our idiot leaders and media. "Close GITMO" "We are evil because we torture detainees at those mysterious secret, CIA prisons". We hear the endless talk about being more sensitive to terrorists, Geneva Convention this and that, breeding terrorists etc��WHAT A LOT OF RUBBISH!!! Regardless of how you feel about Bush or a political party it is time this nation faces and understands the REAL danger we are in and the importance of finishing this phase of this world war in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are actually dealing with Iran in part right now by killing the terrorists they continue to send in after our troops to unravel the new democracy in Iraq. Remember, looking the other way, placating and talking got us ongoing and escalating attacks from 1979 on. Eight years of looking the other way with Bill Clinton got us the beautiful reward of 9/11. It is sadly obvious that anything but strength and kicking butt is a total waste of time!!!
With all our addiction and need to have understanding regarding our
enemy��..let them understand this. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP OUR COUNTRY
YOU TO THE 72 VIRGINS. OK�.I'll spill the sad secret�.they are 72,
ugly, fat and diseased virgins. � 2006 Dr. Laurie Roth - All Rights Reserved Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in Counseling and held a small private practice for many years. She earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. In the late 90's, Laurie hosted and produced a successful PBS television show called "CD Highway" that aired nationally on 130 TV stations. Tune in to The Roth Show, Weeknights from 7:00 to 10:00 pm PAC and find out for yourself! You can listen live on cable radio network (live on the internet) channel 6 or visit The Roth Show web site and click on "where to listen" www.therothshow.com Call the Roth Show at: 1-800-837-9680 E-Mail: Drljroth@aol.com
Only this week on my show I interviewed a former General for Saddam Hussein Georges Sada, who stated vividly that Saddam was a REAL danger to the US, who talked about taking revenge against the US, trained and funded terrorists, had murdered millions of his own people and was only 1 year from making a nuclear bomb.